Marvel Transformers linked the universe.

Skros Star.

This is the planet of the Skurus.

The history here is similar to the original setting of Marvel, millions of years ago, the cross-racial genetic engineers of the Celestial God Group came here, selected some of the original inhabitants for experiments, and created the Skrull Eternals and the Skrull Mutants.

After the Skuru mutant evolved and had abilities such as transformation, they eliminated the Eternals and normal races of Skrull and ruled the entire planet, thus establishing one of the three empires of the Marvel Universe - the Skuru Empire!

However, the current Skuru Empire has reached its most dangerous time, not because of the large-scale invasion of the Kree, but because of a strange ten-tailed monster!

After the ten-tailed monster wreaked havoc on the star of Scros, it quickly turned into a weird giant tree, and then spread all the roots to all corners of the planet.

Queen Skuru looked at the towering divine tree and couldn't help but ask, "Haven't you analyzed what the hell this is?"

A green Skuru spoke, "Your Honor, we haven't figured out the origin of this giant tree yet!" However, according to the analysis, it is absorbing the energy of our planet, and for a long time, the star of Skros will become a death star!

"And our compatriots who were taken away by it before are estimated to have been absorbed by it!"

Queen Skuru frowned, her face changed suddenly, and then cursed angrily: "Destroy it for me, at all costs!"

"We've tried a lot of methods, but even naval gun attacks won't work against it..." Another

Skuru on the side also sighed, his tone full of helplessness.

When Queen Skuru heard this, she suddenly felt a pang of irritation in her heart, are you all eating, there is nothing you can do?

She took a deep breath and asked, "So what now?" Do you want to watch it get stronger? Watch it destroy our planet?

An old Skuru said: "Lord Queen, it's really not possible, we may have to escape this Skoros Star and migrate to the subordinate colonized planet..."

This sentence made the eyes of other Skuru people focus on the Queen, obviously wanting to listen to her opinion, after all, the situation in Skuru is very bad now, if you don't do something, I'm afraid it will really fall completely!

However, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed in the sky.

This light actually penetrated all the shelters and buildings, and all the Skurus shone on this light.

That's right, this is exactly the infinite monthly reading launched by Marlene!

The collision crisis of the multiverse, as long as the earth of the opposite universe is eliminated, you can protect your own universe, and after the earth as the axis point of the universe disappears, the opposite universe will also be completely destroyed.

Let's not say how illogical and nonsense this setting is, but 8 hours is enough for Situ Feng to do a lot of things.

And in this Marvel Transformers linkage universe, he developed several strategic plans.

1. Accept the Yuan Shi Tianzun and the Universe Emperor

2. The specific implementation steps of the fruit wholesale of the Chakra

Divine Tree are also very simple, Marlene teleports to a living planet with ten tails, and then lets the Divine Tree take root, cast an infinite moon reading to control all creatures, and then use time to accelerate the growth of ripening fruits.

Basically, it starts with the three major empires of the Marvel Universe, so the weakest Skuru Empire and its 970 member countries are unlucky.


Cybertron galaxy.

Yuan Shi Tianzun had completely become Situ Feng's doppelganger.

[Name: Situ Feng (Yuan Shi Tianzun Doppelganger)

] [Life Force: ∞

] [Spiritual Power: ∞] [Talent: All-Knowing and Almighty] [

Bloodline: Order and Light Creator God (Represents the basic cosmic power of order and goodness, and can be transformed into a cosmic-level transformer!)

[Equipment: Leadership Module (A super artifact made by the Supreme Taijun to restrain the Universe Emperor, with endless power, it can activate new silicon-based lifeforms or strengthen existing silicon-based lifeforms!)

[Skills: Creation of Divine Power, Time and Space Travel, Light of Civilization]

Yuan Shi Tianzun is the second doppelganger after the spider god, and Situ Feng and the doppelganger are diverse and unified.

And the biggest advantage of accepting Yuan Shi Tianzun as a doppelganger is that he can interfere in more cosmic space.

Originally, he only had supreme abilities in the Marvel and DC universes, but now if he goes to the derivative universe of Transformers, he can also walk sideways!

However, there are not many Transformers linked, Avengers, Special Forces, Rainbow Pony, Pocket Raiders, Miniworld, Fortnite, Terminator...

After half a day, a lot of it is a game world, and there is nothing particularly fun.

Situ Feng felt the power of the Yuan Shi Tianzun doppelganger, he summoned the nano steel armor that he did not commonly use, and then a red and yellow transformer appeared.

It is about thirty meters tall, and it is much taller all of a sudden, and compared to other transformers, the weapons and equipment on its body are quite much.

"Roar, roar, roar! Great host, you finally gave me a chance to play!

"I have been looking forward to living a lonely life in that lifeless dark space, it's really too miserable..."

"And that parasite program, actually drilling around my body, it's really disgusting, I'm now..." However

, as soon as Situ Feng raised his hand, he directly deprived it of its fire, and the transformer turned into a nanosteel armor again.

He can easily give life to a mechanical body and can have intelligence.

In the moment just now, he could see how strong the Transformer he created was, and if it was originally equipped with weapons and equipment, then the Transformer's combat effectiveness would increase exponentially.

It's just that it's so good at beeping, it's really too noisy, and Situ Feng hates talking the most.

However, Stuart Feng found that the Transformer has a problem that cannot be solved by existing technology, that is, it does not follow the law of conservation of mass.

A 20-meter-high, more than 100-ton Transformer can be turned into a fighter, and even a dozen meters high sound wave can be turned into a small tape recorder, and the excess mass and volume are all gone.

However, it doesn't matter, the laws of rules are always to be broken, right?

Since Yuan Shi Tianzun has already accepted it, then the next step is to find the Universe Emperor.

Children make choices, adults want them all, don't they?



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