At this time, the new star also came to his senses, and the whole person was frightened.

"Oh God! Those planets actually all exploded, all disappeared!

And the quasar that was rushing over shouted in the communicator: "Report the situation! What the hell is going on (@[]@!!)?

"There was a big explosion in the star field around the fault, and nearly a thousand planets exploded in an instant!"

And in the distance, the fighting sword also felt the shock wave, and the strong light made them unable to open their eyes for a while, and they exclaimed: "O great goddess salad Goddess!" "

And the warship near the fault is the worst, and the energy shield is almost exhausted.

"Guys, hold on!"

"Report the situation, how is everyone's fleet ゙(◎_◎;)?"

"Lord Queen, there is nothing wrong with our fleet, but the sensor is broken!"

"We have nothing to do with it..."

Beeeater looked at Adam Demon in front of him and said angrily, "What the hell do you want to do?" The

phantom of the phoenix began to burn in the vacuum, and everything around it began to gradually disintegrate.

Kindness is a nature, kindness is a choice.

Bee eaters have killed before, but she will not do such a thing that slaughters thousands of living beings.

Even if she already has combat power beyond the level of the multiverse, she can still restrain herself and live a relatively ordinary life.

"What to do, you will soon know (*ノω・*)テヘ!"

Adam Magician's body exuded a black light, resisting the power of the phoenix.

"The dimensional space began to adjust the angle, and he was finally coming..." Unfortunately

, before Adam Magi's words were finished, the whole person burped.

It's a momentary thing.

Underestimating the enemy on the battlefield is a taboo, especially when the bee eater is not ready to release water.


Suddenly, a man dressed as a superhero crossed the space and arrived.

It's just that he is obviously late.

The person who came was Captain Marvel of the cancerous universe, who originally arranged for Adam the Magic to build a mirror of terror in the 616 shadow universe and destroy the avatar of death.

Of course, Adam the Magic is still busy summoning Captain Marvel.

[Emergency, emergency! ] 【

Now start sending one-way flow messages to all civilizations! 】 [

Adam Magician, the leader of the cursed Church of Cosmic Truth, opened the fault space, and he opened a cosmic passage to us! [

He teleported the planet that worshipped him and was willing to sacrifice to the star field near the fault, and detonated them, allowing them to act as a beacon of faith energy to summon the creatures on the opposite side

...] [The opposite universe has been over-expanded, overfilled to the flashpoint, their structures are tilting towards our universe, and all our shields are collapsing...] [

I repeat, these ejects are alive!

Nova AI immediately took the highest level of warning.

That's right, it's not just Captain Marvel that brings from the fault, but also countless Cthulhu monsters!

The old dominator of the Marvel 10011 universe seduced Captain Marvel Mai Will, who in turn transformed superheroes such as the Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic Four into demonized monsters.

And they sacrificed the incarnation of death in their universe, thereby destroying "death" itself, and on the other hand, they were considered to have gained eternal life.

It's just that at this moment, the power of the phoenix and the power of chaos, these two ancient forces exploded in the universe!

"Oh, you smell so good (✪ω✪)!"

Captain Marvel couldn't help but say as he looked at the bee-eating exercise in front of him.

As for the Scarlet Witch, in the cancerous universe, he transformed the Scarlet Witch's doppelganger into an undead demon, so he didn't look the other way!

"I can feel their whisper, joy or something else, or an emotion of some other meaning..." Captain

Marvel exuded powerful energy, feeling that it directly exploded, hard against the power of the phoenix!

That's a real man, just fearless!

And the Scarlet Witch still wants to help, and at this time the League of Vendetta has appeared!

Undead Thor, Undead Iron Man, Undead Captain Pretty Country, Undead Wanda, Undead Ant-Man, Undead Wasp.

Well, this is part of the Undead Avengers.

The Scarlet Witch looked at the undead monster in front of her and said directly: "Just leave this group of guys to me!" "

She wants 1 person to fight 6!

and bee eater prayer is directed at Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel Mai Weir is a Kree and slightly more physical.

And he himself has no superpowers, his power comes from the quantum bracelet.

The quantum bracelet can amplify Mai Will's mental power infinitely, and he can also absorb solar energy and convert it into other energy, such as super physical strength, faster-than-light flight, and emitting photon impacts.

Mai Weir once encountered the ancient cosmic spirit Eon and acquired the ability "cosmic consciousness", which can sense dangers from any direction in the universe.

All in all, that is to set a part of the plagiarism of the big chao!

And the Mai Will in front of him is also a little difficult, that is, he has obtained an immortal body to a certain extent!

Of course, in the mysterious eternity, even death itself will disappear.

In front of the power of the phoenix, say that you are immortal, even if it is funny not to die!

"I haven't been so angry in a long time!"

bee eater has turned into a flame phoenix bigger than the planet, spreading its wings and exuding terrifying power!


Mai Weir looked at the fire phoenix in front of him, and he was not afraid, but he looked eager to try!

I saw that his body also gushed out powerful power, resisting the power of the phoenix and preventing himself from being decomposed into the most basic particles.

Then, step by step, Mai Weir prepared to approach the bee-eater prayer.

And every step he takes will produce a force that destroys the world and the earth!

Mai Weir raised his right hand, ready to punch the bee eater.

His right arm has muscles and bulging blood vessels, as if he is a small bug, and he feels very disgusting when he looks at it!

And Mai Weir is still constantly erupting, and the power displayed on his arm is getting stronger and stronger, as if he can destroy the universe!

Speaking of which, he doesn't want to fight melee either!

But the power of the phoenix is tricky, and everything around it will be broken down into quarks.

Unless he can become a special pure energy body like Dr. Manhattan or the observer, he will waste a lot of power to resist the decomposition of the power of the phoenix.

However, and eggs.




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