The secret appeared directly behind Esders.

Although she looked at the lively Estes in front of her, she couldn't help but ask: "Are you okay?" "

It's okay!"

Although Estes didn't look very good, he wasn't hurt much.

Her physical strength is a little overdrawn, but her mental power is quite abundant, because the power of the goblins is full!

If there are levels of energy, then the energy beyond the Protoss is considered a high level!

After all, if people pick one out casually, they can directly slaughter the gods!


Estes took a deep breath, then exhaled, and she slowly began to calm her emotions.

The power of the goblin, which was originally like a tailed beast suit, slowly retreated into her body.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The transcendent gods on the opposite side did not talk about martial virtue, and directly opened the mode of bombardment.

Unfortunately, when the secret shakes people, they already lose.

Because countless Fan Legions have already arrived here!

The fan in the front row directly opened his eyes, and then exchanged places with several transcendent gods, directly using them as cushions.

However, this trick is okay at first, and it will definitely not work later.

Because the Transcendent Protoss itself has a strong control over space!

Seeing that the powder on the opposite side actually did not talk about the use of space power by martial virtue, some transcendent gods were also ready to play tricks.

They want to close the space tunnel opened by Nei Cocoon!

"What's going on?"

"Why can't you close the space tunnel on the opposite side!"

"What the hell is that?"


Well, the sentence just now is obviously a slap in the face.

Some of the Transcendent Protoss were ready to directly close the space tunnel created by Nei Cocoon, but they couldn't.

It's like ordinary hackers on Earth can't hack into computers on alien planets, the most basic coding, programs and everything are different systems, completely understand can't ah!

Some of the Transcendent Protoss are stunned!

What's going on with this TMD?

How deep is the water in this that they can't grasp?

After a while—

when the Fan Jeopardy Legion came into close contact with the Transcendent Protoss, they didn't even have a chance to be stunned!

A clone legion based on Majin Buu's cells, coupled with a reincarnation eye that can manipulate time.

Beyond the Protoss, hehe!

You know, the development of ninjutsu to the back, that is to cultivate immortals!

Pu-style time freeze, directly sealed the number of people for ten thousand years!

The peach-style time freeze is similar to the effect of [Moko Bowl Tammo].

So, a very magical thing happened on the scene.

On the battlefield, a mysterious blue light curtain appeared.

Estes and the Secret Visitor are standing inside the light curtain, and behind them is the Technology Development Bureau of α Universe.

And Nei Cocoon and Orochimaru and others are monitoring and analyzing what is on the big screen, as if these are an experiment.

What flew out of the light curtain was also a steady stream of powder, rushing to the battlefield of the void.

On the opposite side of the light curtain, there are a large number of transcendent gods.

However, they are like playing one, two, three, wooden people, maintaining a static posture!

Of course, those who had already fired energy cannons, after being stopped by the powder absorption, also maintained their original movements and did not act again!

That's right, time on them is frozen again!

It's just that this time it was done by using the eye of reincarnation!

Therefore, the Transcendent Protoss in the Void Battlefield is the fish meat on the knife trick, and it is slaughtered by others!


Nei Cocoon looked at the strange battle situation on the battlefield, and was also speechless: "The energy released by these creatures can obviously exceed the speed of light, and it is also very miraculous that they can't break the flow of time..." "

In fact, this time frozen ninjutsu was originally used as a sealing technique!"

Orochimaru explained, "It was originally designed to deal with enemies who can't die..." "

However, later we also learned that the concept of immortality is actually very weak, isn't it?"

"Nothing is immortal!"

If you say in front of scientists that you are immortal and immortal, they can punch you in the face in minutes.

The most basic way is to use the devouring of powder, directly devouring the opponent's body, consciousness and soul, and eliminating the opponent from the root!

Situ Feng often uses this method, and the powerful development is to completely devour the opponent and cultivate into his own doppelganger, and the doppelganger and the body are one and multi-faceted existences.

And the same is true that the power of the goblins can destroy the Transcendent Protoss.

Another is to change the other party's form of existence, such as the power of phoenix and the force of chaos, which can directly decompose the other party into unconscious molecules, atoms, particles, and quarks!

Or directly transform the other party into a big tree, a stone, a pile of water, the point is to wipe out the other party's divine consciousness, consciousness, spirit and other things!

The other party may be a towering tree with strong vitality, still with the ability to regenerate at super speed, but it is no longer the original transcendent god race, so is this still immortality?

This naturally does not count!

And what the stars and molecular people do is the same, releasing cosmic-level energy, directly blowing up the Transcendent Protoss into the most basic particles.

The thing of immortality is also a false proposition!

The Transcendent Protoss on the Void Battlefield is already out of order, so there is nothing to worry about.

Estes looked at the battlefield in front of him, and he was not interested, and went back directly.

In fact, she herself is more inclined to exciting fighting, rather than this kind of crushing slaughter!

The secret guest also did not like this occasion, so he also left.

Orochimaru looked at the big screen, and then said, "Do you want to go to the opposite universe to take a look?" "

The universe inhabited by the Transcendent Protoss is called the Lightless Universe, which is a realm that is located outside the Marvel Multiverse, but within the super-large universe.

Anyway, this setting is also more conflicting, as well as the first firmament and OAA.

In different comics, editors eat each other!

Nee Cocoon thought for a while, and then said: "Call the chief together!"

"Leave a few good sample research studies, have you built the time cage?"

That's right, since the multiverse collision crisis, Orochimaru has begun to create a time cage, preparing to use the time freezing area to imprison, dissect, and study the Transcendent Protoss.

Orochimaru smiled and said, "Of course it's ready..."


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