"Toot toot—" "Toot toot—

" There

was a burst of phone calls in the room.

Speaking of which, the gap between the rich and the poor in beautiful countries has always been very large, which is reflected in various American dramas and comics.

Poor Starlight Girl doesn't have her own phone yet.

Starlight Girl's movements slowed down, and she swallowed, "That... Calling! "

Situ Feng took the starlight girl and teleported directly to the living room!


the starlight girl couldn't help but shout.

For a while, I didn't know what to do.

Unexpectedly, Situ Feng could actually move with people instantly!

Speaking of which, Huey, who was in the original plot, also teleported with Starlight Girl!

(Season 3 Episode 6, Sensual Fun Go See It!)

Huey is embarrassed!

"What are you doing!"

The starlight woman hurriedly half knelt.

Fortunately, the curtains at home are half-hidden, and there are no neighbors near her home.

Well, it's actually because she usually practices carrying the car with both hands, which scares away the people around her.

"Yes! That's right! I'm his boyfriend

..." Situ Feng picked up the phone and replied, "Wait a minute..."

Starlight Girl also asked in a low voice, and the curious gossip soul temporarily suppressed her shame.

"What you expect!"

Situ Feng handed the phone to Starlight Girl.

"Hey! Hello!

"That's right, it's me!"

"I was chosen?"

"Oh my God!"

Starlight Girl couldn't help but jump up!

That's right, she was selected by Walt Corporation.

"Oh my God! I'm going to tell my mother the news! Starlight

Girl was very excited, this is the value of her existence in this life!

"You calm down first..." Situ

Feng hurriedly grabbed the starlight girl!

"Calm down what?"

"Even if you call now, I'm afraid it's useless!"

Situ Feng said helplessly.

The starlight girl was stunned for a moment, and then said dejectedly: "Yes, how did I forget!" Mom may still be on the plane..."

That's right, Starlight is not able to contact her mother at all now.

Seeing this, Situ Feng comforted: "Wait for her to contact you later, and then share the joy with her!" The

starlight girl nodded, "Uh-huh..."

New york city.

Downstairs in the Walt Building.

There was a red carpet here, like a celebrity catwalk.

Speaking of which, it just happened to be the 2019 annual shareholders' meeting of Water, which is why it was so grand.

It was surrounded by a crowd of security guards, journalists, and of course, avid fans.

"Oh, here she is!"

A well-dressed woman exclaimed, "Welcome to New York!" Not

far away, it was the Starlight Woman who had just got off the car.

However, unlike the original plot, at this moment, she did not come with her mother, but with Situ Feng.

After Starlight got out of the car, she looked at everything around her in disbelief.

She had never seen this kind of scene on TV, and she didn't expect to be able to stand under the spotlight at this moment!

"I'm Ashley Barrett, HR Director at Water's Human Resources Department!"

The starlight girl also shook hands with Ashley in front of her, and then couldn't help but ask, "Are everyone here here for me?"

"Oh, honey, who else could they come for?"

I have to say that Walt is indeed an excellent brokerage company, with a systematic superhero-centered means of accumulating money.

Ashley smiled and said, "Come on, we're going to be late!"

"Oh my God!"

Starlight Girl smiled like a child.


Ashley brought Starlight Girl backstage and then asked the makeup artist to briefly touch up her makeup.

"By the way, you've done a great job so far!"

The starlight girl was also very puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"But I haven't done anything yet?"

Ashley explained, "You've increased support for Midwestern residents and conservative Christians between the ages of eighteen and forty-nine by 2.5 percent!"

"In addition, the speech you gave in the audition was very humble, very dignified, and really TMD's wise!"

The starlight girl smiled and said, "That's what I meant to be!"

"That's right, that's why they like you!"

Ashley looked at the starlight girl and smiled, "So, are you ready to change your life?" "


After the on-site display, Starlight Girl officially became the superhero of Water.

Situ Feng felt that he was quite bored, but he did not leave.

After all, what's next is a good show!

Deep Sea takes Starlight Girl to visit the interior of the Walt Company, which is the command room of the superheroes!

"Isn't it cool?"

"We have 2 satellites in geocentric orbit, and we can clearly see the license plates of escape cars three hundred and eighty miles away..."

Shenhai introduced enthusiastically, and then suddenly remembered something and smiled: "Oh, you must know!"

"We've brought in the chef of the Gramsy West Hotel in Manhattan..."

Starlight Girl pointed ahead, and then said, "That's his seat, right?" "


"That's right!"

Shen Hai smiled and said, "In other words, you will have your own seat soon!" "

Would you like to try it?"

Starlight Girl was also unmoved.

"What's wrong?"

Starlight shook her head, and then said: "I feel like all this is like a dream, my mother is no longer blindly suppressing me

..." "I have mastered my superpowers, and I can join the group of seven and become a real superhero

..." "Everything my boyfriend said is coming true, and then I..."

Deep Sea stepped forward and said kindly: "You know what? When I came here on my first day..."

"I was thinking, is this a hoax?"

"As a result, it is not!"

"We're a team now!"

"You're a superhero!"

The starlight girl said: "Thank you, in fact, I used to have a crush on you like a little girl!"

She thought about what Situ Feng had explained to her, and then she couldn't help but give it a try!

As a result, the key plot was really triggered!

Deep Sea took off his pants directly.

Starlight Girl said in disbelief: "What the fuck! "



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