However, when the starlight girl saw Situ Feng's means, she also came back to her senses.

How could he say such cruel things himself?

And at this time, our motherland and Queen Maeve walked into the conference room!

"You're the new Starlight!"

The people of the motherland stepped forward and smiled: "Welcome to become a superhero!"

Then he asked suspiciously, "This is?" "

The people of the motherland are also a little angry when they look at Situ Feng in front of them, after all, this is their base, not all cats and dogs can come in!

"Who are you?"

Situ Feng yawned, this kind of question should be asked to the Tang monk!

He didn't want to answer.

Starlight Girl said weakly: "He's my boyfriend, we..."

The people of the motherland shouted fiercely: "Didn't the deep sea tell you how important this place is?"

"How can ordinary people enter casually?"

"Really, it's not like words!"

"The locomotive is too, I don't know where, it's also 1 day without a figure!"


Situ Feng looked at the sanctimonious appearance of the motherland, and he also felt funny!

The only thing that is not bad about this guy is that he will play the appearance of a savior in front of fans and will not expose his dark side!

It can be said that the character management ability of the people of the motherland is very strong, much stronger than the stars of domestic entertainment.

Pretend in front of people, and crescent moon after people!

Situ Feng also did not get used to him, and directly spoke: "The deep sea has been killed by me, and the corpses have been disposed of!"

"I think you guys should have surveillance here!"

"Also, I suspect they're not who they are, maybe fake clones, or robots or something..."

"Superheroes don't let fans provide pornography, right?"

"I'm a fan of yours, Motherland!"

Situ Feng looked at the people of the motherland playfully, wanting to see what kind of choice he would make?


Queen Maeve is also confused, this guy is understatement, what nonsense is he talking about?

She hurried to retrieve the surveillance footage here.

There must be video recordings in the conference room, but usually no one looks at it.

Compared to other superhero organizations, they are not so much a base of operations as a conference room with many big screens!

"Oh my God!"

On the big screen, the scene of Situ Feng killing the invisible man and the deep sea was played.

It can only be said that it is terrifying!

"How so?"

The people of the motherland were also taken aback, he knew very well what Situ Feng had done!

His own heat rays can only act like lasers, that is, make physical cuts.

And Situ Feng's omega rays can actually directly vaporize invisible people and the deep sea, making them disappear directly!

This is no longer just a matter of high temperatures or destructive rays!

The setting of the Motherland is derived from Superman and is not afraid of kryptonite, but his ability still follows the general laws of physics.

Superman can use a bioforce field to lift a plane high in the air and save all the passengers on board.

The Motherland, forehead, can kill the pilot, so that the passengers in distress die faster!

The Motherland thought for a while, and then he showed his trademark smirk: "Of course they are not superheroes, they are definitely impostors!"

"Really thank you for stopping this group of super villains and helping us eliminate these guys who are trying to discredit us..."

Then he stretched out his right hand, wanting to shake hands with Situ Feng, and took the opportunity to test the depth of Situ Feng.


"Am I having too much strength..." "

I also didn't expect that the legendary motherland has such little strength!"

The people of the Motherland forcibly endure the anger in their hearts, they cannot be angry, they cannot be angry!

"I'm a!"

The people of the Motherland really can't help it!


He shot a hot ray directly towards Situ Feng!

Unfortunately, this move had no effect on Situ Feng.

Situ Feng gently stretched out his right hand, and then directly absorbed these heat rays!

Speaking of which, this energy attack is impossible to kill him at all, but it is a tonic for him.

Situ Feng scoffed, "Can't help it?

"However, laser rays are not emitted like this!"

"That's how it should be!"

Situ Feng's eyes released powerful omega rays, which directly hit the body of the motherland.


The people of the motherland felt that their bodies were undergoing a wonderful reaction, and the original steel body had quietly vaporized.


"Absolutely impossible!"

The people of the Motherland do not believe that they will actually lose?

No, it should be said that it will actually die?

And the Starlight Girl and Queen Maeve present were completely stunned, and the pace of development of things was too fast!

Their brain cells can't keep up at all!

There is a certain scientific basis for brainlessness!

"Oh my God!"

"Oh my God!"


The two also sighed at the same time!

Situ Feng said lightly: "Go at ease..." After

a while, the

motherland people were directly gasified!

Dying years, how old comes.

Forget it, it's not important anymore!

Queen Maeve was also taken aback!

This guy is so crazy that he directly killed so many superheroes at once?

It's really more Motherland than the Motherland!

In order to make a compromise, she came to Situ Feng's side, and then said: "That, I think you can become our leader!"

Then she also said bluntly: "I am willing to surrender to you!"

"You can take any pose, it depends on whether you can do it or not..." "

How many minutes can it last?"

Queen Maeve directly stepped forward and betrayed herself.

Speaking of which, Queen Maeve's figure is also good, after all, it is a low-end version of Wonder Woman, and the aesthetic must be passable!

Unfortunately, Queen Maeve is male-female bisexual.

This is similar to the witch, except that she is more than the witch scum!

Usually fights with his girlfriend Chibi, and later plays poker with the motherland and butcher.

When she broke up with her girlfriend, she would also order takeaway to come to her door and find 2 strong men to squeeze it out or something.

Situ Feng looked at Queen Maeve in front of him, how did he feel like a villain?

He asked jokingly, "Anything?" "



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