Beautiful country.

Somewhere in a dwelling.

"That, I refuse ha!"

A black boy tasted coffee, and then burst out such a sentence!

He is a beautiful African-American national, you can see from the skin, he is treated fairly on the Internet, and in fact he is still the one who is discriminated against!

Of course, the chain of discrimination is circular.

White discrimination against blacks, as well as mixed black races, whether you are already a citizen of a beautiful country or not!

And blacks discriminate against yellow people, and there are mixed Chinese races!

Because they are safe and self-sufficient, hardworking and willing to work, in other words, they are timid and afraid of things!

Since Bruce Lee, this situation has only improved a little!

The name of the black boy in front of him is called breast milk, this name is afraid to review, let's call him nickname "MM"!

Well, this is not chocolate ha, although they have the same skin color.

MM is a highly educated and upright male who tutors juvenile offenders in juvenile correctional homes.

He has a wife and a daughter, and he doesn't want to follow Billy Butch to play some game to save the world!

Billy Butch smiled and said, "Hey! Big brother!

"No kidding!"

"You know that this is the only way that can work!"

MM shook his head and said, "No!

"This time I'm serious!"

Billy Butch continued to say to himself: "Although the other 2 guys are always nervous, and the new members are unknown, but anyway, we finally got a little better!"

"Seriously, I don't have the ability to tie them up

and watch over them well, and be happy in my future work..." "So I need a competent sergeant to supervise those guys at all times, don't be lazy!"

Everyone knows that good times rely on Solon, bad times rely on Luffy, and desperate times rely on Usopp!

Therefore, if you want to go forward in the long run, in fact, there will be a clear division of labor in each action team.

MM directly scolded: "I don't know what you're talking about, and of course, I don't want to know anything you want to do!"

"The results I've achieved with the kids I'm working with here are real!"

"At the same time, I also feel that my efforts have also made some new changes in their lives!"

Billy Butch complained: "Are you sure

..." "I'm afraid you're not being funny..." "

This kind of work of the street neighborhood committee aunt satisfies you?"

Maslow once said that man's inner strength is different from animal instinct, man's demand for the realization of intrinsic value and inner potential is human nature, man's behavior is governed by consciousness, man's behavior is purposeful and creative.

His hierarchy of needs has a five-level model, usually depicted as a hierarchy within a pyramid.

From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiology (food and clothing), security (job security), social needs (friendship), respect, and self-actualization.

Only when we solve the needs below can we pursue higher needs.

And MM now has a stable job that he loves, and the salary is not bad.

He also has a wife and a daughter, and unless something happens, it is only if his brain is kicked by a donkey that he can agree to Billy Butch's request.

MM mused, "Of course..." "

Think about it, Billy!"

"Before the Mololi thing? What the hell we lived!

"I can say that there is no shortage of anything now, more than ten thousand times more comfortable than before!"

"I kind of understand now, if I want to live a worthwhile life, I am still suitable for these little things!"

Billy Butch suddenly realized: "Well, it's really fucking to talk to you..." Billy Butch

wanted to curse!

At this time, a little black girl in a bikini jumped over!

"Hey! Uncle Billy! "

This guy looks like the newest Snow Black!

It is the one who in order to cater to political correctness, and Snow White is also turned black by Huo Huo!

Of course, there are black fairies, black fish or something, all cartoons are embarrassed to show if the protagonists are not black or transgender lovers!

It is to pity the traders who make pirated copies, holding high-definition equipment to secretly record videos, but find that the picture quality is still not improved.

After all, it's all the same when the lights are turned off!

MM couldn't help but say: "Jenny baby, didn't we say it before, about your dress..." Jenny

interjected herself: "Ah!

"When are we going to say it again?"

"Why don't I remember what you discussed with me?"

"I just remember that you were alone asking me what to do..."

MM was also quite speechless, he didn't actually mean to say that his daughter was dressed very revealingly.

After all, the big-breasted girls of the beautiful country basically wear a strapless vest with chest pads on top, and a pair of B-shaped denim shorts underneath!

What he wants to say is a purple blouse with dark skin, how to say!

This aesthetic match is a little scary!

Going out to press the road can easily lead to traffic accidents!

Billy Butch said with a smile: "Hello, little beauty!" "

MM is also quite helpless, my daughter is a leaky little cotton jacket when she grows up, which is not as cute as when she was a child.

If she hadn't had the same skin color as himself, he would have thought he had a green hat.

MM said helplessly: "Baby... Don't do this!

Jenny stretched out her right hand and directly angrily said, "Enough!"

"I'm old enough to protect myself!"

"And I'm not your slave, can't I have a little idea of my own?"

Everyone always thinks that foreign educational concepts are very advanced, what kind of encouraging education has been used, and the relationship between parents and children is particularly good!

How to say it!

This is to think that what is in someone else's bowl is more fragrant than what is in your own bowl!

This is cheap, the national conditions are different, there is definitely no way to compare ah!

If it weren't for the fact that Daqing paid so much money, and now we only work 4 and a half days a week, 8 hours a day, it would be us.

In addition, the domestic involution is too serious, and there is no capital, who dares to engage in that set of educational concepts abroad?

Jenny and MM just don't deal with each other very much.

MM can't control Jenny who grew up at all!



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