Beautiful country.

On the street.



Today is another day of many disasters!

The honking of the car's horn kept sounding, as if calling for help.

Not far away, two huge figures were engaged in a fierce fight, and the cars on the road were like stones, thrown around as weapons.

The surrounding buildings have begun to fall apart, with raging fires everywhere and people fleeing.

The green giant is quite recognizable, and that is our Hulk.

And as for the other ugly giant, there is no need to say more.

He is the Hulk's nemesis, abomination!

The abomination's real name is Emile Bronsky, a very combative agent who has received gamma ray radiation, so he has become this ugly appearance.

Of course, the power of abomination can't grow with anger, and that's the Hulk's exclusive bug-level ability.




Every time the two giants clashed, they had a devastating impact on the surrounding environment.

Unfettered power, for ordinary people, is itself a disaster for mobility.

Even if the Hulk fights to stop the abomination from leaving, the people affected by the battle are always innocent.

"Additional Impact!"

Abomination and Hulk, who were fighting, were directly knocked far away by the super shockwave.

That's right, it was our Irene Belselion who appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

"Ah! XX..."

Abomination spat out blood, very angry, and after standing up, he took a big stride and punched Erin.

Unfortunately, Erin is not a weak mage, she is also a dragon slaying mentor!

Erin gathered her power at the dragon's claws, and then added hardness, and directly confronted the abomination.

Boom -

what I didn't expect was that it was abomination that flew out!

Then there was a wave of combos, and the hatred turned into the original form, and he fell to the ground.

At this moment, the Hulk, who had fallen to the ground, roared angrily and attacked Erin.

Originally, Hulk was here to stop the abomination from running away, but unfortunately, when he is angry, he loses his mind and turns into a monster who only knows how to destroy.

The moment Erin was sneaked in, she directly dragonized!

"Roar—" Next

, it is a Hulk vs Dragon drama that will be staged.

That's right, the red body and tough wings are exactly the appearance of the virtuous dragon Bercelion.

Hulk's huge fist slammed into the dragon's body, of course, leaving only shallow scars.

Today's Hulk, as long as the anger value is bursting, he can be in the air every second!

Suddenly, in outer space, a super-large meteorite was pulled by magic and crashed directly into Blue Star.

It was so fast that even NASA didn't have time to deal with it....

This is Erin's Extreme Additional Magic - God Star Collapse!

It is magic that transcends the forces of nature.

Erin can remotely add magic to meteorites in outer space, causing them to fall towards their targets, and can deal a wide range of damage.

The Hulk, on the other hand, was trapped in place by Erin's magic, while Erin teleported and disappeared on the battlefield.

This is the real meteorite hitting the earth!

It's too late, it's fast!

A familiar figure appeared on the battlefield.


Another familiar snap of fingers, and the terrifying meteorite directly transformed into air.

The person who came was Situ Feng, who had just fused with the Reality Gem.

The vibration in the bed is obviously not comparable to the vibration of the battle here.

Situ Feng quickly locked onto the battlefield, and when he teleported over, he was dumbfounded!

I went, Erin actually cast the [God Star Collapse], if this move really smashed down, the earth's crust would have to shake three times!

And the furious Hulk, after transformation, only knows how to write reckless characters. His green body seemed to be bigger again, and it was a fierce punch against Situ Feng.

Unfortunately, before the fist wind could be swung out, he flew out directly.

Some anger always has to be vented, not desire, that can only be anger.

With just one flying kick, the Hulk flew straight out.

Then there were countless fists, all of which swung on the Hulk in a matter of seconds.

Although Situ Feng's figure was so weak, it did not hinder the crushing of the strength of the Destruction and Immortality.


Situ Feng's right hand directly penetrated the heart of the Hulk, and a huge heart that was incomparably fresh was beating in his hand.

Then with a deformed beam, the fresh JDB is baked.

Hulk, pawn.

Situ Feng drank it all and temporarily lowered his anger, the world is so beautiful, but he is so irritable, this is not good, not good.



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