If you ask, what does Kuroshi usually do?

Then the flower grower will definitely say, don't ask JB blindly if you shouldn't ask, asking is jail.

And what the beautiful country was doing before is not clear, now?

They are running for their lives.

In the past few days, the venues of black parties in various regions of the beautiful country have been successively served by a wave of black-clothed people, bars, casinos, song halls...

One did not fall.

It was an organized, planned, premeditated thunder operation, and of course it also achieved good results.

Of course, there may be some people with extraordinary strength in the Black Society, but no matter how strong they are, their fists are difficult to fight with four hands, and no matter how high their martial arts skills are, they are afraid of being beaten.

In terms of equipment, it is impossible for the Black Society to have nano suits and Ant-Man suits; In terms of force, a group of six reincarnation eyes are bullying children, not to mention Esders, Altair and Irene Berserion.

Of course, our Ant-Man and Captain of the Beautiful Country were not idle, and also participated in this special struggle against gangsterism and evil.

What puzzles, hammerheads, tombstones, Mr. negatives, water vipers, simply not enough to fight.

All these results will eventually be announced on the official website of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the seized funds will set up special charitable funds for poverty alleviation.

Scientific deployment, overall arrangement, and multiple measures were taken at the same time, and in order to do the normalized anti-gang crime and evil eradication work, the extension line for reporting criminal and evil forces was also uniformly connected to the police telephone.



"Not only Jinhe, but also the territory of other gangs has been attacked!"

It was a woman in a white battle suit with a tall, skinny body, long brown hair, and a large Anne-style mouth.

She is Jessica Jones, part of the League of Defenders.

Unlike Jessica Jones, the Daredevil opposite is fully armed. Daredevil did not forget his original plan and asked, "What about the drug lord we are tracking?"

Luke Cage next to Jessica replied: "The hotel I am in charge of is nothing, it is some low-level downline, it is a smoke bomb used to cover people's ears

..." "My side too, when I rushed over, the casino didn't know who served a pot..."

"Jessica, can you ask your hacker friend to help check it again?"

Daredevil pondered for a moment, then spoke.

"Also help, how expensive is it to shoot 1 time at high tide, don't you know? In other words, the last final payment has not yet called me, or I paid in advance! "

The rising tide organization says it is a public welfare organization, using superb hacking technology to mine hidden information and make it public. But when you really ask them to help punish evil and promote good, it is not polite in the slightest, and they are slaughtered to death.

It's really ten years without opening, opening and eating for ten years!

Fortunately, Daredevil wore a mask, otherwise his embarrassed expression would have been exposed.

"This, first recorded in Daniel's account!"

"Aha..." Iron Fist was confused, what a thing, how did it get on himself.

Luke Cage patted the shoulder of the iron fist: "Big brother, cash or check, I can ..." To

be honest, the Defenders League is quite loose, each person has 800 hearts, saying that the alliance is just a passable face.

Luke Cage and Jessica Jones are slum heroes, they are still struggling to feed themselves, and Matt Murdoch, although he has a little salary as a lawyer, but he can't bear that he often fights public interest lawsuits and pours money into it. Only Daniel Rand owns a stake in the Rand-Micham's industrial group, which is a big dog.

Don't slaughter big dogs at this time, when will you stay?

Jessica Jones quietly gave Luke Cage a thumbs up, and the expression on her face seemed to say, turn in your homework on time tonight.



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