"Ladies and gentlemen, I believe you are no strangers to mutants.

This is actually the natural evolution of species, and humans who carry the X gene are all part of the human race.

Just like whites, yellows, and blacks, mutants are no different from humans. The harm theory of those mutants is as meaningless as the debate about whether human nature is intrinsically good or human-nature-evil.

Only politicians participating in elections use these extreme manifestos to gain exposure or votes.

"So, Miss Jean Grey, what about the crime of mutants? It is undeniable that if mutants commit crimes, the harm brought by them must be more serious than ordinary people! A snarky lawmaker asked.

In the Congress of the Beautiful Country, Jean Gray is the representative of the mutants.

"In the human body, the X gene is generally awakened during puberty or when the mood is extremely volatile.

According to official statistics, 90% of mutant crime problems are caused by the awakening of mutants.

These newly awakened mutants actually have no way to control their abilities, which is different from subjective crime. What we need to do is to guide them correctly, not directly kill them.

Suddenly, another councilman seemed to have discovered the loophole and stood up abruptly: "Miss Jean Gray, then you mean that there are still 10% of mutants who subjectively and deliberately commit crimes!" According to official statistics, the crime rate of ordinary human beings is not as high as 10%! It

was clear that Jean Gray was stunned by the question.

After all, she is not one of these smooth-tongued politicians, and discussing it with parliamentarians is stressful.

The numbers are intuitive. The crime rate of mutants is indeed an unavoidably sensitive topic.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot deny this data. But do you want to consider the overall amount of sample data? Compared to the total population of mutants, what is the total population of ordinary humans?

"So for the sake of the happiness of the vast majority of human beings, should we implement the mutant registration law?" The public has the right to know who the mutants around them really are, and the public has the right to protect themselves, not to be powerless when danger comes! As

soon as the words fell, Qi brushed the applause thunderously.

Jean Gray looked at the red-faced parliamentarians and had nothing to say.


at the same time.

In the dessert shop.

Situ Feng watched the live broadcast on TV, and he thought about something.

", you're done, ready to work..."

Altair is okay with sweets, not as enthusiastic as bee-eaters.

Unfortunately, bee-eating exercises are fattened physiques and cannot eat too much. So a dessert can be solved in a few minutes, and it has to take more than half an hour, which is called enjoyable.

"Okay, master, this week's amount is finished, if you eat again, I'll wait for next week."

The silver-haired girl at the same table did not say a word, it was Altair who was silently drinking milk tea.

Unlike when he was first summoned, Altair's cool and frosty face is now a little softer.

Altair in the original book was born when her creator, Shimazaki, died tragically in an instant. Even if she can step into reality free from the shackles of her work, she is willing to carry out the wish for the moment that "it is better if everything disappears".

Therefore, she seems calm, but in fact has a strong anger towards the real world, and uses a false smile to cover up her thoughts with others.

Altair today is not going to destroy the world.


in front of the villa.

"Hehe, it's really naïve that miscellaneous mutant actually wants to stop us from implementing the bill.

All lawmakers, Republicans and Democrats, have passed resolutions in private.

What kind of democratic negotiation, but just go through the motions. Do you really think that the last TV can change anything..."

the young beautiful congresswoman gushed on the phone.

The moment she opened the door, a stranger actually broke into it.

That's right, this is exactly Situ Feng's group.

I didn't wait for the beautiful congresswoman to react.

The bee eater took out the remote control and said directly: "Tell the other party, you have something to deal with, and we'll talk later." "

Under the brainwashing effect, the beautiful congresswoman obeyed the order.

Beautiful country is a federal country, the form of political power organization is a presidential republic, the implementation of a political system combining separation of powers and checks and balances, and a two-party party system.

The state organization of the beautiful country was formulated according to the two major political ideas of separation of powers and the federal system, and when the constitution was drafted, it was feared that excessive concentration of power in individuals or a certain department would endanger the freedom of the people, so the legislative, judicial and executive powers were separated and checked and balanced to avoid government abuse.

In the Marvel Universe, the top level of the government of the beautiful country is still dominated by ordinary people. In fact, in Situ Feng's view, if Professor X directly brainwashed and controlled all government officials, he could easily create a paradise for mutant people.

Seriously, Professor X has been working for years on peace and balance between humans and mutants, even breaking with lifelong friend Magneto. He exhausted his wealth and founded the "X Academy", a school that guides mutants to use their superpowers to contribute to society, and formed the mutant superhero team, the X-Men.

In order to solve the crisis that threatens the earth and even the universe, and advocating small sacrifices to avoid larger sacrifices, Professor X co-founded the Illuminati.

For this kind of person, Situ Feng can only admire, but he doesn't want to be such a person.

His idea is simple, use the ability of bee-eating prayer to directly brainwash the government officials of the beautiful country, and then plant white doppelgangers on their bodies.

Situ Feng intends to directly control the high-level of the government and directly become the big boss behind the scenes. He doesn't want to be a superhero stupidly, what's the use of showing up all day long.

Can you imagine a group of "supermen" with extraordinary abilities above ordinary people, who are bullied and are about to be wiped out? Can you imagine our principal and sister rolling the sheets and putting on armor to fight crime? Can you imagine a superhero lifting your 5-year installment car, smashing into enemies of his own making, and destroying the house you took out for 50 years?

All in all, in this Marvel universe where the rich rely on technology and can only rely on mutations, it is full of individual heroism and anti-intellectual culture.

And just then, the system released a new task.

[Intermediate Mission: Holding the Son of Heaven to Order the Princes.] (Brainwashing high-ranking military and political personnel of beautiful countries.) [

Completion time: 7 days

] [Completion reward: 1 intermediate lottery

] [Failure penalty: none]


Congressman Kelly, who received the call, arrived half an hour later.

Sen. Robert Edward Kelly, a major sponsor of the Mutant Control Act and the Sober Project.

The Mutant Control Act requires mutants with special abilities to register and disclose their superpowers to the public.

And everyone may not know about the sober project, but everyone must be familiar with the sentinel robot. The purpose of this project is to develop new sentinel robots to track, detain and, if necessary, kill violent mutants.

Robert Kelly was once blinded by the illusion master's magic at a social gathering at the Hellfire Club, mistaking the X-Men's laser eye wreckage for innocence. Then his wife was also killed by the mutants' war, so he is a staunch anti-mutantism.

And he himself is also the target of assassination by the Mutant Brotherhood and other mutants, whether it is in comics or film and television dramas, the end is not very good.

After a while, four luxury cars were parked outside the villa.

This is also the reason why Situ Feng chose a beautiful congresswoman to brainwash, so that to fish other male parliamentarians is three times five divided by two.

Situ Feng is equivalent to throwing a bones with meat to a group of wild dogs in heat.

Councilman Kelly is also equipped with a number of bodyguards. One by one, they are wearing suits and holding firearms, and they look very pompous.

A few bodyguards diligently circled inside, but unfortunately, Situ Feng did not find them.

"Everyone is all outside guarding, don't let anyone disturb me without my orders." An old white man commanded.

He was actually still wearing a pink suit, and he was angry.

The bodyguards also understood in seconds, they all nodded, they are all thousand-year-old foxes, and they don't play any chatter. What to ask and what not to ask, everyone knows.


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