And his eyes began to turn white, and a voice from a different dimension sounded in his ears: "O my believer, I heard your prayer, do you long for strength?"

"So what can you give?"

"Everything, I can give everything!"

"Very well, my disciple, accept the power of the great Dormammu..." Dormammu

was originally also a human wizard, but because he accidentally discovered the dark dimension, he gave up his original physical body and decided not to be a human. As a result, Dormammu became the master of the dark dimension, and his physical body was replaced by a terrifying magical flame.

In the dark dimension, he has a home field advantage, in addition to having unparalleled super magical ability, he can also obtain pure and unlimited mysterious energy through the dark dimension, and can convert energy into various super powers.

In the comics, he can also resurrect the dead, distort reality, destroy galaxies, teleport across dimensions, create different dimensions, manipulate the space-time axis, dominate the multiverse, etc.

Dormammu himself is immortal, can exist forever as long as his followers are there, he is the supreme being in the world of dark magic.

Suddenly, Casillas's body began to twist and deform, and with a bang, it exploded.

He burned himself and darkened others.

It is clear that Dormammu's power is that he willingly becomes a sacrifice and merges with the dark dimension. The dark wormhole created after the explosion did not disappear, spreading out like a tumor.

That weird space, there seems to be a tentacle monster inside, there is some messy slime in it, it is very disgusting.

At this time, Marlene's brows frowned, and she flew directly to the wormhole.



wormhole is a dark dimensional space, filled with raging and furious abilities, and everything around it is rugged and twisted. The sky exudes a strange light, although dark, but it allows people to see everything around them clearly.

Floating in the air, those are the remains of stars, which were originally vibrant young planets that gave birth to countless lives.

"Is it Dormammu?"

Marlene, standing on a piece of wreckage, asked softly.

"Small human being..." Between

the voids, a dark purple star began to squirm.

In the distance, a dark purple star also came.

Marlene then discovered that the two stars were actually huge eyes, and the one burning by the demon flame in the void seemed to be a human face.

That's right, this is the master of the dark dimension - Dormammu!

"It seems to be right..."

Marlene took out her artifact [Star Aldan], and the vast infinite magic power was continuously released.

Dormammu was confused, when did this kind of demon appear on the blue star, I had never heard of it!

This endless magic power, as if it could destroy the sky and the earth, was the fluctuation generated by Marlene's full casting, and the entire space was trembling. The air swirled directly, forming an endless torn tornado, and the [Endless Vortex] would last forever until Marlene lifted the cast.

Dormammu is a dark purple energy that shoots directly from his mouth, to be honest, this trick is not aesthetic, but it is very practical.

Marlene's body exudes an incomparably dazzling light, like the redemptive light emitted by the goddess, wanting to dispel this dark dimension. This is the Holy Light Magic of the Britannia continent, which can remove all dark powers.

And Dormammu's attack, seemingly careless, is actually a return to basics.

Light and dark, two different magical forces collided in mid-air, and did not explode as expected, but made this space wrinkled. Looking at it, the place where Marlene was staying was already shrouded in the terrifying spatial power lock.


Dormammu sensed that something was not right, and any magic trick was cast, and the energy would gradually decrease, transforming into other forms of existence. However, the opponent's Holy Light Shield actually did not have this trend.

He has a dark dimension, unlimited magic, and can squander it casually.

Could it be that the other party is also a dimensional lord?

Marlene licked her lips, felt the blood in her mouth, and stared intently at Dormammu in front of her.

"It seems to be really strong..."

Marlene opened her hands, and the Agomoto Eye on her chest began to turn, and the Time Gem inside emitted a strange green light. Unlike the original plot's Doctor Strange, she chose to freeze time.

Marlene began to use the power of the Victor Emperor to summon the purple Emperor of the Visan.

I have to say that Marvel's mages all have a heart for close combat, and as the ancestor of white magic, the spell of attack is actually a lightsaber.

Dormammu, who is in the dark dimension, is indeed a being beyond death, but he cannot escape time.



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