"Don't be afraid, Xiao Duo, you won't be in pain..."

Situ Feng looked at the incomparably huge Dormammu and teased.


Another snap of his fingers, and the magic on Dormammu's body was like a deflated balloon, instantly shriveled.

"Aaaaah! Damn, what have you done, abominable mortal!

Dormammu wailed miserably, heartbreaking, and terrible.

Situ Feng is stripping away the relationship between Dormammu and the dark dimension, which is equivalent to a virus invading the other party's computer and snatching control.

Dormammu's entire body began to darken, and the roaring demon flames began to dissipate. The entire dark dimensional space next to it was boiling, as if some will was about to be revived, and at the junction of the two spaces, an unknown liquid was produced floating in midair.

It was the magic of materialization, and all the energy that Dormammu had swallowed in the past was now returned to the dark dimension.

For a long time

, Dormammu no longer wailed, and the whole body gradually began to dissipate, slowly, only the phantom remained, and finally it turned into nothingness.

He himself has abandoned the human body and fused with the dark dimension, and if it is completely peeled off, then it is really going to die.

In the dark dimension, all the materialized forces finally converged into a dark purple gem, which fluctuated rhythmically like a beating heart.

Situ Feng stretched out his right hand and directly sucked the gem over, and then swallowed it again.

Unlike the Infinity Stones, this time it seemed to be an endless violent will, constantly washing away Situ Feng's cells. In a trance, he seemed to be able to see the stars in the sky being devoured.

"Ah! Stupid mortal, you underestimate me

Dormammu..." Suddenly, Dormammu's voice emerged in Situ Feng's mind, and the roaring demon flame also burned in Situ Feng's body.

"Okay, okay, don't argue..." "

Soul Sacrifice is so old-fashioned, how could Situ Feng not think of it.

Not to mention whether Situ Feng, who has a system, will be taken away by the soul, the body of the demon Buu who fuses the 6 infinity stones is not vegetarian.

"Ahhh... Don't..."

Dormammu, pawn.




"The host has undergone metamorphosis for unknown reasons!"


【Name:Situ Feng】【

Vitality:?? 【

Mental power:?? [

Talent: Dark Blue Reincarnation Eyes, White Eyes

] [Bloodline: Body of the Ultimate Demon Buu

] [Equipment: Dark God Kingdom (an alien space independent of the universe, now an exclusive God Kingdom, waiting for host construction and development)

] [Skill: α Infinite Power of the Universe]

Unlike Dormammu's direct fusion by abandoning his physical body, Situ Feng turned the dark dimension into his own God Kingdom.

If Situ Feng fought in his own Divine Kingdom, then he would have a home field advantage. If after recreating the rules, even if you travel to other universes, as long as it is in the country of God, you can still use the power of the Infinity Stones.

Marvel's ordinary universe belongs to the pocket universe, because the timeline is different, there is a possibility of a multiverse. The dimensional universe is divided into inner dimension, outer dimension, split dimension and distant dimension.

The inner dimension is the nine kingdoms ruled by Odin: Asgard, Elfheim, Nidawi, Midgard, Jotunheim, Warnerheim, Nifölheim, Muspalheim, and Svaltafheim. Of course, also count the tenth great country derived from behind the world tree, heaven.

The inner dimension is actually a special space in the pocket universe, which is not unique, just like every parallel universe has an Odin.

And the so-called outer dimension is the world dominated by the kings of dimensions such as Mephisto and Nightmare, there are a total of five.

There are thirteen split dimensions, such as the dark dimension and the fragmented world of Hell Border.

There are also three distant dimensions, which are the source of power for the rest of the dimensions and the world, belonging to the pure energy dimension, where the life form is another mode of existence.

Originally, according to the setting, except for the inner dimension, the rest of the dimensions were unique.

In other words, Situ Feng eliminated Dormammu in the α universe, then Dormammu completely disappeared, because the dark dimension is unique.

So it should be said that a dormammu is in the dark dimension, dealing with a group of supreme mages. Because the dark dimension is pure matter and has no time, the Supreme Mage at different points in time is no different for Dormammu, he will experience it, and he does not care which multiverse it is.

However, there are too many Marvel screenwriters, easy to eat the setting, and other ancient gods and Sithorne have appeared in universes 9151 and 9997, and the only statement of diversity is very contradictory.

It doesn't matter, if you really encounter another Dormammu, find a way to kill it again.



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