Inside Reed Richard's lab.

"I'm glad you're here, I'm going to tell you about my research results first, not Nick Fury."

Mr. Fantastic is draped in a bloodstained white coat and a serious piece of nonsense.

The invisible woman asked, "Reid, what have you researched?"

"Susan, my love, though your previous tone pained me. But I still researched it, and my conclusion was - we have to accept our coming fate! We can't fight this virus, and we're about to become those ferocious creatures. If that's the case, we have to think about how to survive next

..." "That's what we need to care about, it's an evolution..." The

invisible woman grabbed Mr. Fantastic's collar and cursed: "Are you crazy?" What shit conclusion is this? The conclusion is to let us accept the infection of the virus with peace of mind?

Mr. Fantastic's neck stretched upwards and he said in a deep voice: "No, you don't need to, in fact, you are already infected..." "

Did you notice those tiny scratches on your body?" It's there before you come over in a few minutes, and all of you have it. I should feel that my body is changing by now..."

"3... 2...... 1..." Mr

. Fantastic looked at the watch in his hand and began the countdown to death.


Thunderfire couldn't help but breathe fire directly.

The stone man held his stomach and said in disbelief: "Reid, you..." The

invisible woman began to vomit blood and cursed: "Have you lost your mind?" Reid, do you remember our children? Have you forgotten how they died?

"How could I forget? If my findings are correct, our fertility methods are completely outdated. Our way of living no longer requires reproduction, because we will have eternal life..." Mr

. Wonder lifted his white coat and said compassionately: "Our children are in a better world, and this terrible world does not need them. Living blood is not terrible, it is the laws of nature that force us to make choices, you will understand later

..." "Kill you, eat you..."

Starve labor and capital

..." "Let me eat..." Everyone

has been completely reduced to zombies!

Mr. Fantastic transformed his body, put it in front of everyone, and smiled: "Come on, just as I changed you, come and change me!" I crave to accept this change, to desire the feeling of this change. I need this change to happen to me, you will all understand, they will all understand..." At this

moment, the Fantastic Four has become the Fantastic Four Corpse.

This idea of not studying vaccines well and wanting to directly come to herd immunity, well, is really a beautiful country.

On the other hand.

Inside Tony Stark's lab.

"It's really on-time, I've started!"

Tony Stark said to the sad-looking Nick Fury.

"On time? Your work here is so important, why am I late? Tony, how is it going? "

It's already started, as I just said, it's now scanning parallel worlds, and then recording those suitable numbers, I estimate it will take 1 day to find a suitable one..."

Nick Fury asked the deadliest question.

"If there is enough time, I will expand it so that it has enough space to teleport us all to parallel worlds." But, to be honest, I don't really know if there's still enough time left to get it done. Nick

Fury said in a deep voice: "The news on the front line is indeed very bad, now a large number of monsters are coming here, we have also lost a considerable number of manpower, every loss has joined their team, maybe what Nova said earlier is right, but at that time we were still too underestimating this kid..."

Tony Stark added: "One thing, I must emphasize, the total number of people and devices that need to be teleported, Our device can only be teleported once for the time being

..." "Therefore, we must not act rashly, which means that unless we have the same device in that new space, we will be stuck there forever

..." "Then, we must..."

Before Nick Fury's words were finished, the irrational Magical Four Corpse happily broke in.

"From portals to parallel worlds to eat people, to eat more delicious people, hahaha

..." "What a great idea ha..."

Tony Stark looked at Reid in front of him, his eyes almost popping out.

"Reid, how do you..."

"The light is right in front of my eyes, and you will see it, and this is the right choice!" Reid, whose neck is longer than a giraffe, said: "Let's bite you a few times now, rest assured, you only need to take a few bites gently

..." The zombie invisible woman reminded: "Be careful to bite..." The

zombie stone man forcibly knocked Tony Stark, drooling and said: "Just a few bites? Too hard, right?

"It's difficult, that's quite big... Reid, I really can't help myself! "

Zombie Thunderfire also began to complain.

Mr. Zombie Fantastic explained: "We can't gnaw him all, just infect him, if you eat too much, he will die, like those ordinary people." There are many people eating here, and there is no shortage of him. Tony's brain will be useful in the future, we want sustainable development..." is

worthy of being known as having the smartest brain in the Marvel Universe, and Mr. Zombie Fantastic also thinks about sustainable development.



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