Marvel: Starts with a Zanpakuto

Chapter 580: Aizen's finale performance

"Beast bones scattered everywhere."

"Spire, red crystal, steel wheel."

"Moving is wind, stopping is empty, and the sound of spears striking each other overflows the virtual city."

"Sixty-three Broken Road: Thunder Roar!"

The golden spiritual pressure was condensed and formed in the palm, and then fell from the sky like a thunderbolt.

The speed of the lightning strike was almost instantaneous, and a huge roar broke out at the location where it hit Aizen, and the surface suddenly lifted up billowing dust.

Taking advantage of the gap where his vision was blocked, Constantine rushed into it with a flash step, picked up the paralyzed Tony and left quickly.

A figure flew out of the smoke and dust, and fell slowly to the ground.

"Unexpectedly, there are still a few ants alive."

Ai Ran raised his hand at random to dust off the clothes, and looked at them with interest: "But it didn't appear until now. Don't you think it's too late?"


When the voice fell, three figures suddenly appeared.

Looking at the three people who came here, they were the three captains who hadn't seen before: Shattered Bee, Urahara Kisuke, and Kashiwamura Zuojin.

Ichimaru Gin suffered from being entangled by Ukitake Shiro, but at this moment he couldn't get out of his body and couldn't rush to help the weak Aizen. As for Tosen, if he was seriously injured by Jingraku Chunshui, it would be good to be able to barely stand up now. .

"You have nowhere to escape, Aizen!"

Kisuke Urahara had already pulled out the Zanpaku Knife, and said solemnly: "Unexpectedly, you would be the one who framed Lorde, killed many death gods, and manipulated the blur experiment a hundred years ago!"

"everything is over!"

The fingertips of the broken bee were glowing with golden color, covered with weapons like the tail thorn of a wasp: "How dare you join the invisible empire to invade the Seolin Court, secretly kill and manipulate the central forty-six room, your sins can no longer be cleared! "


The huge size of Kashiwa Village brought a great sense of oppression: "Trick me to wait for hundreds of years to do such a rebellious thing!"

"Oh, it's actually three captains."

Lan Ran was surrounded by the three of them, but there was no panic on his face, and he chuckled lightly: "Compared to my situation, those Quincy Masters are more harmful, don't you just leave them alone?"

"Aran, it seems that you are too focused on breaking the jade." Urahara Kisuke said with a gloomy expression: "Queenmaster has already begun to retreat, and the captain will be back soon. You have no retreat. Put down your weapons and surrender."

"Accounts from a hundred years ago, let's settle them together today!"

Yinmeng uttered firm words in an immature tone, and fed the special medicine to the seriously injured people.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Frank, Steve, Hulk, etc., who were seriously injured and dying, stood up again intact. Except for the fact that the Reiki did not fully recover, the soul-level injuries have been completely healed. .

"You are unforgivable for tarnishing the glory of the nobility!"

Kuchiki Byakuya, who had been cured by the way, also reappeared on the battlefield.

In an instant, the situation reversed dramatically.

A total of five captains stood on their side, and Hulk and Frank helped out, and Constantine and Button appeared.

"A gift for you."

Constantine threw a knife to Tony.

"This is... my Zanpaku Knife?!"

Tony seemed to be unbelievable. After repeated confirmations, he found that this was really Hephaestus. He looked shocked and said, "Isn't this knife confiscated? Where did you find it?"

"You have to thank Coleson for this."

Mentioning this, Button inevitably showed a touch of emotion: "We happened to meet Coleson, that guy is already a student of the Mao Spiritual Academy, he helped hide our whereabouts, and also found your confiscated behead. Soul knife."

That half-bald Colson actually became a student of the Mao Spiritual Academy?

This is really shocking news. The feelings are really a blessing in disguise!

Tony was slightly shocked for half a second, and then he showed a happy smile, holding his Zanpodao, his confidence suddenly increased: "It seems that the favor I owe is becoming more and more!"

Regaining Zanpaku Knife, the spell that bound spiritual power instantly collapsed.

Feeling the abundant spiritual power surging in his body, Tony took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said: "Now it's our turn to fight back!"

This sound, like a horn for counterattack!

Bang bang bang bang ——

The four captains of Shattered Bee, Urahara Kisuke, Kashiwamura Zuojin, and Kuchiki Byakuya, almost indiscriminately, seemed to be in a tacit understanding, and ran towards Aizen from four directions, blocking all possible retreats for him.

"Cry, Hong Ji!"

When Urahara Kisuke groaned softly, Hong Ji's **** color appeared: "Razor Hong Ji!"

When the raised blade fell, a crimson spiritual pressure condensed a half-moon slash to kill.

The slash that pierced the chill like a scarlet moon, the ground along the way was cut open, and the strong air current visible to the naked eye vibrated, like Moses traveling by sea in the myth. The air is cut open!

"The thundering carriage, the crevice of the spinning wheel, this thing has light, and it is divided into six."

Kuchiki Byakuya suddenly appeared from behind, and his fingertips shot a gleaming golden light: "Sixty-one of the way of binding, six rod light prison!"

Six light films came from all over and fixed the man in the center.

Kashiwa Village's left formation and Broken Bee fought from both sides, and the target took Aizen's key part.

"The ants who dare to challenge the elephants, let alone their strength, at least their courage and courage are worthy of admiration."

Aizen stood with a knife, showing a relaxed smile.

And that sound, gentle and magnetic, went downwind into the ears of everyone present.

Even though he was deeply surrounded by everyone, the man still didn't panic at all, and even showed a look of appreciation in his eyes, as if he was admiring them, the tiny ants who dared to attack the elephant.

How dare he... !

That's a total of four captains!

Even if there is a big gap between individuals, at least the power of all people should not be so underestimated!

Tony and others were shocked by Ai Ran's calmness, but suddenly discovered that everyone's position had undergone a subtle change unknowingly.

The original location of Ai Ran was changed to Kashiwa Village's Zuojin at this moment.

And the person who was bound by the six rod light prison also turned into a blank and bewildered Kashiwa Village Zuo formation.

boom! ! !

The scarlet crescent that bloomed from the blades of the Red Princess slashed straight on the burly captain.

This was Urahara Kisuke's ruthless and murderous blow, which directly smashed the armor of Kashiwa Village's left formation like a ruin, leaving a deep bone wound on his chest.

The crisp bones burst into pieces, and a bright red blood mist spurted out of the whole body.

As the heavy armor peeled off, everyone was shocked to see that what was hidden under the armor was a beast-like bearman.

"This is impossible!"

"Why... will it become Kashiwa Village's left formation?!"

"What happened just now!!!"

"Aizan...Where is Aizen?"

There was a huge shock in the hearts of everyone, revealing a look of astonishment.

They obviously saw Aizen who had been recruited, but why did they suddenly become the left group of Kashiwa Village?

All this...what is going on?

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