Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 108 Why Thor Destroyed the Rainbow Bridge

[Listen to the question: Why did Thor destroy the Rainbow Bridge? 】

[A. Fighting with the Rocky Brothers and inadvertently destroying the Rainbow Bridge]

[B. In order to prevent Loki from using the Rainbow Bridge to destroy Jotunheim]

[C. In order to prevent the invasion of Hela, the goddess of death]

[D. In order to prevent the dark elves from using ether particles to corrode Asgard]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a dose of the improved T virus reagent;

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

A new question appeared on the big screen at this time, and everyone at the scene focused their attention on the big screen, but saw that it was a question about Thor.

"I destroyed the Rainbow Bridge? It's ridiculous, how could I do such a thing?" Thor shook his head as soon as he saw this topic.

The Rainbow Bridge is a very important fortification for Asgard. It is a portal connecting Asgard and the universe. Unless Thor is crazy, how can he destroy the Rainbow Bridge?

"Thor, no one knows what will happen in the future." Black Widow said to Thor with a stern face, "Did you ever think that one day you would be exiled by Odin?"

Thor was speechless by Black Widow for a while.

Indeed, in the past Thor led Asgard's army to go all out to fight north and south, and he was invincible and invincible, and his reputation resounded throughout the nine star regions.

The prestige in Asgard has also reached a peak, whether it is ordinary Asgard people or Odin, they are very satisfied with Thor.

Even Odin intends to pass the throne to Thor.

Everything went so smoothly.

At that time, if someone told Thor that your father would exile you in the future, Thor would definitely slap him so much that his mother wouldn't recognize him.

Lao Tzu is someone who definitely wants to be king. Everyone in Asgard knows that. What nonsense are you talking about?

However, the future is so treacherous and difficult, and even at Thor's coronation ceremony, that accident happened, and Thor was reduced to the current end.

"Something must have happened in the future that made you make such a difficult decision." Captain America also said to Thor.

"Thor, I can tell you very clearly that the Rainbow Bridge will indeed break in the future." Nick Fury also said on the side.

This has been shown in previous images.

"Prince of Asgard? Thor?" Tony Stark couldn't help shaking his head, "Are you weaned?"

Is this Thor?

Like a small child, his heart is so fragile that it seems that he has never grown up at all.

Tony Stark is really full of contempt.

"Tony Stark, how dare you talk to me like that?" Thor shouted, glaring at Tony Stark.

He is a prince from Asgard, and the Atrium is only one of his father's territories. How dare people in Atrium be so disrespectful to him?

"Okay, let's go back to the topic." Captain America frowned and interrupted the two, and said in a deep voice, "Thor, is it possible for A?"

For the man who could pick up the hammer, Thor still gave some face, he turned his head and set his eyes on the big screen.

"Impossible!" Thor almost didn't think about it, and shook his head in denial. "I won't do anything to Loki. Things like me and Loki fighting will not happen."

"What if you really fought with Loki because of some last resort?" Nick Fury said straight to the point, "Tor, we have obtained relevant information through the answering system, you and Loki have a lot to do with each other. may be the outbreak of war.


Thor was silent.

He couldn't accept this kind of thing in his heart, but since it was the relevant future revealed by the answering system, he couldn't ignore it either.

"Even so, that's impossible."

After a while, Thor still shook his head, "The Rainbow Bridge is very solid. Even if Loki and I really had a war, it would be impossible to destroy it."

"A is ruled out for the time being, so what about B?" Nick Fury asked in a deep voice, "You took the initiative to destroy the Rainbow Bridge in order to prevent Loki from destroying Jotunheim?"

"It's also impossible." Thor shook his head without thinking much, "My father would never allow Loki to do such a thing!"

At Thor's coronation ceremony, the frost giants broke into Asgard's treasury, and Odin didn't even plan to pursue it.

Later, Thor took people to fight Jotunheim for the sake of shame. Not only was he forcibly brought back by Odin, but he also angered Odin and was exiled by Odin!

His father Odin was always like that, outdated, too conservative, not to mention destroying Jotunheim.

"Loki is not such a belligerent person, this is not his style, but mine!" After a pause, Thor added.

"Thor, you really don't know your brother so well." Captain America couldn't help but sigh.

Loki doesn't fight?

Loki has shown a lot in the answering system, and he is clearly a dangerous person who is insidious and cunning with extreme thoughts.

Not at all what Thor described.

"Jotunheim? This is also one of the Nine Realms in myths and legends." Coulson said at this time and asked Thor, "Thor, is this the case in reality?"

"Yes, Jotunheim is indeed one of the Nine Realms." Thor nodded and gave a positive answer.

"Then Jotunheim is also one of Odin's territories. Odin really shouldn't let his territory be completely destroyed." Coulson nodded.

The others also nodded, which was much more reliable than Thor's analysis. That guy "misunderstood" his brother too deeply.

"No! We can't analyze it like this." Nick Fury shook his head and interrupted everyone, "This analysis sounds reasonable, but it doesn't stand up to scrutiny at all."

"Thor, you said your father didn't allow Loki to do this, how do you know your father still thinks this way in the future?"

"You must know that people change. Maybe something happened in the future that made your father change his mind?"

"Or maybe, what happened to the Nine Realms or the universe in the future, your father can't take care of himself, and he can't take care of Loki at all?"

"We know that Thanos will invade the earth in the future. The earth is precisely your father's territory. Your father and Thanos may have a war."

"You said Loki wasn't that style, but Thor, your knowledge of Loki is too limited. In my opinion, Loki is exactly that style."

"Even aside from Loki's style, it's possible that Loki had to do it for some compelling reason?"

"In short, there are too few clues for analysis of option B, and we cannot conduct effective analysis at all."

Nick Fury's remarks made everyone at the scene speechless.

But everyone has to admit that Nick Fury's words are also very reasonable.

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