Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 214 Iron Man: My mortal body is comparable to that of a god

Listening to the sound coming from the system, the chrysanthemum smile on Star-Lord's face suddenly froze.

"No, how could the answer be me!" Star-Lord couldn't accept it.

But this is a systematic judgment that cannot be wrong, but Star-Lord can no longer say anything to refute it.

"You see, I told you before! The answer must be Star-Lord!" Thor couldn't help but laughed on the side.

He glanced at everyone around him with some dissatisfaction, "Thank you for analyzing me seriously. This is really ridiculous!"

[Congratulations to the respondent Thor Odinson for receiving a shielding helmet as a reward! 】

[Rewards have been distributed, please check carefully! 】

Following the system's words, a silver helmet with a very smooth shape but also very domineering immediately appeared in Thor's hand.

"Yes, with this helmet, I will be immune to any form of psychic attack in the future. No one can disturb my mind anymore."

Thor nodded with great satisfaction, and then put the helmet on his head at once.

"Not bad Thor, it looks like it matches you very well." Black Widow glanced at Thor up and down, with a look of approval on her face.

This helmet matches Thor's armor, cloak, and hammer perfectly, and there is no inconsistency.

"So this shielding helmet blocks some mind control magic?" Captain America couldn't help but ask at the side.

"Not just magic, but also other forms of power, such as Loki's scepter." Thor explained to Captain America.

Everyone was still very surprised by this. You must know that within Loki's scepter is the Mind Stone.

Could it be said that this screen helmet can even block the power of the Mind Stone?

Isn't this a bit abnormal?

"You mean Loki's scepter?"

Tony Stark immediately looked surprised, but then thought about it and said, "What about the Mind Stone? The scepter and the gem are two different things, right? When Loki used the Mind Stone as a scepter, It can only exert an extremely limited and insignificant power, right?”

What Tony Stark said makes sense.

Although the power of the Infinity Stones is powerful, the power within them is not so easy to exploit.

Without certain means, even if I give you the gem, it will still be a piece of waste.

"I'm not sure about that. Anyway, the magic of the scepter and the Scarlet Witch, I mean the magic of controlling the mind, are all perfectly immune."

Thor shook his head and said to everyone.

If someone can exert more powerful power to control the mind, such as the Mind Stone, then the shielding helmet may not work, right?

However, this cannot be tested at present, but no one can give a definite answer.

"All in all, I'm very satisfied with this helmet." Thor said with a smile again.

There is no doubt that Thor is very powerful. There is no fault in his attack or defense. The only blemish may be that his mind was controlled by the Scarlet Witch.

But now the emergence of this shielding helmet can be said to have made up for Thor's last shortcoming.

Thor now has no flaws in his mind or body, and can be said to be invulnerable.

"Yes, Thor is now more powerful than before." Captain America was also really happy for Thor.

"I didn't expect that the answer to this question is actually Star-Lord." Strange shrugged and said a little surprised.

"This must be a mistake. How could this question be about me? Am I comparable to a mortal? I am much stronger than a mortal, okay!"

Star-Lord said seriously, very unhappy.

"The system's judgment cannot be wrong, Star-Lord, since the system says so, then you are as good as a mortal as a god."

At this point, Tony Stark couldn't help but admire it, "It's a question-answering system. The wording and sentence-making are brilliant. Although there are only a few words, they are concise and precise in expression."

"Even if I am comparable to a mortal, I am still the body of a god! I am a god, but you are just a mortal!" When Star-Lord saw that even Tony Stark was mocking him, he suddenly felt unhappy and retorted back.

"I'm sorry, I'm a mortal and can be compared to a god." Tony Stark thought for a moment, but responded with this sentence.

"A mortal body comparable to a god?"

Strange couldn't stand listening anymore and couldn't help but speak, "Mr. Stark, do you always praise yourself like this? Although I have often done this kind of thing before, but this sentence, is it right?" Is it too exaggerated?"

"Doctor." Black Widow spoke for Tony Stark on the side, "Although this sentence sounds very arrogant at first, I have to say that it is not so arrogant when it comes to Stark. He will not be too arrogant in the future. God may not be able to do anything that can be done.”

Strange and Star-Lord, the two newcomers, would of course think Tony Stark's words were arrogant, but after careful consideration by the old people who answered the questions, they felt that these words were not arrogant.

Compared with other super soldiers, gods, magicians, mutants and other freaks in the Avengers, Tony Stark is really just a mortal.

But in the future, he can challenge Thanos to a duel, inflict a wound on Thanos's face, and even kill Thanos in the end. What is the difference between this and a god?

Not even gods like Thor could do it.

It is really no exaggeration to say that a mortal body is comparable to a god.

"Are you serious?"

Star-Lord looked at Tony Stark with a stunned look on his face, and even laughed out loud, "He is comparable to a god? Is it him? You people on Earth don't know what a real god is, do you?"

Although this guy can fly around in armor and looks cool, what everyone is talking about is God!

Is that the extent of God?

[This round of answering questions is over! 】

A beep sounded suddenly, interrupting everyone's discussion.

This made everyone at the scene feel surprised. There was no answer to this question.

This is the first time we have encountered this situation.


But the system did not give everyone any chance to think and discuss. When the prompt sounded that the answer was over, the pure white answering space suddenly disappeared.

The people in the answering space naturally disappeared.

And at the moment when the answer to the question ends.

Dark world.

Swish, swish, swish!

Several figures appeared out of thin air, and they were none other than Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and other people who had originally participated in answering questions.

"It's the dark world, where we were before, we're back!" Black Widow looked at the surrounding environment and said to everyone.

No one is surprised by this.

"Then it seems that Strange and Star-Lord have returned to their respective places." Captain America agreed.


While several people were talking, Hawkeye Barton came to everyone from the original commanding heights with Ling Feng's bow, "The dark elves have been eliminated, but there is a question, how do we go back?"

This is another planet, and since everyone entered here, the original entrance has disappeared.

There was no way they could find their way back.

Although the original Jane Foster returned to Earth from the critical point again, it was obvious that the other party bumped back inadvertently.

Even when I went back, it was already five hours later.

This has no reference value.

"Everyone, welcome to Asgard." Thor said to everyone with a smile, "I will let Heimdall teleport us back to Asgard, and then we will return to Earth."

Everyone discussed Thor's proposal with each other, but no one raised any objections.

This is a safer approach.

After all, nine major galaxies are gathering now. If they wander around in the dark world, they might step into another planet.

That's trouble.

"Asgard, the legendary divine realm, is now an eye-opener." Hawkeye Barton shrugged slightly, showing an excited look.

"Asgard, this is something I never expected." Dr. Banner, who was restored to his original state by Captain America using the sobriety bracelet, also looked forward to it.


Thor didn't say anything more. He pointed the hammer in his hand towards the sky and issued a "summon" from a distance above, "Take us back!"


A multicolored light suddenly fell from the sky, covering everyone present.

Everyone felt as if their eyes were blurred, a strong force acted on themselves, and a feeling of weightlessness came, and then they returned to normal.

By this time, everyone had already discovered that they were in another hall that was full of exotic customs and looked majestic.

A very strong man in armor, holding a long sword in his hand, stood in front of a device.

There is no doubt that it is Heimdall.

"Welcome to Asgard."

Heimdall knew that the people in front of him were all important friends of Thor, so he said hello to everyone from afar.

Naturally, everyone responded politely.

Everyone respects this warrior who is loyal to Thor and protects Asgard with his own life.

"Everyone, I will take you to meet my father first!"

After saying hello to Heimdall, Thor didn't talk nonsense and immediately led everyone to the Asgard and came to Odin.

"You must be the warriors who helped Thor defeat the Dark Elves." Odin slowly stood up and said to several people.

Although Odin has never allowed people from Midgard to appear in Asgard at will, this is also done on a case-by-case basis.

Jane Foster is just an ordinary Earth woman, nothing more. As Odin said, goat meat is not on the table, but this is not the case for these people.

He had defeated the Destroyer, the ultimate weapon of Asgard, saved Thor's life, and now helped Thor defeat the Dark Elves. This kind of person is absolutely qualified to come to Asgard.

More qualified to gain his respect from Odin.

Not to mention, these are Thor's "answering friends", which makes this level of status even more extraordinary.

"Please allow me to express my sincere thanks to you on behalf of Asgard! Asgard welcomes you as a guest!" Odin continued to say to everyone.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty the God King!"

The people at the scene also returned the favor to Odin, not daring to show any slights. Even Tony Stark, a person who has always been arrogant, was honest at this time.

The old man in front of them is the Lord of the Nine Realms and a God-King. They cannot respect this status too much.

"Father, these are ether particles!"

After the two sides greeted each other, Thor handed the treasure box to Odin.

Odin took it, looked at it, and nodded: "It's exactly as recorded in the classics. Thor, you have made another great achievement."

"This is what I should do, father!" A smile appeared on Thor's face unconsciously.

After meeting Odin, Thor personally took everyone on a tour of Asgard and prepared an extremely sumptuous banquet.

It goes without saying that the host and guest had a great time.

Afterwards, a group of people returned to New York and the respondent base, and as always, conducted intelligence sharing and analysis on this time's responses.

Make a next response plan, etc.

But this time, there was one more person attending the meeting: Strange.

"Welcome to the Clickers League, Doctor Strange."

In the conference room, Nick Fury slowly stood up and extended his hand to Strange, who had just followed Black Widow in.

The two parties shook hands as a greeting.

Strange glanced at the people around him, with a slight look of surprise on his face: "So everyone has participated in that magical answer? I have to say that there are more people than I thought."

"Sit down, doctor. This is not the first time for everyone here to answer questions. If there is anything you want to know, you can ask questions at any time."

Nick Fury greeted Strange, and both parties took their seats.

"Okay everyone, everyone is here now. I think we can officially start." Nick Fury glanced at everyone present and said to everyone with a serious face.

The meeting officially begins.

The first link was naturally for the respondents to share the information revealed in this round of questions. As a result, there were exclamations in the conference room.

"Thanos actually killed half of all life in the entire universe? Not just the billions of humans on Earth?"

"Humanity failed for the first time, so it traveled through time and started the final battle with Thanos?"

"In addition to Thanos, there is also a dark lord Dormammu who also wants to invade the earth?"

Nick Fury, Hawkeye Barton, Dr. Banner and others were all stunned by these blockbuster news, and their hearts were filled with huge waves.

Even with the character of these people, it is impossible to remain calm in the face of news of this level.

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