Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 316 Captain America actually did such a thing


Peter Parker's voice sounded. He glanced at everyone around him and asked, "Could this be the organization that developed the super serum?"

"It's also possible that they stole it from other organizations." Thor added.

This is impossible to determine without knowing the relevant clues.

"Flag-Smasher, what kind of organization is this? Rogers, do you know this organization?" Strange couldn't help but look at Captain America and asked.

"No, I have never heard of this organization." Captain America shook his head and made a decision at the same time, "After the answer is over, I will go and investigate."

As for whether it can be found, it is unknown.

Because no one knows whether the Flag-Smashers are an organization that already exists now or an organization that will appear in the future.

"Everyone, we will discuss the matter of the Flag-Smasher when we share information. Now, let's start answering the questions."

Immediately afterwards, Captain America began to remind everyone, and was the first to start the analysis.

"Sam Wilson, I think that can be ruled out."

Captain America didn't even think about it, and made a direct judgment, "If Sam really encounters this situation, he will not hide the serum secretly, he will definitely hand it over."

Judging from Captain America's tone, he still has great trust in Sam Wilson.

"Captain, are you so sure?" Thor smiled at the side, "Super serum is a huge temptation for people on earth. Do you really believe that Sam Wilson can withstand such a temptation?"

Everyone else at the scene also looked at Captain America with questioning eyes.

Although everyone knows about Sam Wilson through answering questions, they have not had much contact with him in private.

Except Captain America.

Nick Fury has actually already absorbed Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes into the Avengers.

Braised eggs will not leave these great resources unused.

Not to mention the current period of extreme manpower shortage.

Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have performed many missions with Captain America. As in the original storyline, Captain America has an excellent relationship with these two.

"No, Sam wouldn't do that."

Captain America said categorically, "When we were chatting in private, Bucky once asked Sam whether he envied us and whether he wanted to become a super soldier. Sam said no, and he didn't even hesitate for a second."

"Trust me, Sam isn't like that."

"Furthermore, although Sam has retired, he is still a soldier. The soldier's characteristics in him are still there. He will not do anything like hiding the serum secretly."

Captain America has spoken to this extent, and everyone at the scene has nothing to say.

Option A, exclude.

"What about Bucky?"

Scott Lang then set his sights on the next option and asked, "Rogers, we are not familiar with this person either, so you should analyze it."

"I don't think Bucky would do that either."

Captain America also said the same, "Although Bucky started out as the Winter Soldier, a cold-blooded killer of Hydra, based on the intelligence we have, he later became Bucky Barnes of the Howling Commandos."

We have actually discussed this point a long time ago.

Bucky will join everyone in the future to fight Thanos and protect Wakanda, which is completely "whitewashed".

And Bucky from Howling Commandos is indeed blameless.

"What's more, Bucky himself is a super soldier! I don't know if the super serum is useful for super soldiers, but for Bucky, it must not be that attractive."

Captain America then added.

Everyone at the scene thought about it and found that this is indeed the case.

Bucky Barnes does have reasons that can be ruled out.

"What about Colonel Zemo?" Thor asked, "I can't think of any reason to exclude this person."

Naturally, everyone knows about Colonel Zemo. This guy single-handedly directed the drama of the heroic civil war. He is a soldier in Sokovia, which is quite extraordinary.

So, when this guy encounters the super serum, can this person resist the temptation of the super serum?

We are not sure about this, but we feel that there is still a certain possibility.

After all, after Colonel Zemo was blown up by the Avengers in Sokovia, his behavior began to become extreme and he became a "villain".

Isn't it reasonable for a villain to hide a super serum or something?

Look at what this guy is doing.

In order to retaliate against the Avengers, he killed Black Panther's father, sneaked into the counter-terrorism center to release the Winter Soldier, and turned Captain America and Iron Man against each other.

There is indeed some unscrupulousness.

It's not against the law at all for this kind of person to steal serum or something.

"Not only that, the reason why Colonel Zemo 'directed the civil war' is because he knew that he was no match for the Avengers and that he could not rely on his own strength to seek revenge, so he chose to use conspiracy and tricks."

Tony Stark also thought of another thing, "So what if he becomes a super soldier? Wouldn't he have the power to take revenge?"

"It makes sense." Thor couldn't help but nodded, "So Colonel Zemo is completely possible."

"That's right, we'll wait to decide on this option for the time being." Captain America said immediately.

Although it is still to be determined, everyone knows that if no more sufficient supporting clues can be found in the other options, Colonel Zemo will basically be chosen.

No one else at the scene raised any objections.

In this way, the three options have been roughly analyzed, and only the second-generation Captain America is left.

Regarding this option, everyone at the scene subconsciously felt that it should be eliminated.

After all, this is Captain America!

Although everyone doesn't know much about John Walker, since he has the title of Captain America, we don't expect him to reach the level of Steve Rogers, but his basic qualities should be impeccable, right?

"Since John Walker has been officially selected as the new generation of Captain America, it means that this man is impeccable in all aspects. If it were me... I would rule out this option."

Scott Lang spoke immediately and expressed his opinion.

"Yes, this is Captain America. He wouldn't do such sneaky things, right?" Peter Parker also nodded in agreement.

Others at the scene had a brief exchange and basically agreed with what Scott Lang and Peter Parker said.

Of course.

Even if John Walker is the second-generation Captain America, there is no guarantee that this guy will not hide the serum secretly, but in any case, the possibility is smaller.

The official endorsement from the United States still has a certain degree of credibility.

In fact, strictly speaking, no matter who the four people in the options are, no one can be 100% sure that the other person will not hide the serum secretly. No one can say for sure about this kind of thing.

But in this kind of answer, you don’t need to be 100% sure. You only need to compare the possibilities of the four options, which is enough.

As of now, among the four options, Colonel Zemo is indeed the most likely.

After everyone's discussion and analysis, the answer to this question is C.

As for the candidate to answer this question?

There is no doubt that it falls on Captain America.

Because in this round of answering questions, only Captain America and Thor are left. And Thor does not need any intelligent robot at all, so it is natural for Captain America to answer.

The intelligent robot given to Thor is a complete waste, but in the hands of Captain America, it can play a certain role.

"I choose C, Colonel Zemo!"

After making the decision, Captain America immediately gave his answer without any nonsense.

【wrong answer! 】

But the system sent such feedback.

[Question-taker Steve Rogers will be punished by erasing his investigative skills immediately! 】

Following the system's words, Captain America immediately felt that something was missing in him.

At the same time, some memories related to the investigation in his brain also disappeared.

"The answer is not Colonel Zemo." Captain America was a little surprised.

Frankly speaking, Captain America is actually quite confident about this answer. The other three options are relatively "perfect" in comparison, and he doesn't seem like someone who can do such a thing as secretly hiding the serum.

The only guy who seemed reasonable enough to do something like this was Colonel Zemo.

In this case, there is nothing wrong with choosing Colonel Zemo.

But who would have thought that the answer was not Zemo at all.

"If it's not Colonel Zemo, that means Sam, Bucky, and the new generation of Captain America. Someone among the three of them secretly hid the serum! Who... could they be? This really gave me a clue problem."

Thor asked in a deep voice.

This question was a bit difficult to answer for a while, because none of these three people seemed like people who would hide serum secretly.

"If it were me, I'd choose Sam."

Tony Stark said this and gave his own reason, "Bucky is a super soldier himself. He should not have that much need for the serum and can withstand the temptation of the serum, but Sam and John Walker are both ordinary people!"

"Of course, these two ordinary people look impeccable on the surface. The captain even asked Sam similar questions, but..."

"Talk about it verbally and experience it personally are two different things! When the super serum is really put in front of them, no one knows whether they can withstand the temptation."

"Stark, Sam wouldn't do this." Captain America spoke again, speaking seriously to Tony Stark.

"Sorry Rogers, I trust humanity more than your guarantee on this kind of thing." Tony Stark shrugged.

"Mr. Stark, you also said that John Walker and Sam are both ordinary people, so why did you choose Sam instead of John Walker?"

Peter Parker couldn't help but curiously asked Tony Stark.

"Because John Walker is Captain America! Since this hat is on his head, it means that everyone is paying attention, and any inappropriate actions will be infinitely magnified. Peter, this is a huge pressure."

"With the entire United States watching, I think John Walker should act more restrained."

From this perspective, Sam Wilson is indeed more likely than John Walker.

"But Stark, this is just your guess." Scott Lang said, "We know nothing about John Walker's character, but the captain knows Sam's character very well, and we cannot ignore it. at this point."

"That's right..." Tony Stark shrugged and looked at Thor, "So how you choose this question, Thor, depends on you."

Thor was lost in thought.


On the one hand, what Tony Stark said does make sense, but on the other hand, Captain America's understanding of Sam cannot be ignored.

"Stark, what you said makes sense, but you are not a warrior. You will not understand the kind of trust between partners. "

After a moment, Thor made a decision, "Sam is Rogers' comrade in life and death. I believe Rogers will not get the wrong person, so this question..."

At this point, Thor raised his head, faced the big screen, and gave his answer, "I choose D, John Walker!"

【correct answer! 】

[Congratulations to the quizzer Thor Odinson for winning the reward intelligent robot Baymax! 】

[Rewards have been distributed, please check carefully! 】

A series of beeps sounded immediately, and when the beeps disappeared, a very high-end-looking, red mechanical box appeared at Thor's feet.

There is no doubt that it is the intelligent robot Baymax.

"Is the answer really the new generation of Captain America?"

Peter Parker immediately spoke up and curled his lips slightly, "This is really beyond my expectation."

Hiding serum or something, this kind of thing is really not appropriate for someone with the status of Captain America.

"When I first saw Captain America, I didn't have high hopes for him. Sure enough..." Scott Lang shrugged.

"Not all Captain Americas are Steve Rogers."

Thor, with a coquettish look on his face, smiled smugly at Tony Stark, "What about Stark, let me just say you don't understand the trust between partners?"

"Well." Tony Stark spread his hands, "This is really a first time."

Thor relied on his own analysis to answer the question correctly, which was indeed the first time.

Worth remembering.

"Mr. Thor, is this box the same as Baymax? Can I see what this intelligent robot looks like?"

Peter Parker's voice sounded. He was staring at the red box in front of Thor with curiosity and asked.

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