Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 507: The powerful God-Slayer, ravaging the Thunder God Thor with one hand

on the screen.

The screen continues to move.

"In the end what happened?"

Thor began to ask Sif for details.

"I have been tracking many people, and I followed him here." Sif began to introduce the situation to Thor, "But this is a trap."

"Who is this crazy guy?"

"The Godslayer! He is here, and he will drive out all the gods! His next target is Asgard!" Sif said to Thor nervously.

At this time, a switch appeared on the screen.

But I saw it outside a quiet and harmonious seaside town.

A man with gray skin, who looked very strange, and whose whole body was covered in robes, quietly appeared in the darkness.

The man looked at the town ahead, and couldn't help but have a cold look on his face.

Then the man took out a long sword and thrust it hard into the ground.

With the long sword as the center, the boundless darkness began to spread, shrouding the town ahead.

And in that darkness, countless monsters began to appear.

"Gerr the God-Slayer!"

"Is this guy Geer the God-Slayer?"

The professor said in a very sure tone.

There is basically no doubt about this.

It's just that the image of the God-Slayer is somewhat different from what everyone expected. He is a very, very thin person who even looks very frail.

Moreover, there is another very interesting point.

"Why does this guy look so much like Bruce when he was young? He's exactly the same!"

Clark Kent couldn't help but said in surprise, with an extremely weird look on his face.


Is there such a thing?

All the answerers at the scene couldn't help but look at Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but spread his hands: "I wasn't so thin at that time, okay?"

He is a superhero who fights criminals no matter what. How can he be strong when he is so thin?

Of course, the faces are really strikingly similar.

on the screen.

The roars and screams of monsters rang out, and the monsters released by the God Killer began to wreak havoc in Asgard.

At the critical moment, a dazzling light flashed, but the Valkyrie descended from the sky riding a Pegasus and bravely fought against the monsters.

Valkyrie's fighting power is still as strong as ever, and she is the one who has fought Hela with Thor anyway.

It's a pity that there are too many monsters at the scene, and the Valkyrie is a little overwhelmed.


At this critical moment, a colorful light fell from the sky, and the figures of Thor and the Stone Man also appeared.

But he saw the ax in Thor's hand waved, and the dazzling lightning burst out, which was so devastating that the monsters were killed in droves.

As soon as Thor takes action, he will know if there is one.

It can only be said that Thor is worthy of being Thor, and his strength is not comparable to that of Valkyrie and others.

"Thor! It's Thor!"

"Thor is coming!"

There was a burst of cheers at the scene, and all the people of Asgard became excited.

"Take Sif to the infirmary!"

Thor gave casual instructions to the Asgardians present.

"Hey, who did you mess with again this time?"

The Valkyrie's voice sounded. She stretched her head and looked at Thor and asked.

"It's not my fault, I've never seen these things at all, no matter who they are." Thor told the truth.

"Welcome back!"

Valkyrie said, and then she and Thor fought side by side to fight against those monsters.

But while he was facing the enemy, Thor suddenly saw lightning flashing in a corner of the battlefield, accompanied by bursts of cheers.

Others came out to help fight the enemy.

It can be seen that he is a very powerful person and very popular in Asgard.

"Who is this new guy?"

Thor couldn't help but stretched his head and asked.

"You will like this new guy." Valkyrie smiled mysteriously.

There is no doubt that the "new guy" must be the female Thor Jane Foster.

This video has been clearly shown to everyone. Thor does not know the female Thor at all, and the time is as everyone expected, after the end of the Endgame and Thor's interstellar wandering.

So the question is, how did the female Thor become the female Thor?

Regarding this point, you can say that you are still very, very curious.

Moreover, the weapon used by the female Thor was actually Mjolnir, which made everyone even more confused. Where did the other Mjolnir come from?

on the screen.


Thor felt confused as he watched his hammer flying around, and kept shouting at his hammer.

But at this moment, the hammer paid no attention to Thor, and just flew around the battlefield, beating the monsters as much as it wanted.

In the end, it flew directly into the hands of a woman wearing armor and a helmet.

The female Thor makes her debut!

At this time, everyone finally understood where the hammer in the female Thor's hand came from. It turned out that the hammer was actually the hammer crushed by Hela.

Because the hammer in the female Thor's hand is full of cracks.

After Thor's hammer was crushed, he lost his weapon. In the end, he had to build the Storm Ax in order to fight Thanos.

Unexpectedly, the broken hammer fell into Jane Foster's hands.

However, although the hammer seems to be in a broken state, its power is not reduced at all.

No, on the contrary, it is more powerful!

But he saw the female God of Thunder trembling and swung forward suddenly, and the fragments of Thor's hammer were launched in all directions, destroying several monsters at the same time.

Finally, it flew back again and formed a complete hammer.

This operation can be said to have stunned all the people who answered the question.

"Can Mjolnir still be used like this?"

Captain America looked stunned.

"Isn't this Diana's magic sword Thousand Blades!"

Clark Kent couldn't help but smile and said.

The broken version of Mjolnir in the hands of the female Thor at this moment is exactly the same as the magic sword Thousand Blades.

"Hello, excuse me, that's my hammer, you idiot!"

on the screen.

Thor ran directly towards the female Thor, "I am its master!"

But the female Thor ignored Thor and continued to wield Mjolnir against the enemy.

"Okay, little girl, stop making trouble and take off your mask!" Thor also chopped down several monsters with a few axes and walked up to the female Thor.

The female Thor suddenly thought, and the helmet on her head disappeared, and a very familiar face appeared in front of everyone.

Surprisingly it was Jane Foster.

"Jane?" Thor's voice suddenly rose several octaves, as if he had seen a ghost.

However, at this time, Thor did not have time to reminisce with Jane Foster, because the God Killer Geer came to the scene in person.

Thor naturally had no nonsense, flew up directly, and started a battle with the God-Slayer Gal.

It can only be said that the God Killer is worthy of being called the God Killer. He easily blocked Thor and even suppressed the God of Thunder Thor until he couldn't breathe at one point.

"Is that the Sword of the Dead? It's really awesome. I've only seen it in classics!"

During the battle, Thor also recognized the sword held by the God-Slayer.

However, the battle between the two sides ultimately came to nothing, because the three of them, the Goddess of Thunder, and Valkyrie, surrounded the God-Slayer at the same time.

God-Slayer Ger did not fight to the death with everyone, but directly escaped into the darkness and disappeared.

However, during the evacuation, God Killer Gerr also captured all the children of Asgard.

And the image ends here.

"So the goal of the God-Slayer is the children of Asgard?"

The professor's face became very solemn. He couldn't accept anything like attacking a child.

"Yeah, why did he catch those children? Those children are so powerless, what use can they be?"

Captain America couldn't help but frowned.

"No matter why God Killer captured those children, it's definitely not a good thing." Magneto looked disgusted.

Even he couldn't do such a thing to a child.

"After the quiz is over, we must warn Thor that the God Killer is too dangerous." Captain America said again seriously.

This video can be said to show the strength of the God Killer in all aspects, whether it is from the side or the front.

From the side view, the God Slayer has slaughtered countless gods and killed countless people to send out distress signals.

Even Asgardian female warriors like Sif were frightened by the God Killer.

From the front, the specific combat effectiveness of the God Killer itself is also clearly demonstrated.

He can summon many "dark monsters". Not to mention anything else, just looking at those monsters is enough to cause a headache, and it is impossible to deal with them without a certain level of strength.

In addition, the God Killer himself is also powerful enough to challenge Thor alone!

This person must not be underestimated.

"The God Slayer is okay."

Tony Stark still doesn't take anyone seriously, "He just hasn't met me. If he meets me, his myth of killing gods will definitely come to an end."

In Tony Stark's opinion, what does the God Killer have?

Those dark monsters?

Benny's armored army was crushed instantly.

The God-Slayer himself?

How long can it last in front of Benny's perfect armor?

In addition to the professor and Magneto, the people who answered questions at the scene still knew Tony Stark's temperament very well. Even if Tony Stark lowered the God Killer to a lower level, no one would underestimate him.

"The Sword of the Dead!"

Magneto paid attention to this sword, "Does any of you know about this sword?"

But all the people who answered the questions shook their heads. They had never heard of the Sword of the Dead before.

But this sword has never been seen by a being like Thor. It has only been seen in classics. It is obviously an incredible artifact.

Please listen to the question: The people of the motherland have super hearing, super vision, steel bodies, flying, heat rays and many other abilities. They can hardly find any weaknesses. In the action of killing the people of the motherland, the hero butcher chose which breakthrough point to start from. ?

, the perspective of the motherland cannot see through the zinc element

, people from the motherland are more keen on fans and popularity

, the motherland has a son

, the people of the motherland prefer to drink milk.

Friendly reminder: Those who answer the questions correctly will receive the bonus skill Hyakushitaki.

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc.

While everyone was discussing enthusiastically, the system's beep suddenly sounded.

The latest question appeared on the big screen.

"A native of the motherland?"

When all the respondents saw this name, they were all confused because they had never seen this name before.

This is the first time it appears in the title.

"Super hearing, super vision, body of steel, flying, heat rays, isn't this another Superman?"

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but said in surprise.

"Clark, are you sure that none of you Kryptonians have ever come to Earth except you? Well, maybe except you and Morgan Edge?"

Tony Stark stared at Clark Kent and asked.

Not only is the ability of this guy called Homelander highly similar to that of Clark Kent, he is simply the same!

"Could it be that Homelander is Morgan Edge's nickname? Just like Clark Kent, isn't his nickname Superman?"

Magneto made a reasonable guess.

"The motherland may not be Morgan Edge, but I think he may be another Kryptonian."

After some pondering, Captain America made this guess, "Didn't Morgan Edge create some artificial Kryptonians?"

"Or maybe it's other Kryptonians besides Morgan Edge. Since there is a Morgan Edge on Earth that Clark doesn't know about, it shouldn't be too strange that there are other Kryptonians that Clark doesn't know about. matter."

The professor's theory is also very reasonable.

"Are there other Kryptonians on Earth?" Clark Kent couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

All the people who answered the questions subconsciously thought that the people from the motherland were Kryptonians.

"The people of the motherland were here first, but who is this butcher? Have any of you heard of it?" Tony Stark turned to look at Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne beside him and asked.

Dare to attack the Kryptonians, this old man is very brave!

Moreover, he dared to use nicknames like "Hero Nemesis". If this man named Butcher wasn't just pretending, then he was really an awesome boss.

"Hero Buster", specializes in defeating superheroes!

To a certain extent, it is similar to the "God Killer".

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