Marvel Starts With Zombie Hero

Chapter 172: Heart-Tending Black Technology

At the moment, the image of Bumblebee is golden shoulder-length hair, wearing a yellow dress, and wearing a pair of flat shoes on his feet. The appearance is not very beautiful, but it is definitely not ugly.

Her figure is a bright spot, and her career line on her chest is as bright as a car headlight.

Bumblebee suddenly felt like tears streaming down her face. Thinking of her various years on the earth, she had inexplicably bitter tears. It might not have been so miserable for her to meet two people early.

What an iron-blooded tough guy', I was stupefied by the two of them as soft and cute girls-I hope Optimus Prime can recognize who it is when he comes to the earth.

"My fellow man, you need to have a human name." Eve said.

The girl Da Huang Feng tilted her head for a moment, and quickly named herself: "Eileen."

"Eileen, really a good name." Eve praised.

"This name, it reminds me of a witch with purple hair. Maybe she can raise a cat that can speak the "eight six or seven" species of devil." Ye Bai resolutely vomited the name.

After the complaint was over, he asked Bumblebee: "Are you here for those glasses?

The Bumblebee girl nodded honestly, and said in a soft and cute female voice: "It records the possible coordinates of the fire source. We must find it before the Decepticons, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Ye Bai shook his head: "The source of the fire has been found in advance by Eve and I. We hid it in a place where it will never be discovered. The Decepticons will never get it.

The Bumblebee girl showed a surprised expression, followed by thinking, and finally turned into suspicious.

She looked at the two people in front of her and scanned Ye Bai, who was suspected of possessing the magical Ability, without a trace.

Then found her, she found nothing.

Is this really human?

Bumblebee expressed her disbelief. She has seen a lot of humans in recent years, and she is pretty sure that this is not the case. At least it can detect the characteristics of carbon-based organisms.

Then there is only one possibility, Ye Bai, he is actually an alien.

Having reached such a conclusion, Bumblebee didn't know how to communicate the source of fire with the two of them.

After thinking about it, she decided that she should wait for Optimus Prime to come and leave it to them to worry. She only needs to do her own guardian task.

In this way, the female version of Bumblebee was taken home by the two.

At noon, Michaela came home from school and found that besides Ye Bai and Eve, there was also a girl who looked about the same age as her at home.

"Ye, who is she?"

"She is Eileen, a silicon-based life like Eve, from the distant planet Cybertron, and in layman's terms, she is an alien." Ye Bai gave a brief and concise introduction.

Michaela was very interested, she leaned in front of Bumblebee and stared at it.

Da Huang Feng is not good at communicating with people, so he stares at Michaela.

"Are you really an alien?"


"What are you doing on earth?

"Looking for the source of fire.

"What is the source of fire?"

"It is a miracle creation that constitutes the soul of silicon-based life."

"How long have you been on earth?"

"I have been here since 1987."

"Wow, isn't it a long time? This is so cool." She said and looked at Eve: "You and Bumblebee are of the same kind.

Eve was speechless, and came to the robot's complaint: "So, I introduced myself to you twice, but you selectively forgot it?"

"Send hehe." Michaela scratched her head awkwardly, and then she turned her bright eyes to Bumblebee, and said to her: "Eileen, let's be friends, I hope to drive you everywhere.

Ye Bai:


For Bumblebee, it was the second time he saw such a passionate girl, and it made him think of Charlie Watson who had turned from a girl to a middle-aged woman.

Bumblebee, who is not good at dealing with this kind of things, just agreed so stupidly.

Mikaela got excited, she has always envied Ye Bai's Eve, and now she has Ailian and finally doesn't have to envy others.

Until lunch, she talked endlessly with Bumblebee. At this moment, she asked if the Cybertronians relied on marriage to give birth to their offspring.

Ye Bai on the side was full of black lines. The Cybertronians don’t rely on marriage to give birth to babies.

We "rely on technology to produce the same kind." Da Huang Feng answered her strange question in a serious manner.

"Hey, yes, I wanted to ask before, you said you came to the earth to find the source of fire, did you find it?"

"It was hidden by Mr. Ye.

Michaela looked at the two of them and asked curiously: "Can I see it?"

Eve looked at Ye Ku, and Ye Bai nodded at her.

As a result, Eve turned magic, and a square basketball File size metal cube appeared with a swipe on her hand.

Upon seeing this thing, Bumblebee confirmed that this was the source of the fire source. She was very excited. She was also very confused. Where did Eve hide the source of fire before? I couldn't scan it at all.

Michaela wanted to step forward to touch it, but Eve didn't give her this opportunity, and sniffed and collected the source of the fire.

"This is my baby, I won't give it to anyone to touch it." Eve said in a very serious tone, and Michaela and Bumblebee emphasized this.



Compared to their speechlessness, Ye Bai feels that his robots are becoming more and more adorable. Let's see the meaning of these words.

In the afternoon, Michaela turned the Hornet into a supercar of other styles and drove it to school.

It must be more enviable for classmates to drive a new supercar to appear on campus?

Michaela even thought about changing the look of Bumblebee every time he went out in the future, making everyone think that he was driving a new car every day. Just thinking about it, Michaela was so excited not to want it.

Time came to Saturday without knowing it.

If what is expected is not bad, the Decepticons such as roadblocks and confusion will come to earth today. And tomorrow, Optimus Prime and other Autobots will also arrive.

Why is it so sure?

Because Eve had been monitoring Sam Witovich and knew that the other party would buy a second-hand car with her father today, Eve told Ye Bai about it.

In the past few days, Eve learned a lot of Cybertron technology from the "comrade" Ailian.

Techniques include, but are not limited to, spatial transitions, curvatures beyond the speed of light, and conventional sub-light speed modes.

But this navigation mode can only be used in space, and it will be interfered by 1.5 to 1.5 to air resistance in the atmosphere.

In addition to deep space navigation technology, Eve and Ellen also learned many advanced technologies in other fields.

Such as: quantum communication, prince computing core, quantum storage equipment, artificial intelligence, construction drawings of various types of spacecraft, time machine technology, nanotechnology, etc., there are no less than thousands.

The value of these technologies is extremely high, and any one of them is enough to drive any human country crazy.

The time machine is used to travel through time and space.

It was probably a million years ago. At that time, Optimus Prime was not called Optimus Prime. Its name at the time was Orion Pikes. It encountered a fatal crisis at the time. When it was about to die, it was returned by the future across time and space. Saved by Flight Taibao.

So don't doubt that Cybertron has such a technology.

These technologies have extremely high value even for Ye Bai.

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