Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 178 The protagonist who was shocked by the true eyes of the evil king!

"Well, Liuhua is really cute."

Even during the mid-term exam, Tomigashi was still thinking of his female classmate in secret.

"Is that a petite and beautiful girl with facial paralysis of the Iceberg system?"

Thinking of how his friend had described her, Yongta couldn't help but glanced behind the bird Yuliuhua who was sitting in the distance.

"The petite body shape and Loli face really suit my appetite. Unfortunately, she seems to have some problems..."

Many people in the class said that, in junior high school, Liuhua was like the mascot of the class, loved by everyone, and her personality was very cheerful.

But for some reason, when I entered high school, Liuhua seemed to be possessed by something. His words and deeds changed drastically. Not only did she cover her eyes with a bandage, she also said some weird things at every turn, and there were even rumors that she had multiple personalities!

"Oh, but I don't have much qualifications to judge others.

Yongtai gave a wry smile secretly.

He himself was also a severe secondary disease patient in junior high school, and he was named dark, flame, master (the master of black inflammation).

And the most amazing move he made was to go to school with a bandage on his hand on the first day of school, and he also declared to the class when he introduced himself:

"The bandage on this arm must not be untied, because if it is untied, the "Black Flame Dragon" will start to riot!

As a result, he has always been alone in the class ever since.

"Fortunately, no one knows my dark history after entering high school... eh? What happened?"

Before doing the last question, Yongtai suddenly found that Yuliuhua's body was shaking violently, as if she was suffering from huge amounts of pain.

"Is she sick?"

In doubt, the teacher's voice rang:

"Attention everyone, I will hand in the paper Liuhua in five minutes? What's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Xiaoniaoyou Liu shouted, pressing his right eye with both hands, and fell on the desk.


At this moment, Yongtai's mind was in chaos, and he even forgot that he was still in the examination room.He stood up automatically, ran to the seat of Xiaoniaoyou and asked:

"Are you alright?

"Mmm, it's painful!

Hearing Liuhua's voice, Yongta didn't know where the courage came from, turned his head and said to the teacher:

Teacher "! My paper is finished, now I want to take Liuhua classmate to the health room!"

"Huh? Ah, this classmate...

Before the teacher could answer, Yongta took Liuhua's right hand and put it on her shoulder, and led her out of the classroom with half a pull.

"Um... uh...

Along the way, it seemed that the eyes were still very painful. Not only did Liuhua keep pressing her right eye with her left hand, her footsteps were also very limp, as if the physical strength of the whole body had disappeared.

After arriving in the health room, Liuhua lay on the bed for a long time before recovering.

"Well, it seems that my physical strength can't support the long-term opening of the pupil technique. I actually forgot the administrator's advice because of the momentary excitement. I am still an immature pupil technique.

While muttering weird words, Liuhua slowly lifted the quilt and walked out of the bed and sat on a chair.

Hearing Liuhua's words, the muscles on Yongta's face began to twitch.

"This kind of weird speech is absolutely correct. This girl, exactly like me before, is a patient with secondary disease!"

"I almost fell into a self-destructive state just now, please be careful in the future

Liuhua turned around and said to Yong Tai solemnly:

"Don't repeat my mistakes, Master of Black Flame!"


Yongta's face suddenly turned pale.

At this time, Liuhua raised his hands and shouted a line that made Yong too ashamed:

"Engulfed by the dark flames"

"Shut up!"

Yongta flushed red, rushed to Liuhua, and shouted:

"How do you know these things? Where did you hear them?"

Liuhua calmly replied:

"My evil king really has the power to see through everything! You can know everything in the past and the future with just a glance!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Yongta shouted, "Such eyes do not exist in the world! Don't dream!"

"Doesn't it exist? Oh, it seems that you are suspicious of my Ability.

Liuhua glanced at Yongtai and said faintly:

"The T-shirt you are wearing in your school uniform now has the word'dark' in the middle.

……Look for flowers……0

Upon hearing this, Yuta's expression immediately stiffened:

"You... how did you know."

"Liuchang Huachang slowly..." The ground stood up from the chair, staring at him with weird eyes and said:

"When you stood up in the class just now, you said that the paper was finished. Actually, you didn't do the last question at all!"

"What is it."

Yongtai was completely stupid. During the exam, there were several people between him and Liuhua's seats, and she couldn't see his papers even if she looked back. Not to mention that he often peeked at Liuhua during the exam, and never saw her turning around!

"Hehe, I'm still overwhelmed..

Liuhua shook his head and smiled:

"When I got Ability, I just want to penetrate the human body directly and see other people's papers like Ning Ci did during the exam! It's a pity that I still can't support my physical strength, and I finally showed such a ugly state.


She tilted her head and stared at Yongta, and said coldly:

"Now that you also know my secret, what should I do with you...

"No, no, this girl is real! She really has super Ability!"

At this moment, Yongta's heart suddenly rushed into the actions of various super-Ability evil organizations in the comics he had read before! The look in Liuhua's eyes changed!

"It's over, what if she wants to kill me? I'm facing a real Super Ability!"

Seeing Liuhua stepping forward, she seemed to be ready to say something, Yongta could no longer contain the fear in her heart, yelled, turned her head and ran!

Seeing that Yongtai opened the door of the health room and escaped without a trace, Liuhua sighed, sat back on the chair, closed his eyes, and sent a private chat to Aiwen.

The Evil King’s true eyes are the strongest: Alas, human beings in the normal world are so fragile, and they can’t bear any pressure. I have despaired of ordinary human beings.

Aiwen: Liuhua, you are still young, right? Don't make an assertion in such a hurry. Ordinary people also have the benefits of ordinary people?

The Evil King’s True Eye is the strongest: Now that he has stepped into this group that encompasses countless other-dimensional worlds, he has seen so many magical sights. Now I am completely disinterested in aliens, future people, people from Otherworld, and humans other than super-Ability!

Aiwen: It's good if you are happy, and.

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