Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 35 I can see death! (Seeking collection evaluation flowers)

As he was about to withdraw from the lottery group, Aiwen glanced at a bright ID.

"This'I can see death' is always online, but I haven't spoken from beginning to end. Who is this guy?"


An island country, Guanbuzi City, a hospital.

Several nurses are whispering:

"Have you heard? The female patient in the single ward on the third floor actually woke up?"

"I definitely heard that, do you know what she did when she woke up from a drowsy? Don't be scared after hearing it, she actually wanted to blind her eyes!"

"Isn't it because I've been in a coma for too long, my head has a problem?"

"Who knows, what kind of aphasia does the girl seem to have? Unable to talk to others normally, the doctor also went to see a speech therapist he knew, who seemed to be called... Aosaki Orange..."

And in a single ward on the third floor, a girl lying on a bed with gauze covering her eyes, her chest undulating, seemed very excited:

"Another-dimensional world! There are magical adventures! If... if I also..."


After returning to her apartment, Aiwen heard Skye's worried voice just after entering the door:

"Did something happen to you last night? Why didn't you come back all night? I called you and didn't answer?"

Seeing Skye's worry, Aiwen gave a wry smile:

"I'm so sorry, I didn't answer your call because I had something to do last night. If there is any such thing in the future, I must remember to notify you first, so that you don't worry about it at night!"

Skye flushed at hearing, and lowered his head:

"I didn't worry much at night... I just thought... I thought you were in trouble because of my last time."

Aiwen's heart warmed when he heard it, and he could feel that Skye's care for him was sincere.

Suddenly crossing into a crisis-ridden Marvel world, and his only relative is a villain, Aiwen's nerves have always been tense.

But beside Skye, Aiwen could clearly feel that she could finally relax.

Seeing Aiwen look tired, Skye said softly:

"You can rest on the sofa for a while, and I'll prepare breakfast for you."

Sitting on the sofa, Aiwen let out a sigh of contentment and made a big fuss in the One Piece World. Although his physical strength is still strong, his spirit is indeed a bit exhausted.

When Skye was ready for breakfast, he found that Aiwen had fallen asleep leaning on the sofa.


"What? Do you want to set up a company to start your own business?" Pierce was taken aback.


Aiwen said confidently:

"I studied mechanical engineering in university, so I am going to start from this direction, and the first product is the mechanical battle suit like Tony Stark!"

"You? Mechanical battle suit?"

Pierce stared at Aiwen like a lunatic for a long time. He still didn't know what his son was doing in college? His diploma was almost bought by donations! He was afraid that he could not even make a part of the mechanical battle suit!

But Pierce immediately remembered the super-ability and magic weapons his son had shown before. After lowering his head and thinking about it, he patted Aiwen's shoulder lightly:

"Okay! Since you have this idea, I am a father, and I definitely want to support you. It just so happens that there is a charity dinner tonight, and I will take you to meet some important people in the political and economic circles. In this way, it will be useful for your future development. benefit."

Aiwen naturally agreed.

He decided to enter the business world after careful consideration.

First of all, the United States is a country where a lot of money can become a god. Here, only the power of capital can control everything! Both the president and the parliamentarians are nothing more than puppets of capital.

Secondly, there is a big plug-in Tony in the 616 world. As long as a little black technology leaks from his fingers, it is enough to make Aiwen earn a lot of money.

If you are an unsophisticated person from the United States, you also have to worry about mastering these technologies that are far beyond the times, and whether you will be blackmailed by competitors and other big companies.

But Aiwen is the only son of HYDRA's big boss! It's not bad if he doesn't treat others with black hands!

Definitely, the smart Aiwen will definitely not take out all kinds of black technology as soon as he comes up. At most, he will first get some castrated versions, and then make up a little bit of it, and make a version 2.0, 3.0, 4.0... and so on. It is more convenient to make money.


On the top floor of a big hotel, the charity dinner was held here.

The cups are staggered, and the clothes are like brocade. Fashionable men and women were talking in twos and threes.

Pierce, dressed in a suit, brought Aiwen to a middle-aged man and said enthusiastically:

"Congressman Kelly, this is my son Aiwen. Recently, he is also preparing to start his own business and start his own company!"

"Oh, this is really good news. I like motivated young people best." Senator Kelly looked at Aiwen with a smile, his eyes full of kindness.

Aiwen, with a beeping dog expression, smiled bitterly in her heart:

"Dad, you said you introduced me to important people, this is this anti-Mutant short-lived ghost?"*

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