Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 757 Shield's crushing eloquence! Aizen's flickering Dafa! (2 more for full order)

Queen Tokiwadai: This newcomer is not just as simple as a secondary school student. He has top grades, is all-round in sports, is very attractive, has excellent strategies, has super analytical and reasoning abilities, has a deep sense of government, has first-class psychological quality, and acts quickly and decisively! He is simply an elite Elite in!

Yuuki Asuna: The more elite you are, the more damage you will cause when you go crazy! Just like that Kayaba Akihiko!

Kayaba Akihiko: ...a wry smile...Miss Asuna, I have already terminated the Sword Art Online project. Strictly speaking, I haven't hurt anyone so far!

Yuuki Asuna: Hmph, it's just because you entered this group! If not! I must have been trapped in that game by you now!

Seeing this, Kayaba Akihiko immediately remembered a famous saying:

"Never reason with an angry woman!"

Then, he closed his mouth immediately, and was not ready to say a word again.

And there is more than one Asuna who is not used to Yagami Yue.

Bong Jiao Dong: This newcomer is simply a lunatic! In addition to killing the bad guys, those who hunt him down, those who know his secrets, and even those who accuse him on TV, 05, are going to kill him! That's right! Ye Shenyue is a murderer at all!

Become a god of the new world:

Enoshima Tsukiko: Hey...I think this person is very interesting! And...even from a purely social justice point of view, in the heyday of "Kira", not only did felons die, but the number of crimes around the world decreased. Seventy percent, even the war is gone! Isn't that amazing?

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Ha? It's hard to imagine that Shield, you would say such a thing! I thought you would only mumble about despair all day long?

Enoshima Tsukiko: Pursuing despair is indeed my interest, doesn't mean that I don't know anything except this. All in all... I think I admire this newcomer, especially... his looks when he encounters setbacks and failures!

Enoshima Shieldko: Just seeing those twisted faces, I'm almost overwhelmed! Especially in the dungeon, Ye Shenyue's desperate cry before her death! It's really cool to watch! (*^▽ ^*)

Becoming the God of the New World: Miss, is your name Enoshima Tsunko?

Enoshima Shieldko: Not bad! But... we are all members of the group, and the system prohibits us from hurting each other. So... you can't kill me! What a pity... Would you like to start a live broadcast and let me appreciate your face now!

"Damn! 35

Ye Shenyue slammed the table violently, her face twisted in anger!

"Damn woman! If I were to find a loophole in this system...

At this time, Hong Jiao Fong raised an objection!

Booming Frozen: The reduction of crimes and the disappearance of wars are all based on the dictatorship and tyranny of Yagami Yue! This kind of thing is definitely not something to brag about!

Enoshima Tsukiko: Oh? So after he dies, all the wars, crimes, etc. come back, that's fine? Do you know how many people die in these man-made disasters every year? Just to satisfy your so-called justice alone , Is it necessary to let so many people fall into dire straits? The price of your self-satisfaction is too great!

Boomstick: You...I...

After all, Hong Jiao Dong was still young and not a twisted genius like Dang Zi, so she was quickly refuted and speechless.

The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest: Uh... Speaking of shield, which side are you on? (¯△¯;)

Enoshima Tsukiko: Ha! I just say what I want to say. No one's side is standing!

Queen Tokiwadai: Hehe... Yagami's behavior clearly has the shadow of Nietzsche's Superman idea, trying to use a superhuman person to change the whole world! But... What if you change first?

Queen Tokiwadai: In the dungeon, you claim that the world is corrupting from the very beginning, but... if you control the power of the entire world, and no one dares to disobey, what if you yourself become corrupted?

Be a god of the new world: Humph! I'm not interested in power money or anything. And in the dungeon, when did I pursue these things again?

Queen Tokiwadai: You have no interest in ordinary power, what you pursue is... an absolute dictatorship! Even if someone accuses you, you will kill it! If you don't die, if you go down this road, you will only build a Horrible totalitarian society! Everyone will live in panic!

Be the God of the New World:'s just your guess!

Aizen Sosuke: Hehe...Young man, let me say something. In my opinion, you have a good starting point and a strong will. It's just... too accustomed to killing people. So... soon they will treat human life like ants, trampling on them at will and not caring. Those people in the group are most disgusted by you.

Aizen Sosuke: If you kill all heinous criminals, even those with the most sense of justice will probably turn a blind eye.

Boom Frozen:

Seeing this, Bong Jiao Dong was speechless.

Become the god of the new world: 670…………What do you mean by this?

Aizen Sosuke: I just made a suggestion like you, I can completely get L and his two disciples for you! Let them never be enemies with you again. In this way, no one in the world can track you anymore! You can also sit back and relax.

Becoming a God of the New World: Heh... so what do you want? Death Note?

Aizen Sosuke: That's right! You give me half of your death note... no... one third is fine, let me study it carefully!

Be the god of the new world: damn it! I'll just write their names on the note now! What's the point of giving you a third of the Death Note for free?

Sousuke Aizen: But're part of this corrupt world. This note will constantly corrupt you until it turns you into the kind of person you hate the most. So you don't care either?

Becoming the God of the New World: You... woo... let me... think about it.

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: wow... Aizen, your eloquence is really amazing. It seems that you will be fooled by the small half of the Death Note! (⊙o⊙)

Aizen Soyousuke: I laughed. hey-hey…….

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