Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 906 A Fu in trouble! Doctor Strange's hole card! (1 more for automatic subscription)

Xiao Mo closed his eyes slightly and murmured like a memory:

"At the time of the Holy Grail War, there were seven Servants on the enemy's side, and this Rider's strength was the last among all Servants! Except for the two Casters, I'm afraid he can't beat anyone! 99


Looking at Ah Fu who was shining brightly on the screen, Xiao Mo said with some doubts:

"Now his performance is a little incredible! It stands to reason that with such huge amounts of monsters, his flute shouldn't affect it at all! How... how did he do it?


Hearing Xiao Mo's question, Aiwen smiled lightly:

"All thanks to his master-----Doctor Strange! With his magical supply comparable to the Great Holy Grail, Astolfo has the power of Noble Phantasm in addition to the fifth dimension. Mention "seven to eighty" liters! That's why... he can use the Noble Phantasm so recklessly!

Seeing now, Aiwen also sighed a little: Ah Fu, this guy really has too many Noble Phantasms on his body, and... quite a few incredible things!

For example, the "Trap, of, Argalia" that he used first, can already be regarded as a kind of concept weapon!

As long as it is successfully hit, even a giant will be knocked to the ground by the attack that is equivalent to being bitten by a mosquito!

And the last trick that Ah Fu used to avoid Muto's ramming attack was the hidden stunt of the phantom beast "Flying Eagle" he rode -- "dimensional jumping"

While the eagle screeched, the eagle and its rider would switch to a blurred stance and disappear without a trace. While escaping all forms of observation in the world, it reappears elsewhere. Even if it is an attack that is powerful enough to destroy all gods and Buddhas, it is absolutely impossible to hurt a single hair! It is absolutely the ultimate life-saving trick!

"However, Ah Fu's biggest problem is...there are too many Noble Phantasms that hinder and save lives, and there is a lack of powerful Noble Phantasms that can really kill the enemy with one blow!"

In the end, Aiwen still expressed her own evaluation.

After all, from just now until now, although Muto was enraged by Afu, he was also drawn away from the nuclear power plant. doesn't actually hurt at all...

Hearing Aiwen's words, Hei Lian asked worriedly:

"So...these people are going to lose?

"Hey... not necessarily.

Aiwen said calmly:

"If I'm not mistaken, Ancient One should have taught Doctor Strange something before the retreat. So... if there is only one Muto, he should be able to handle it..."


Black Gun Dazed, Xiao Mo and the others were all shocked when they heard it, but... they had all seen the copy of "Godzilla", so they all recalled it immediately!

Muto...a male and female pair!

"Yeah! 95

Ah Fu and Junying turned into light particles again, avoiding Muto's impact.


Gently exhaling, feeling the surging magic power filling his body, Ah Fu also muttered in a low voice:

"My Master this time looks a little dull, but the magic power is unbelievably high! Since I became a Heroic Spirit, I have never felt so powerful.

However, seeing Muto who was still chasing after him, Ah Fu was also a little troubled.

"Ah, sometimes I really want to have some powerful Noble Phantasm, so...that can come in handy when facing such a nasty situation.

But just then...


There were loud tearing air sounds from the distant sky. In an instant, more than a dozen medium-sized missiles hit Muto almost in no particular order!


The dazzling fire and the billowing smoke quickly engulfed Muto's huge body!

The power of these medium-sized missiles launched from fighter jets is extraordinary. Even in New York City, people heard the explosion for a while! See the smoke!


Muto raised his head to the sky and let out a pain Roar, and blood flowed from his body!

The United States Air Force's set fire finally hurt it!

However, before the second wave of the Mi army's attack could be launched, Muto's fiery red eyes flashed, his mouth suddenly opened, and a shadowless Shockwave suddenly sprayed in all directions!


The pilots of those fighter jets were happy to see Muto injured. But...their expressions changed immediately!

The fighter planes they were riding in were all "dead" in an instant! All the instruments and control systems were hacked!

"No! It's EMP Shockwave! Skydive!"

The faces of the pilots changed greatly! They abandoned the fighters desperately and ejected into the air!

"Ugh... bang!"

A whole fighter attack squad was turned into scrap metal under the EMP Shockwave, one by one fell to the ground and shattered!

the United States Department of Defense 0.....

"Damn! These damn monsters! 55

General Ross looked at the completely destroyed American Air Force on the screen, and Muto, who was still alive, felt that the bear's mouth was blocked for a while. He was so frightened that he quickly looked away and sucked in big mouthfuls. It took him a while to calm down and he didn't vomit blood again!

However, when he looked at the screen, his mood became uneasy again.

"Where did this monster come from? It's not much weaker than the big monster last time! If it goes on like this, is it really going to use a nuclear bomb again?

At this time, General Ross only felt a headache.

Unlike last time, now... the location of this monster is less than ten kilometers away from New York!

Using a nuclear bomb at this distance? The president is not good at making decisions!

But...what if the monsters did burst into New York?

Thinking of this, General Ross glared fiercely at Ah Fu on the screen again!

Isn't this dead girl crazy! How did she lead the monster to New York?

In fact, General Ross misunderstood Al's Fu, the reason why he went in this direction... is purely because he does not recognize the 0.9 way!

He had just been summoned, how could he know where New York was?

Seeing the city of New York not far away, Ah Fu's expression changed a bit!

Just when he was about to recklessly lead Muto away again, a golden circle suddenly lit up on the ground not far away, and then Doctor Strange came out.

"You child, it's really worrying.

Angrily glanced at Ah Fu in the air, Doctor Strange put his eyes on Muto in front of him!

"Is this an alien monster? Exactly... I'm right here on you, trying out the magic that Master Ancient One just taught me!"

Eyes widened, Doctor Strange suddenly swelled dozens of times after chanting a few spells, becoming almost bigger than Muto!

"Come on! Monster! Our earth, you won't be allowed to mess around!

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