Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 911 A'Fu wants to join the group? A prize for the rice team! (6 requires automatic subs

Looking at the golden ball of light on the table, Ah Fu's eyes narrowed into slits, and he couldn't wait to reach out and touch it.


The ball of light burst, and then, a strange card appeared in Ah Fu's hand, and a message appeared in his mind:

[Congratulations on getting the "Newcomer Invitation Card" (this card comes from a mysterious chat group, which includes countless residents of different-dimensional worlds)]

【Using this card allows you to join this chat group and get unimaginable benefits!】

【Any information about chat groups and cards cannot be disclosed to anyone, this is the regulation of this world!】


When Ah Fu heard such a strange message, his face was filled with curiosity, and he wanted to ask questions when he opened his mouth!

But... no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't ask a complete sentence! It was as if an invisible hand covered his mouth!

"Um...05 I... woo woo woo!"

His cheeks were bulging high, his fists were swaying wildly, and Ah Fu's little face was about to turn red, but he couldn't say anything related to the chat group!

Seeing his appearance, Aiwen breathed a sigh of relief in secret:

"Fortunately, when this 'brand new otherworld' was created, such a restriction was temporarily imposed. Otherwise, this big mouth that evaporated rationally must have said everything!"

The legendary Astolfo, because he acted too rashly, was said to have evaporated his rationality.

And this "rational evaporation" debuff will make Ah Fu do things without reason (brain) at all, just do it immediately if he wants to do it!

For this reason, he even made an act of revealing the true name of his servant without hesitation in front of the enemy!

It can be said that Ah Fu is the person in the world, you can't expect him to keep secrets for you, because he may leak his mouth anytime, anywhere!

However, due to the original restrictions of this world, no matter how big his mouth was, he couldn't reveal the secrets of the chat group.

Seeing that Ah Fu was still struggling in vain, Aiwen sighed slightly and said calmly:

"You don't have to bother, there is absolutely nothing you can tell anyone about this card. However, if you ever make a decision, use this card. I can assure you that you will never be disappointed. of."

Hearing Aiwen say this, and seeing A Fu sweating profusely, but unable to utter a word. Doctor Strange and Team Mi both shrank their pupils, and their gazes towards Aiwen changed!

This method of forcing others to keep secrets is almost the same as the legendary devil...or god!

Doctor Strange searched the guts, desperately wondering if there was any similar magic. And Team Rice's gaze has become extremely solemn, and his right hand unconsciously holds the hammer inserted in his waist!

Ah Fu worked hard for a long time, but finally gave up.

I saw his mouth pouting high, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face. After putting away the card, he walked aside, and he didn't even bother to touch the remaining silver ball of light!

Seeing him like this, Aiwen frowned slightly, but... He was not worried that A Fu would not use the card.

The legendary Astolfo was originally an extremely curious and adventurous person. It is precisely because of this that he has obtained so many bizarre treasures!

A card with such magical power, if Ah Fu can hold back, then it is not Ah Fu.

"Well... I didn't expect this card from Sister Quan to fall into Ah Fu's hands, and it's not a waste for me to put it in the prize.

"A'Fu joins the group, hehe... this is interesting.

Aiwen's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing an expectant smile.

This card was drawn by Takatsuki Izumi in the "system prizes", but after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't figure out who to invite to join. So in the end, I just threw this card to Aiwen as scrap!

Aiwen is also on a whim, wanting to see who in the Marvel world is so lucky to be able to draw such a rare prize, but he did not expect it to be a heroic spirit from another world!

Seeing that A Fu was still pissed off, Aiwen simply stretched out his hand to Team Rice, motioning him to come up first to draw the lottery.

Team Mi looked stunned and looked at the silver ball of light that was still parked on the table. Obviously, he was afraid that the prize he had drawn would be confused with Ah Fu's.


Aiwen looked at it and smiled, reached out and touched the light ball, but it didn't respond at all, and then said to Team Rice:

"The prizes drawn can't be opened by outsiders except me.

Seeing this, Team Mi pondered for a while, and finally came up and pressed the button of the bronze box.

"Shhh! Shhh!'

Two light balls jumped out of the box, one white and one cyan.

Seeing this scene, Doctor Strange not only glanced in the direction of Ah Fu, but his eyes were a little complicated.

793 imagined that he had only drawn two bronzes, but that women's clothing tycoon was able to draw gold! It's still the kind of mysterious prize that can't even be said! Doctor Strange's face was calm, but his brows twitched a few times, showing his There is no peace of mind.


Team Mi stared at the white light ball that belonged to him, took a breath, and reached out to touch it.


The ball of light burst in an instant, and then... a giant sword with chains wrapped around its hilt suddenly appeared on the table!

At the same time, a message appeared in Captain America's mind!

[Congratulations on obtaining "Teigu----Evil Ghosts" (The Emperor of the Armor, which was made by the first emperor of a certain empire, using the ferocious dragon-shaped dangerous species "Tyrande" as the material!)]

【Using this giant sword can summon Teijin armor, greatly increasing your strength, speed, and defense! 】

[Moreover, this Teigu can continue to evolve to cope with various environments! However... this evolution ability will also bring terrifying side effects...]

"Teigu! Dragon-shaped dangerous species? Evolution? Side effects?"

The amount of information was too huge, even the rice team was stunned for a while!

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