Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 932 Aizen's spike! Is there such an operation? (3 more for automatic subscription)

Seeing the three strange androids, the group members were also a little surprised.

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: eh eh eh, who are these three weirdos? Where did they come from?

Vegeta: I don't feel chi from them at all, it looks like...should be androids too!

Xiaotongtong: Why are there more androids? Are these guys still going?

Asuna Yuuki: Hey admin, do you have a copy of these guys? I'd like to take a look...

Vegeta: Humph! What's so good about it? No matter how much this crap comes in! I can kill them all with one hand!

Aiwen: Well, I don't think it's necessary to upload a new copy, anyway... everyone just needs to remember that these androids are very powerful.

Aiwen: In my opinion, the three new androids are more powerful than Super Saiyan 1! Even infinitely close to Super Saiyan 2!


Hearing Aiwen's words, including Vegeta, the members of the Xunduo group were shocked!

The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest: isn't it! Such an exaggeration? How strong should the 17th and 18th who have not appeared yet? It won't have reached the level of Super Saiyan II! (¯△ ¯;)

Flügel Jibril: If you say that, Vegeta is lucky this time. If the administrators don't come, he will kneel down nine times out of ten!

Vegeta: Damn it! What nonsense are you talking about? I'm already a Super 3! No matter how powerful the android is, it can't be my opponent!

Flügel Jibril: Hehe, I've seen the dungeon. The biggest problem of Super Saiyan 3 is that it consumes a lot of physical strength! Therefore, it is impossible to fight for a long time.

Flügel Jibril: And the biggest advantage of androids is unlimited energy! As long as No. 17 and No. 18 have the level of Super Saiyan II and remain unbeaten in front of you for a period of time, you will be consumed by them alive! What's more... There's a No. 16 who is better than the two of them! So far, you still think you can win?

Vegeta: ()!!

At this moment, Vegeta really felt that the wind was messy, the muscles on his face kept twitching, and he felt that his sadness was going to flow into a river.

Why? Obviously I have become very strong? But why is God not giving me the opportunity to pretend?

At this time, Dr. Gero had already agreed with Sun Wukong's proposal and flew up with the artificial people to transfer the battlefield.

Seeing this, Aiwen and the others followed in stealth.

Chaos Evil Gudazi: Eh? Broly, didn't you say you want to kill Sun Wukong? Why can't you watch it?

Legendary Super Saiyan: Humph! Vegeta told me that this guy hasn't been on medication for years. And... relying on what I saw and domineering, I can feel that his breath is very chaotic now! That heart attack must have begun!

Legendary Super Saiyan: Wouldn't killing such a patient insult my status as a legendary Super Saiyan? Wait for him to take the medicine and be cured. It's not too late for me to kill him!

Super Electromagnetic Cannon: See... see and hear the domineering? (⊙⊙) You are such a powerful star destroyer, do you still need to learn this?

Legendary Super Saiyan: Hey, it turns out I'm too focused on power and not enough on other things. Now that I have joined this group, I will naturally try my best to fill in the shortcomings!

The legendary Super Saiyan: I am now trying to integrate the knowledge and '||qi' together, and the result...the power has really increased! After I finish this "new knowledge", I will also integrate the cultivation method. Upload it to the group file. If you are interested, everyone can learn it.

The Empress of Nine Snake Island: Newly seen and domineering? It's unheard of!

Xiao Tongtong: Kneeling to the giant!


Seeing this, Aiwen couldn't help but glance at Broly who was flying beside him. I sighed to myself:

"It is said that the strength of Chaosai is already terrifyingly strong. After solving the madness problem, Broly has become so calm and rational again. It seems that... the group will be very interesting in the future.

If Broly expected, after the transfer of the battlefield, although Sun Wukong broke out to the level of Super Competition II, his face became more and more ugly, and he was quickly defeated by No. 19.

At this time... Aizen suddenly turned her head and said to Aiwen:

"Administrator, can you give me all these androids?"


Aiwen looked at Aizen with a calm face and nodded lightly:

"Since you have this confidence, then there is no problem. But... that Dr. Gero is best not to kill, his brain is still very useful to me."

"I see."

Aizen smiled gently and slowly landed.


On the 19th, he was holding on to Goku's throat and was about to strangle him in one breath!

And although Piccolo and others tried to save them, they were blocked by Dr. Gro!

But at this moment, proudly No. 19 suddenly heard a faint voice coming from beside him:

"There are all kinds of things. They are all turned to ashes! The blades are like fire!


No. 19 instinctively turned his head to look, only to see a middle-aged man with black hair and white clothes and glasses, who had been standing beside him at some point! And the long knife in this man's hand was radiating outward. Incredibly hot!


Before No. 19 could react, Aizen chuckled lightly:

"Swallow solution, residual fire sword!"

In an instant, the Zanpakutō in Aizen's hand was charred and withered, like a rotten tree, and even a wisp of blue smoke appeared!

"East - Rising Sun Blade!"

No. 19's face just showed a look of surprise when he saw the dead wood-like Zanpakutō slashed over at lightning speed, hitting his bear's mouth in an instant.


After a soft sound like a balloon exploded, No. 19's entire upper body vanished! The remaining body swayed and fell to the ground.


Seeing this scene, the group suddenly fell into silence. After half a day, it exploded!

Sifengyuan Yeichi: How did you do it! When did Lan (Qian Zhaohao) get the swordsmanship of Captain Yamamoto? Could it be... the administrator gave it to him? (p;/

Aiwen: ...This is none of my business. If... I guessed correctly, what method should Aizen use... to create a new flow!

chaos the power of?

Aizen Sosuke: Hehe, you all guessed wrong. This knife is my mirror!

Aizen Sosuke: However, I improved it with "Neiyuan Substance", and now, in addition to the Hypnotic Ability, it also integrates the ability that is like fire! It can be said... It is the strongest in the world. Zanpakutō!


This time, Ye Yi and the others were shocked.

And there is such an operation? Aizen, you are too defiant!

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