Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 945 The troubles of Bai Ji's daughter Ilya?

Seeing that Hercules was killed instantly, Illya was startled at first, but immediately sneered:

"My Berserker can have twelve trials, no matter how strong your treasure is, it is impossible to kill him once!"

Although her words were harsh, Illya felt like a drum in her heart! Because... she had never seen a servant who could take Berserker's life with a single attack!

What is that strange treasure?

Although she was shocked, as long as Ilya thought that once Berserker was resurrected, she would be completely immune to the attack that killed him last time, and her face became much better.

Just then... a roar sounded! Hercules stood up again!

"Haha! No matter how powerful your treasure is! Now... it's useless! Berserker..."

Illya shouted excitedly and was about to order Be "Eight Eight Seven" rserker to attack again, but saw the romantic fort in Ah Fu's hand suddenly disappear, and then, with a trace of regret on his face, he spit out a word:

"The lock of the sky! 99

"Clang clang..."

A dozen golden ripples suddenly appeared in the air, and then... a large number of golden chains rushed out from it! It wrapped around Berserker with lightning speed! Bind him tightly!


The muscles all over his body were tense, and his eyes were bursting with red light. Berserker had obviously used all his strength to suckle...


Due to the rich divinity in his body, he was completely restrained by the lock of heaven! Like a mosquito entangled in a spider web, he couldn't move at all!

Railgun: Seeing this scene, I feel... so complicated.

Xiao Tongtong: Yes! It seems that Ah Fu has replaced Jin Shining's role and has become a big villain! He is preparing to persecute poor little Loli!

White Eyed Princess:!!! What? Is Illya going to be persecuted? No! When I saw Illya die in the dungeon, I cried all afternoon...(ToT)

Astolfo: What are you talking about? I haven't done anything yet? And... do you think I'm going to do something like Glittering? I'm a knight, how can I be so inhuman! (♥ ~#)

The king takes over the world :;)

Niang Twinkle: Disgraceful guy...

Young Sparkle; I was a little uncomfortable at first, but now...I can be sure. It's absolutely right to let that guy die!

"Berserker! Break free!"

Seeing that Hercules couldn't shake the lock of heaven no matter how hard she tried, Ilya was so shocked that her face turned pale, her face was full of fear, and even her voice was trembling.

If at first she just saw Berserker as a crazy Beast that needs to be domesticated. But... After this period of time together, Ilya has almost regarded Hercules as her father!

Although, she definitely won't admit it. Because, the memory her real father left her is too painful...

"Uh... in this way, I seem to have really become a bad person!

Seeing Ilya throw herself on Berserker, she almost burst into tears. A Fu scratched his head a little embarrassedly and looked at Aiwen as if asking for help.

Because of the Twelve Trials, her romantic turret can no longer hurt Berserker. So... he didn't dare to loosen the lock of heaven!

But... it doesn't seem to be a problem to keep people locked up like this!

Seeing Ah Fu's appearance, Aiwen couldn't help laughing:

"Hey, drop the chain at the critical moment. This Ah Fu is really suitable to be a Servant of Replenishing Demon Rin!

" let go of Berserker! Otherwise..."

Seeing that the chains could not be undone at all, Ilya turned around in despair, stared at Ah Fu fiercely, and condensed magic power in her hands, she was preparing to fight with the follower as the master!

"Wow! Admin! Hurry up!

Seeing Illya, who was staring at him, Fu almost screamed! After watching the dungeon, he felt that Illya was pitiful, but this time he just wanted to try his own Noble Phantasm on Berserker, how could it hurt? this girl?

" feels like there's another bear child."

Aiwen shook his head slightly, raised his right hand and pointed at Berserker who was still struggling under the lock of heaven!

In an instant, this terrifying two-meter giant turned into countless golden particles and disappeared into the air.

"Berserker! Don't......???"

Seeing this, Illya was heartbroken! She was about to cry frantically, but suddenly felt that the connection between herself and Berserker had not been cut off at all!

Looking down at the three Command Spells in her hand, Ilya came back to her senses for a long time, and murmured in disbelief:

"This is... a spiritual body?


Aiwen stared at the tragic Loli and said softly:

"I only temporarily put your Servant into a spiritual state, and it will be restored to 0 in a few hours..."

Hearing Aiwen's explanation, Illya swallowed "Guru!", her face full of horror, and she looked at Aiwen as if she had seen a ghost!

Immediately after reaching out, the Servant will be forced to become a spiritual body! If every Master has mastered this ability, then he will fight the Holy Grail War!

Seeing Elijah shivering and her body almost shrunk into a ball, Erquite couldn't help walking upstairs to live with her, and at the same time turned around and said to Alfred:

"Your shot just now was too dangerous! What if you hit this kid?"

"I...I'm not a child! Luo

Although still in a state of horror, Illya instinctively defended herself. But... her voice is still trembling!

"All right, Elquite, take this girl and go home together!

After the mirror space was removed, seeing Ilya didn't seem to contradict Elquette very much. Aiwen simply told her to take this Loli with her.

She was scared to death by Aiwen, and Illya had no idea of ​​resistance at all, so she was led back to the Matou Mansion by the cute Elkite!

After returning, Aiwen decided to let Ilya calm down first, and then sat on the sofa and entered the group.

At the moment, the group was already very lively.

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: wow wow wow! Didn't you find it? Elquite and Illya look alike! And they are both red-eyed beauties!

Niang Twinkle: Humph! If you want to say, this king also has red eyes! Isn't this king beautiful?

Gabriel: This... It's not that you are not beautiful, but... seeing you, I usually think of that golden glitter...

Niang Twinkle: ...this scum! If I knew this king, I should have killed him personally! (♥~▼#)

Kona: Um... so boring. I want to go out and play...


The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: wow! Kang Na-chan! Why are you bubbling all of a sudden!

Conna: Woohoo, Thor does housework all day and doesn't play with Conna! Conna is going to be bored! (ToT).

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