Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 960 Erina who is dying! Young Heizhen's honesty! (1 more for full order)

Looking at the large piece of meat that was gleaming in front of her, Erina took a breath, and felt a scent rushing straight to her forehead.

Smelling the strong fragrance, for some reason, she felt hungry for some reason!

"It's so delicious without cooking it at all! I can't believe it! And how can this meat beautiful? 39

By now, she has no doubt that this piece of meat is definitely the top ingredient she has never seen before!

At the same time, Erina is looking forward to the taste of the finished product after cooking!

"Wait... the administrator seems to have given me something else..."

Since all her attention was drawn to the "glowing meat", Erina only discovered until now that there are many strange ingredients in the red envelope that Aiwen gave her. "Nine Twenty"

"This is... a mushroom? But... how can it smell like fish?"

Picking up a strangely-shaped mushroom and smelling it, Erina raised her eyebrows slightly and took a bite, her eyes widened immediately:

"That's right! It's the taste of shark fins! crispy! Much tastier than the Tianjiu fins I've had in Hong Kong before. is this possible?

Looking at all kinds of strange ingredients in the red envelope, Erina's little head began to faint, and the whole person was like a dream.

There are locusts that store top-quality soy sauce on their backs, fruits that gather the sweet essence of fruits such as cantaloupe, watermelon, apple, mango, etc., and shellfish like ham! There is even a crab with a ruby ​​carapace!

How can these things even exist? This turns all biology upside down!

At the end, Erina's legs were a little weak, and Roar took a deep breath against the wall for a long time before recovering.

If she had some doubts about the chat group being able to communicate with all worlds before, now... she has no doubts!

After all, such incredible ingredients can only come from the magical world of different dimensions!

But... After calming down, Erina felt another throbbing in her heart.

She also wants more, better Otherworld ingredients!

After sending the ingredients from the food captive world to Erina, Aiwen took out some ready-made food from the system space and fed it to Kona to ease her hunger.

But at the same time, there was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Among these ingredients, there are those that he robbed from IGO at the beginning, and those that Stajiu gave him later.

Recently, though, Staju has been bubbling in the crowd less and less. Aiwen guessed that it might be because his food meeting was too complicated, so he didn't have time to join the group.

This brings up a problem: Aiwen still has a lot of ingredients on hand, but... lack of top chefs!

Although Rem's cooking skills are also good, compared to the chef of the gourmet club, it is not a little bit worse.

So, after seeing Erina join the group, Aiwen had an idea.

He wants to train this little princess Tsundere into his own exclusive chef!

As for the price, he has already thought about it, that is, all kinds of high-level ingredients that gourmet captures the world!

Aiwen couldn't believe that, as a chef determined to reach the top, Erina would not be interested in these wonderful ingredients!

Sure enough, after a while, Erina sent him the cooked food back with a red envelope. At the same time, she also asked in the group:

"Administrator, may I ask... where do these ingredients come from? I... can I go take a look?"

"Hoo... This girl actually wants to go to the captive world of gourmet food? Isn't she going to die?"

Aiwen hasn't spoken yet, relying on his own computing power. After reading the copy of "Spirit of the Halberd" in an instant, he replied directly:

Red Queen: Little girl, don't be delusional. The level of danger in that world is not what you can imagine! Where, the more precious the ingredients, the more difficult it is to capture! Those truly terrifying ingredients can easily destroy the country and even the earth!

Erina Nakiri: Earth...Earth?(p;)/

Aiwen: Hey, if you have time, go and see the copy of "The Captive of Food" in the group file, and you will know that the Red Queen has not scare you!

"Is the world of different dimensions so dangerous?"

Erina was stunned for a long time, only to be stimulated by the aroma that rushed into her nose.  …

Looking down at the small piece of shiny meat on the plate, she swallowed and raised her knife and fork to cut it.

As soon as the knife cut in, a finely ground gravy like gold dust spurted out, Erina gently forked a piece of meat and put it into her mouth.

Although she had tasted a little before, her beautiful eyes widened instantly, and her face soon showed an intoxicated look:

"There is such a delicious food in the world! The meat dishes I used to eat were just garbage!"

In the restaurant of Matou House, Aiwen and Kona are sharing dishes made by Erina.

"Hmm... This girl's cooking skills are really good, although it's far inferior to that of Stajiu, but... she uses another method to bring out the taste of gem meat, which makes people feel hot.

Chewing the food in his mouth, Aiwen's eyes showed satisfaction.

That piece of gem meat was actually what he used to test Erina's cooking skills. Now it looks like the results are pretty good.

Although the skills are still immature, but... Erina has shown infinite possibilities.

At this moment, Aiwen suddenly sensed something, and then, he turned his face and said 0.9:

"Are you hungry? Let's eat together. 35

Having never fallen asleep, and being attracted by the amazing aroma of the gem meat, You Heizhen and Ilia were both gulping at the moment, hiding outside the restaurant door and looking inside, just embarrassed to come in.

Hearing Aiwen's words, the two little girls blushed at the same time. Young Heizhen instinctively snorted and wanted to refuse. But... her stomach growled unsatisfactorily!


This time, Young Heizhen's face was as red as a red cloth. She still wanted to hold on, but Ilya walked over to the table and sat down without any notice!

Seeing that Young Heizhen finally walked over and sat down, a smile appeared on Aiwen's face.

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