Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 101 Heading to Asgard

Link came here to answer various questions, and he also had some ideas.

Although some of the things happening here are different from the plots of the movies he watched in his previous life, this is not strange, but some problems still exist.

For example, some people use the appearance of the Avengers to criticize them to attract attention, or even maliciously guide them.

Turning some people's fear into anger and venting it on the Avengers, although these remarks are of no use to the Avengers, they are also very annoying.

Link just doesn't want to be morally kidnapped, so he hides his strength. Once his strength is exposed, it is unknown what will happen.

Now he is just a billionaire, an ordinary Avenger, which will not attract too much attention, and the attention is not as high as Stark.

Now he comes to tell and analyze some things, and vaguely points out Kamar-Taj, but there is no evidence to prove it, it is just analysis.

He traveled to this world, and the Ancient One did not come to him. This is strange to him, but it is also reasonable.

Mages usually don't care about worldly things. Link's appearance will definitely have a great impact on the future, but his own strength is also strong enough to ensure the safety of the earth.

So, whether Ancient One appears or not, it doesn't matter.

Now he said that the environment of the earth is dangerous and complicated, just to disturb everyone's sight, instead of focusing on the Avengers.

"Mr. Lin, are these all true?" Oprah's voice was a little dry.

Link laughed and said, "It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. In fact, the most important thing for humans is to develop themselves, such as technology..."

"Of course, technology is not achieved overnight. It requires basic science. We still have time to develop slowly. At least the earth is safe now."

"The previous alien attack was actually more like a test. After all, the god king Odin is a little older, and there are some problems in Asgard."

"And the ancient guardians of the earth did not appear. Maybe they think this is not a crisis. Everyone has seen that our weapons are actually effective."

"They did not rush directly into the universe, but used means to open the space channel, which is also very telling."

Oprah immediately asked, "Can you analyze it?"

"Yes!" Link nodded, "Opening the space channel seems simple, but it actually requires many conditions. Special items and energy are needed, and now the energy has been destroyed. "

"And the space channel is limited in size, and it is impossible to directly transport too many troops at one time, so we blocked them at the exit and ambushed them."

"If they really want to attack the earth, they should go directly to the outer space of the earth and deploy all their forces."

"So, I said that they are just testing the power of the earth. Our weapons are effective. The only shortcoming is that they cannot enter the universe to fight."

"This involves energy, materials, resources and other issues, which requires a leap in the overall technology of the earth."

"But similarly, after they enter the atmosphere, it is not a big problem for the huge military power of the countries on earth."

"Now our shortcoming is to break out of the atmosphere!"

In this way, the audience felt a little relieved. After all, the Avengers did stop the aliens, and there were fighter planes to help at that time, so it didn't seem to be a big problem.

They have the power to fight back, and there is the existence of Asgard, plus the mysterious guardian of the earth may exist, everyone is relieved.

But there are still shortcomings, so calling on countries to develop aerospace technology as soon as possible is a top priority.

After the show, Oprah changed to a lighter topic and asked Captain America and Black Widow. Link decisively shut up.

He had said enough before, so he didn't need to speak again, and gave the time to the other two. The show lasted for more than an hour.

After the show ended, they left the TV station. There were still many people gathered below. After the three got in the car, they drove away with the efforts of the NYPD.

Fortunately, there was no extreme existence, otherwise it would be troublesome again.

They officially disclosed the existence of the Avengers and publicly stated the existence of alien civilizations. The media was boiling afterwards, and a lot of discussions were held on what the three said, which was regarded as diverting the panic of the people before.

Diverted their attention.

The shares of Osborn Group rose a little, which was inevitable with Link's exposure.

The sound of the discussion made the Avengers feel a lot more relaxed, so the time was temporarily quiet, but Thor received news from home that the Rainbow Bridge had been repaired.

Thor came to the Avengers headquarters, which had been completed and had complete equipment and decoration inside.

Everyone gathered together again, and Thor said, "The Rainbow Bridge has been repaired. I am going to take Loki back. Who of you wants to go?"

"I will definitely go, Banner?" Stark said, scratching his head and looking at Bruce Banner, "Let's go and see if we can learn anything?"

"Yes, if the God King allows it." Bruce Banner nodded, "We lack the means of interstellar travel, and I hope Asgard's technology can help us."

Link said, "I will go with you, and leave the negotiation to me. You two are not good at negotiation."

"Okay, it's just the three of us. Captain, you stay on Earth." Stark nodded slightly. They were indeed not good at negotiating. "This time we will try to get a communicator to facilitate communication with Asgar."

Everyone agreed, and everyone started to prepare. Link went back and told Jessica that he was going to Asgard, and he really couldn't take her with him this time.

After all, the attitude of Asgard's God King Odin is uncertain, so it's just right for the three of them to go, especially Bruce's combat effectiveness is the strongest on the surface.

Link only needs to talk to Odin. It is necessary to show some strength in front of Odin, so that strong people can talk to each other on an equal footing.

After the group was ready, Thor took Loki with him. The five of them stood together. Thor shouted: "Heimdall!"

"Boom~" A huge beam of light fell from the sky, and the five people instantly flew up and followed the beam upwards.

Stark and Bruce were very curious. This magical technology could actually transport people from one point in the universe to another in a short period of time.

Not long after, they appeared at the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, and Link turned to look at Heimdall.

Thor was very happy and introduced Link and others to Heimdall, and then escorted Loki out of the Rainbow Bridge and walked along a colorful road towards the distant shrine.

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