Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 108 Return and Change

With a small number of personnel, a warship that is too large is not suitable. He just asked about the price.

What he really likes is the imitation of the Minerva, which is very suitable for small organizations, especially if all the Avengers are on board, the combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

In addition, it can also carry a large number of Yan-style fighters, plus a lot of defensive firepower, so it is not at all inferior to a large mothership of the enemy.

The key is that it can also enter the Daqing layer and anchor at the port, which is conducive to transporting materials into the universe for construction.

Or after it is built, it will be sent to the universe for assembly. Link also uses it as a transport ship. After all, it is very difficult for the Avengers to control one.

The collector looked at Link and said, "Power Gem, in exchange for a mothership?"

"Of course not." Link walked over, pulled out the design, pointed to the Minerva and said, "I want to build it. Is this a small space battleship?"

"The biggest thing I asked was just to ask about the price."

The collector rolled his eyes and said, "How about I equip you with a complete fighter?"

"The value of the fighter is not high. I have already prepared to produce it in my factory on Earth. If it is not too troublesome for us to make it ourselves, then I will not let others build it." Link said, "If you do something, then I will use the Power Gem here."

The collector was stunned. He naturally knew that the power gem was powerful and could easily destroy a planet.

Link handed the cosmic spirit ball to the other party, "Open it first!"

The collector took it, full of confidence, and then put it on a small device, and then began to rotate.

The cosmic spirit ball is actually a container. It needs a password to unlock it. The way to unlock it is to rotate both sides at the same time, but the direction and number of rotations are the password.

The collector's gadget was like a decoder.

Finally, the code was solved, and the power gem inside was suspended there.

After Link grabbed it, it was covered with nanometers and turned into a ring on his hand.

"Hiss~" The collector took a breath, "You are not from Earth?"

"Of course, but I am very special, you can't withstand my punch here." Link stretched out his right hand, and the power gem on it emitted a purple light, "How is it? Can we negotiate normally now?"

"No problem, respected guest!" The collector saluted Link, which was a respect for the strong.

The two sides then began to bargain, but the details still depended on the specific design. Link showed the final full set of design drawings, and the two discussed.

The collector is worthy of being a guy who has lived for billions of years. He really knows everything, and he has discovered all the problems in the design.

In this way, Link temporarily lives here and modifies the design with the other party, and the collector is very enthusiastic.

Link doesn't know why he is so enthusiastic, but this is a good thing. A month later, the design was completed and the other party immediately started to build, but the construction site was not here.

Construction takes time. Link is going to go back to Earth and find manpower. After all, no matter how small it is, it is much larger than an aircraft carrier. It is not something he can operate alone. Link is not going to use artificial intelligence to fully control the battleship.

In addition, the name of this battleship is not Minerva, but Avenger.

This time the Earth really has the energy of the Avengers. Once the battleship is fully equipped, the Avengers can take it to most places in the universe. Link even left a space for improvement, that is, to add a light speed engine.

In this way, it has the ability to accelerate instantly.

Of course, if he uses the space gem, he can open the space channel and appear instantly wherever he wants to go.

But he will not use it so easily unless the space gem is exposed.

Link drove the Yan fighter to leave the void, made a space jump, and returned to Earth after several jumps.

This time it was very smooth. I didn't expect to get so much from the collector. Not only is a spaceship built, but there is even abundant funds, but these are not available for the time being.

The two parties exchanged money and goods, and the transaction location was outside the earth. The collector would send the spaceship there at that time.

This made it much more convenient. Link went back to the earth directly to prepare manpower.

"This is Link, calling the Avengers headquarters!" Link came to the outside of the earth and started calling directly.

"..." However, no one responded, Link was a little surprised, "This is Link, calling Stark."

"Hey, Lin!" Stark responded quickly, "Are you back?"

"I just called the Avengers headquarters, why didn't you respond?" Link asked.

"Nick Fury is in trouble and is being rescued in the hospital. Barton, Natasha and Rogers have all gone to the hospital." Stark said.

"..." Link didn't expect that he would be like this after going to the universe. Is S.H.I.E.L.D. going to be disbanded?

However, what about the plot of Iron Man?

"I understand. I'm going to land at the Avengers headquarters now. You and Bruce will meet here, but why didn't you go?" Link asked while flying towards the earth.

"Something has gone wrong. S.H.I.E.L.D. is on high alert. They are even targeting the Avengers as the most suspicious." Stark said, "Bruce is forbidden to go to the hospital."

"I'm worried about problems, so I'm staying in the building with Bruce. You're back just in time."

"..." Link understood. He changed too many things, so there will naturally be unexpected situations.

Nick Fury must have discovered something. The three secretly built aerospace carriers must still be under construction, and Nick Fury wants to stop.

Otherwise, Hydra will not take action, and the Avengers are powerful and have even formed an alliance with Asgard.

Hydra is now going to separate the Avengers, so Captain America and the other two went to the hospital. Bruce was restricted, and Stark was worried about staying. If he didn't stay, he would be allowed to go to the hospital.

As long as Hulk doesn't show up, Hydra is not afraid of the remaining people. It is estimated that there are ways to deal with Stark's armor.

At this time, Link was passing through the atmosphere while thinking about countermeasures. It would definitely not work to take action now, because on the surface it is still SHIELD that is taking action.

Unless Nick Fury is not dead!

"By the way, where is Coulson?" Link asked.

"He's the one who's fighting me and Bruce, he's carrying that Iron Monger." Stark said helplessly.

"I understand, you guys wait for me at Stark Tower, after I land at the headquarters, drive to the hospital and send me the location of the hospital." Link made a decision.

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