Stark on the side was unhappy and asked, "Lin, what about me?"

Link looked at him and said, "There are three choices now. We don't have enough manpower."

"The first is the safety of the Avengers headquarters. Nick Fury is here. If we all leave, what about his safety?"

"The second is the hangar. The aerospace carrier is in the underground hangar. It's too big, so you can only control it, but relatively speaking, there should be the most Hydras there."

"The third is to follow me, because the control center can only be started, so it's unknown what will happen there."

"Now Hydra has not taken any action, and it is estimated that the final preparations have not been completed. Nick Fury wants to stop the project, which touches their roots, otherwise they would not want to kill him."

"But since it has started, it will soon start. Those who can explode are the biggest hidden dangers."

Stark heard that, so that's the case. It's not that there are no tasks assigned to him, but that there are not enough people.

Stark thought for a moment and said, "I'll go to the hangar!"

"The situation there should be more complicated, so when will we act?"

Link said, "Now, the sooner we act, the better. Alfu~ notify Maria Hill to go to the equipment room, and everyone go get weapons and ammunition!"

The group came to the weapons room, and everyone wore nano suits, all made of titanium alloy, except Link who used vibranium.

Energy weapons were carried, but it was not necessary to use them inside SHIELD, so he took two pistols and throwing knives this time.

He had a lot of magazines on his waist, then looked at everyone and said, "Are you ready?"

"Okay!" Everyone was ready.

Link opened the space channel, "Captain, go in!"

Steve Rogers didn't waste any words and rushed in directly. Link opened the second space channel: "Hill, Bruce!"

Then came Hawkeye and Stark, and Natasha had already left the Avengers headquarters in a fighter plane and would arrive at the SHIELD headquarters in a few minutes.

Link was the last one, and he stepped into it and was at the door of the control center.

The sudden appearance of the space channel made all the agents here nervous, and they all took out their weapons and pointed them at him.

Link did not move, but waited. At this time, the captain's voice sounded, "Everyone, I am Steve Rogers..."

Captain America spoke, recounted the situation of SHIELD, and asked everyone to put down their weapons and wait for identification.

Maria Hill took Bruce and faced Alexander Pierce at this time.

Pierce thought of many possibilities. The worst was that the Avengers came to his door, but he couldn't imagine how the other party would come directly to his office?

He asked in surprise: "Is it the Cosmic Cube?"

"You have no right to ask questions now. You are already a prisoner, or do you want to meet Hulk?" Maria Hill did not dare to be careless at all. After all, the other party was once the director of SHIELD.

Stark, Natasha, and Clint were all in place. The agents of SHIELD now have only two choices.

Link had already pointed his two guns at the control room and said, "Everyone, if you are real SHIELD agents, then don't do anything, just lie down with your hands on your head."

Sharon Carter immediately spoke up and said, "Everyone, listen to the captain's orders."

After that, she lay down directly and then put her hands on her head.

She is Peggy Carter's niece and a SHIELD agent. She is definitely not Hydra.

After hearing his words, some people also lay down directly and put their hands on their heads. The remaining people holding guns are too prominent.

Link smiled and asked, "Are you Hydra?"

"..."These people are Hydra. How do they choose now?

For a while, they fell into a dilemma. The other party is Link. Link was also an agent of SHIELD before. This matter is no longer a secret.

And he is now an Avenger, an Avenger fighting aliens!

"Bang bang..."At this moment, someone fired a gun, behind Link.

The bullet hit the Vibranium suit, lost its kinetic energy and fell directly to the ground, and the Hydra in front of him also opened fire.

Link was naturally not polite, "Bang bang..."

One shot, one, all hit the head, and instantly cleared the Hydra in the control room, "Everyone, don't move."

Link shouted, and then turned around. It was Brock Rumlow who came in. He was also with a few people in plain clothes who were not agents at first glance.

"Bang bang..." Link emptied the magazine in an instant, and the Hydra people were killed.

But Brock Rumlow survived. This guy was cunning. Seeing Link shift the muzzle, he immediately hid behind a desperate warrior.

Link threw his double guns upwards, and the desperate warrior had already stepped forward.

"Swish..." Flying knives, the number could not be seen clearly, only the sound of breaking through the air was heard.

Several desperate warriors were hit in the head, falling backwards with knives stuck in their foreheads. Brock Rumlow turned and ran, and Link gave him the last knife, which hit him directly in the lower back, where the spine was.

"Ah~" With a scream, he fell to the ground, but he was not dead. Link did not think of killing him because he knew a lot.

So, he paralyzed his lower body directly.

The double guns fell down at this time, and Link caught them and immediately changed the magazine.

Several desperate warriors have stood up and pulled out the knives on their foreheads, "bang bang..."

Link opened rapid shooting, emptied the magazines of the two guns, and then replaced them immediately. The previous bullets all hit the knees. They need time to recover.

Then the bullets were shot into a person's body, and then the magazines were replaced.

The battle was not just here for him. Hawkeye controlled the apron. Many Hydra people rushed towards the Quinjet. He shot arrows himself and never let them get on the fighter.

If they got on, they would be destroyed together with the fighter, "boom..."

One of the desperate warriors exploded, and all the surrounding glass was shattered, affecting his companions, and then continued to explode.

Fortunately, their position was very open and no one was affected.

Link almost emptied the magazine on his belt, then turned around and said: "Everyone, pick up your weapons and surround this place, don't go anywhere."

After Link finished speaking, he walked away and began to clean up the surroundings.

Stark was being besieged. As expected, most of the people here were Hydra, and the agents of SHIELD were all lying on the ground and looking for cover. Naturally, Stark fought back without any hesitation.

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