Link sat up directly and looked at the Reality Stone in his hand. A surge of energy poured into his body. Link also did not react much.

Superman's physique made him extremely powerful, and he didn't feel too strong. He estimated the strength of the six gems gathered together. Of course, the final effect of the six infinity gems might be doubled when the six infinity gems were gathered together.

God King Odin looked at Link with a complicated expression. He didn't know whether Link was from Earth. After all, Earthlings shouldn't be as powerful as Link.

Last time he only showed speed, but now he saw molecular energy, and the ether particles were easily attracted, which showed that its life energy was unusually huge.

Thor was busy hugging his girlfriend at this time and didn't pay attention to Link at all.

Link thought for a moment, took the Reality Stone in his hand, and asked, "Your Majesty the God King, Asgard will keep this gem, right?"

"But it could bring disaster!"

With that said, Link handed over the Reality Stone.

Odin shook his head and said: "It's better for you to keep it!"

"I know you sold a power gem. It seems you don't want to collect them. It's safer to put them in your hands."

Link was stunned. He originally wanted to show his kindness. The Infinity Stones were not of much use to him. His first target was the Space Stone, and his second target was the Spirit Stone.

Having these two is enough. It can make up for some of its shortcomings and is very convenient at the same time.

Neither the Reality Stone nor the Power Stone was in the plan. He wanted to hand over the Reality Stone to Asgard for safekeeping, but the other party didn't want it.

Didn't Odin think that gems shouldn't come together?

Why don't you want it now?

"Okay, I'll keep it for now!" Link nodded.

Odin then asked Thor to entertain the guests, and he turned around and left. Thor immediately asked people to prepare for the evening banquet.

Link will naturally stay for a few days. The dark elves are expected to arrive soon. He doesn't want Asgard to be attacked as soon as he leaves.

So, didn’t I come here in vain?

Asgard's food is rich, but it's all meat, fruits, and torpedoes. It's very delicious after being grilled. Maybe it's because the raw materials are so good.

And the wine was much better than that on Earth. It was all wine. Link ate and drank, and got all the Asgardians attending the banquet drunk. Thor was dragged away by Jane Foster and survived.

The soft big bed made Link sleep very comfortably. When he woke up early the next morning, he washed up and walked out of the bedroom, looking at the life of Asgard in the morning.

I walked out of the palace alone and took a stroll on the streets. It was a European medieval style, but it was more refined and there was no muddy dirt road.

Returning to the palace during breakfast time, Thor formally expressed his gratitude to Link and invited him to spend a few more days.

Link proposed to read a book. He had read a lot before, and now he was going to continue reading. The main purpose this time was to develop a translator.

This is something the Avengers urgently need. After all, they have entered the universe, and the first element of language must be mastered. However, there are too many languages ​​in the universe, and a translator is necessary.

Asgardians don't use translators because their lifespans are too long and they can learn many languages, but people on earth don't have that energy.

While Link was reading, a harsh sound suddenly sounded. Link estimated that this was the Asgardian siren.

Putting down the book, he stood up and walked outside, and saw Thor flying in the sky, but he was not flying towards the Rainbow Bridge. Link didn't know the exact location, but it was probably a prison.

Link did not go over, but looked in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge. The Dark Elf battleship had the function of invisibility, which Link was very coveted.

This is very useful for the Avenger and Yan-type fighters, but are the technical characteristics of both sides consistent?

Link still needs to see to find out!

"Boom..." Link suddenly flew up without using the flying skateboard. Then the suit covered his whole body, and a huge cloak flew behind him.

His suit comes with a cloak, but he has never used it. The cloak is also made of vibranium. Thanks to nanotechnology, it has unlimited possibilities for change.

Link rushed directly to the Rainbow Bridge. Odin stood in the palace, looking at Link with surprise in his heart.

At this moment, Heimdall felt something and suddenly rushed out of the Rainbow Bridge, then jumped to one side, revealing a strange-looking fighter plane.

Someone invaded. After Heimdall destroyed it, he fell back to the channel of the Rainbow Bridge. He turned to look in the direction of the universe. A huge space battleship slowly rose up, and several fighter planes rushed past him. .

But their luck ran out. Link had arrived on the lake, holding an energy pistol in each hand.

"Whoosh..." After a few bursts of fire, all the Dark Elf's fighter planes were shot down, and then Link rushed towards the final mothership.

Odin breathed a sigh of relief. This Link didn't mean to do anything, but he discovered the intruder. Odin then looked at the huge mothership in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge, which was the battleship of the dark elves.

Did the ether particles appear and attract them?

It seems that the Avengers are indeed trustworthy allies and are not just asking for them!

"Your Majesty, someone has invaded the palace." At this time, guards rushed over.

Odin frowned and said, "Let's go!"

A huge space battleship was not a problem for Link. He used the power of the Reality Stone. Although it was his first time using it, there was no problem at all.

Since he brought the Reality Stone yesterday, he understood how to use it. This was what the stone told him.

Whether it was the Space Stone or the Reality Stone, they seemed to like him very much.

Link clenched his left hand, and the huge battleship immediately changed and turned into a huge Patrick.

He also had a bad taste. The Reality Stone could not make permanent changes. It was like magic, which could temporarily change everything in reality, including life forms.

The huge Patrick saw Hu Bo in front of him and immediately became happy. He jumped in with a pair of big eyes.

"Boom..." The waves flew high, and then it started to play in the water, but the dark elves inside were unlucky. One by one, they were shaken out, or squeezed out.

Heimdall was stunned. He was not the Reality Stone in Link's hand. The sudden change caught him off guard. He originally wanted to raise the shield of the palace, but what should he do now?

Asgard's flying boats and fighter planes rushed over and aimed at Hu Bo below. The dark elves were their enemies.

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