Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 134 Preparing to Propose

Tony Stark's surgery was confirmed, and Link arrived at the hospital on time. This is the hospital in Hell's Kitchen, which is jointly funded by various companies. After the expansion, its medical strength is sufficient.

Stark's attending physician was very curious, how to remove the shrapnel without damage?

Link came here to confirm the situation with the doctor first. After all, what will happen after the shrapnel is taken out? In fact, it is not a big problem. After all, the shrapnel has been in Stark's body for several years. He has no effect on anything now, and there is no problem in taking it out.

Link had read a lot of medical books before and supplemented his knowledge in this area, but he could not show it.

It is necessary to communicate with the doctor.

Pepper was also here, "Thank you Lin, Tony told me that you can use magical means to remove the shrapnel, so that the most troublesome and dangerous operation will not be necessary?"

Link and Pepper hugged each other, and then said: "Don't worry, it's absolutely safe, you can understand it as magic."

He stretched out his hand, showed the reality gem on it, and then said: "This is the reality gem, it can temporarily turn Tony's body into a building block, take out the wooden block in the chest, then take the shrapnel, and then put the wooden block back."

"Without a drop of blood."

"Oh my God!" Pepper covered her mouth, looking shocked.

"Okay, I'll talk to the doctor, and then I can prepare for surgery." Link went to the doctor's office and then asked about the X-ray.

The doctor couldn't understand how to take out the shrapnel out of thin air without surgery, but after all, they were all big guys, his own big boss, so he patiently answered the question.

There will be no impact. If the setup is established, just don't touch the blood vessels.

Once the shrapnel is removed, surgery can be performed to restore Stark's chest ribs, which takes a long time.

Link confirmed the time for tomorrow with the doctor, then walked out and came to the ward under Pepper's guidance. Stark stayed in the hospital temporarily to prepare for the operation.

"Hey, Lin!" Stark saw Link enter the ward and immediately greeted him, "Are you sure there is no problem?"

"How about I turn you into pudding now?" Link raised his hand and shook it, "The previous nine stars aligned, causing the space to overlap, and Jane Foster is entering a strange space."

"The ether particles invaded my body in the disguised form of the Reality Stone, which allowed me to get the Reality Stone. I now have two of the six Infinity Stones."

Stark nodded slightly, but he asked with some concern: "Since the six Infinity Stones can fulfill any wish, will it cause trouble?"

"If someone wants to collect them, they will not stop regardless of whether they are in our hands or not. Once one person has the six Infinity Stones, the entire universe will not be safe." Link said: "So, it is best for us to have a few."

"At the same time, this also makes up for the problem of our lack of combat effectiveness."

Stark nodded, indeed, with the Infinity Stones, their shortcomings can be made up, but it also carries danger, but this danger is unknown, and the shortcomings are indeed made up.

"Okay, I'll rely on you tomorrow." Stark no longer dwelled on the topic of the Infinity Stones.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything I'm not sure of, you should just rest and recuperate." Link didn't comfort him too much, but quickly said goodbye and left.


During the operation the next day, Stark was lying on the operating table, and he didn't need anesthesia for the time being. Link also disinfected and changed his surgical gown, etc., and then entered alone.

Pepper followed the glass to look at the situation inside. After Link entered, he didn't talk nonsense with Stark. He just clenched his fist, and Stark's body immediately turned into a building block.

"Wow~" he exclaimed, "It's really a magical feeling."

Link observed the shrapnel with his X-ray vision, then took out the building blocks on Stark's chest with a clamp, and then used tweezers to clamp out pieces of shrapnel, and when all were clamped out, he put the building blocks back.

After canceling the change, Stark touched his chest, "It's amazing."

"Yes, it has the ability to temporarily change reality, that is the reality gem. It can even turn various attacks into something else. Although it is only a short-term change, it can already do a lot of things." Link said.

"Got it, thank you man!" Stark was relieved.

Link turned and left, and then let the doctor in. The attending doctor took a look with the small X-ray machine in the operating room, and came to find that the shrapnel had disappeared. Is it so magical?

But he also knew that he shouldn't ask what he shouldn't ask, so he started anesthesia and surgery, and the rest of the surgery was a minor operation.

Stark needs to be hospitalized for some time, and then he needs to rest for a few months. It will take more than half a year for him to fully recover.

However, the Avengers have nothing to do for the time being, and they don't need him to be busy. After Stark recovers, he can marry Pepper.

And Link also considered this issue. Should he propose to Jessica?

Although Jessica never proposed marriage, she definitely hoped that Link would propose. Link should do it as soon as he thought of it. There was no need to hesitate. Children could be had later.

This did not conflict with marriage, so Link went home at night, secretly measured Jessica's finger, and then synthesized a large diamond in the studio.

That's right, the engagement ring he prepared was a synthetic diamond, which is no different from a natural diamond. If possible, he would rather use a gold ring.

But now he is the chairman of the Osborne Group, a big boss worth hundreds of billions of US dollars. Even if the diamond he takes out is synthetic, everyone will think it is natural.

That's just human nature!

He used real gems to make a perfect cut, and then used real gems to inlay it on a platinum ring to create a hollow ring holder to wrap the diamond in it. Perfect!

Link took a look and then ordered a ring box online. When the box arrived, he could propose.

As for a public proposal?

This will definitely not be done. He is not so ostentatious. He will just propose at home and get married before Stark. Well, this is a good idea.

The ring box came quickly. After all, he ordered it at a high price. They delivered it directly to his door. When he put the ring in it, Jessica hadn't come back from get off work yet!

Link was very satisfied. After thinking about it, he started to prepare a candlelight dinner. Although he proposed at home, the romance that should be there cannot be missed.

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