Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 136 New Energy Development

Link sent the ring and roses to space at night, and then returned directly without staying. He still needed to discuss the guest list with Jessica.

In fact, there were not too many. After all, Link had very few friends. For example, among his former classmates, there was almost no one worth inviting.

Now most of them are Avengers, and the others are Wilson and Vanessa. Jessica also invited few people, such as Tracy and her adoptive mother, McCall, Frank, and two lawyers, Matthew Murdoch and Foggy Nelson.

The rest of the people can be invited directly to dinner, without inviting them to the space headquarters.

The two calculated and basically determined the number of people. Jessica said: "Do you think I should invite my adoptive mother?"

"If I invite her, then I guess she will often ask me to invite her in the future."

Link was stunned, and then he remembered that Jessica's adoptive mother, Dorothy Walker, adopted Jessica in order to find a companion for Tracy.

But this person is really greedy for money. She sent the teenage Tracy to the director's room. Is this what a mother can do?

So, now Tracy and Jessica are reluctant to see her, but Jessica is getting married now, so whether to invite her is a problem.

Link asked: "Do you want to invite her?"

"I don't know!" Jessica shook her head and said: "I don't know what I think, but there will definitely be a lot of trouble after the invitation."

"What trouble?" Link laughed, "What if I give her one million a month?"

"Is it that we can't afford it, or is it that she doesn't have enough?"

"Jessica, problems that can be solved with money are not problems for us. We are getting married, and my property belongs to both of us."

Jessica shook her head hurriedly and said: "You can't give so much, you don't know her, you can give her 100,000 a month, which is enough."

One hundred thousand US dollars is a lot of money, enough for Rosie Walker to live a wealthy life.

Link is not a person who takes money as money. The current Osborne Group has huge profits just from the sale of drugs. Although it takes the path of small profits but quick turnover, it has also quickly occupied the global market and seized the largest share.

Other pharmaceutical groups cannot compete with it, even some countries where generic drugs are rampant cannot compete with it because it is cheap.

It is not more expensive than prevention, and it is a drug developed by itself, which is directly dumped all over the world, creating a situation that no one can stop.

Next, there is the controlled nuclear fusion power generation project. It has reached a cooperation with New York City. This does not conflict with Stark Industries. Their electromagnetic arc reactor is not used for large-scale power generation, but is suitable for small-scale use.

And controlled nuclear fusion is suitable for large-scale power generation. The two take two routes.

New York City has built three controlled nuclear fusion power stations at one time according to the selected location to provide electricity for the whole of New York.

In this way, too many resources can be saved. This is a big city with a population of nearly 10 million, and its annual floating population is not included.

The establishment of three controlled nuclear fusion power stations can provide the entire New York State. The Osborne Group invested in the acquisition of the power company responsible for New York.

The entire United States has more than 3,200 power companies, which are roughly divided into five power grids. New York belongs to the eastern power grid.

Most of its power companies are also distributed in the eastern region. There is no unified management and control, and its power distribution and transmission are all problems.

The Osborne Group has mastered the controlled nuclear fusion technology, which has caused a sensation in the United States, causing energy industries such as oil and coal to plummet, but it takes time to occupy the market.

It's not that no one has had a crooked mind, but Link is a member of the Avengers, and the Avengers now have space battleships and have established a space headquarters, which is really daunting.

This is a combat force that the power of a country cannot resist. As capital, they dare not act easily even if they are crazy.

In addition to Link's previous reputation in the underground world, the title of the God of Death is not obtained casually, it is earned with achievements.

Now Link has a nano battle suit, and ordinary bullets can't hurt him at all.

With the addition of other Avengers, the Avengers are now even stronger, and the technological means they master are also something that people dare not cross the line.

Osborn Group took advantage of this stage to acquire some power companies and merge them into a new energy power company.

Integrate the power grids, and prepare to transform its power plants to build controllable nuclear fusion power plants. After integrating the power grids, slowly expand outward.

It is Norman Osborn's ambition to eat up all the power companies, but under such a strategy, other power companies are not fools, and they come to the door one after another. They will not wait until they are exhausted before surrendering, but want to participate in and share a piece of the pie.

However, Norman Osborn is not stupid either. Now Osborn is different from the past. He has no debt.

Because the profit of drugs is continuous and stable, although it is a small profit but a large sales, but the sales are really high. After all, people will get sick, which is something that cannot be stopped, and a steady stream of money comes from this.

At the same time, there is not too much investment. Medicines, weapons and the current new energy are only three directions for the time being. On the one hand, weapons are outsourced, and on the other hand, parts for the Yan fighter and space capsules are manufactured.

However, Link and Osborne discussed that they would not set up charging piles for the time being. The development of new energy vehicles is a trend, but it will also offend energy capital.

Controlled nuclear fusion is used to generate electricity. In fact, it has little impact on oil, but a greater impact on coal. In this way, the old energy capital will be divided into two, so the pressure is also smaller.

Now we can lay out the power grid. After unifying the national power grid, Osborne Group will not be afraid of anyone.

Link is also developing ultra-high voltage transmission technology, but the United States uses 110V voltage, which needs to be converted again at the end of the transmission. This cannot be changed because their household appliances are all 110V.

The construction of power plants needs to be particularly strengthened. Although controlled nuclear fusion is the least dangerous, it is also necessary to consider the problem of its destruction from the outside.

It can be divided into three parts: outer shell, middle shell, and inner shell, and a solid core that can resist nuclear strikes.

At the same time, three emergency termination measures are set, and the fusion reaction can be customized to achieve absolute safety. For this reason, Osborne was specially asked to go on "Tracy Says" to explain these safety measures.

The Avengers' space headquarters also uses controlled nuclear fusion, so everyone can rest assured.

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