Baron Strucker, full name Wolfgang von Strucker, was once the backbone of the Red Skull's Hydra.

The reason why Link didn't move Loki's scepter was to keep it for him, because he would use the scepter to create Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, and these two siblings are very critical.

The Avengers need to grow stronger, so they can't interrupt the process of their birth. Is Killian with Baron Strucker?

Hydra will also pay attention to his research and development, but Killian is not stupid. He should have received funds and sent out immature Extremis warriors this time.

He will never lose money, and he doesn't care about those cannon fodders at all. What he wants is the Extremis virus without shortcomings.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the Extremis virus is invincible. It will die if it is directly cut into pieces, but ordinary injuries cannot cause harm.

And it is very stable and will not explode at any time. This is perfect.

After the injection of the Extremis virus, the combat effectiveness of ordinary people will be increased exponentially, and their bodies can emit high temperatures and directly melt steel.

Link is going to investigate Sokovia, a country in Eastern Europe. Of course, it does not exist in Link's original world.

It is very small here, and its military strength is even weaker. It is difficult for Stark to hide in it and be discovered.

Link adjusted Stark's satellite and observed it from a high altitude. He soon found a castle and nearby military forces.

Observing its equipment, it is not difficult to see the traces of Hydra. After all, Hydra used the Cosmic Cube to develop weapons during World War II. Now this should be the remaining part.


"Dear, I'm going out tonight!" Link told Jessica, "Go to Sokovia to conduct some investigations."

"Okay, I know, do you need me to pay attention to safety?" Jessica asked.

"No, this is a secret investigation, and you don't need to pay special attention." Link shook his head: "I'll be back in a while."

"I understand." Jessica was responsible for preparing dinner, and Link was preparing equipment. He needed to sneak in, which required some equipment.

After dinner, Link opened the space channel and appeared directly in Eastern Europe, and then flew towards the location of Hydra.

After approaching, he landed and began to lurk, observing the surrounding defense situation, and looking for its monitoring line with X-ray vision.

Baron Strucker has been operating here for a long time, with bunkers, monitoring systems and other defense measures, and even energy shields will be turned on when attacked.

Dr. Zora extracted a large amount of cosmic cube energy at the beginning. Its energy core can provide energy for weapons and defense shields. How did the Hydra Red Skull lose at the beginning?

Is his ambition too big?

He didn't think about cooperating with the mustache at all, but wanted to dominate alone, otherwise Captain America would not lead the Roaring Commandos to defeat them one by one.

After observing well, he began to move at high speed, entered the blind spots of monitoring one by one, and slowly touched in. He observed the situation inside.

Mainly looking for the scepter and the twins to see how they are, whether they have activated their superpowers, and if they have, then he can steal the scepter.

However, the first person he found was Killian. This guy had a laboratory here, and there were dozens of desperate warriors around him.

Maya Hansen's situation was not good. She seemed to be imprisoned. Link was not surprised because Maya Hansen probably didn't know much.

Link continued to observe through the X-ray vision. He didn't need to sneak in too deep. He just came in and used the X-ray vision.

The perspective effect of the X-ray vision was limited. It was impossible to see through all the buildings directly, so he needed to sneak in and observe layer by layer.

Soon, he also found the twins. Their state looked like they had just opened their superpowers and were in the stage of adaptation. They were just locked up.

Link had a bottom line in his heart. He retreated first, and then started killing outside. After all, even if the surveillance here was filmed, it would be stored in the equipment in the castle in the end.

Link was not afraid of being filmed, but in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, he was still much more careful. Before the other party reacted, he had to clean up the outside.

Gather all the weapons and send them all away. Although these energies are good, their energy is provided by the Space Stone, and Link is not going to provide energy.

That's not how the Space Stone is used.

The killing was over quickly. He used his super speed. He was not Quicksilver, who only knew how to swing his fists and push people. He had real killing skills.

After killing all of them, he entered the castle again and started killing people. It was not until he entered the core area that the people here found the problem because none of the guards outside responded to the call.

The alarm sounded, but Link had already killed his way in. Baron Starkla was awakened from his sleep and was killed by Link before he could react.

Link was in control of the control center at this time, downloading the data here and deleting all his surveillance footage.

Killian rushed out with the Desperate Warrior. He didn't know what happened. Although he was here, Baron Starkla would not treat him as his own.

He was on guard against the other party in everything, and Killian had thought about taking over the nest, but the other party's energy weapon was the nemesis of the Desperate Warrior.

Yes, energy weapons completely restrain the Extremis Warriors. After being directly hit, the damage to the body cannot be restored at all.

In addition, there are tanks, so it is of course not easy to concentrate, but Baron Strucker has more troops than him.

It can be said that both sides want each other's technology and resources, but they are not sure of each other, so they cooperate temporarily and seem to be at peace.

However, they are all preparing. Baron Strucker is waiting for the twins to fully master their abilities, and Killian is waiting for the Extremis virus to be successfully developed.

Link's sudden arrival interrupted their thoughts, and Link is not a good man, and the Avengers are not either, so Link's killing will not be hated by the Avengers.

There are no good people here, especially Strucker and Killian.

When Killian rushed out with his men, Link stood opposite them, holding two energy pistols in his hands, "Swish..."

Link blocked the door and fired, just to give them no chance to escape. His speed was too fast. He had already solved the Hydra part, and now it was naturally to solve Killian's part.

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