Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 18 Investigation Direction

"No, I asked him if he wanted me to work or stay at home. He said he would let me choose." Jessica had changed into home clothes and was lying on the sofa a little confused, "But I don't know what to choose now. ”

"Have you seen that Vanessa today?"

"How do you feel about her?"

Trish thought for a while and then said: "An outstanding woman. That Mr. Fisk kept looking at her. Lin seemed to notice it, so he left early."

"However, what Lin said is true, so is he really a professional gambler?"

"This is not a good thing!"

"Yes!" Jessica struggled, but quickly said: "Can I be a woman like Vanessa?"

"Why do you want to be her? I don't see that Lin is interested in that woman." Trish immediately persuaded: "You are the one."

"That's not what I mean. I mean that as a woman with her own career, I can't think of anything I'm good at?" Jessica looked at Trish with a worried look on her face, "Am I going to be a housewife?"

Trish rolled her eyes and reminded: "You've only been together for less than two days. You think too much. It's better to stay together for a while!"

"But financially you do..."

At noon the next day, Link was eating in the restaurant and received a text message from Colson, which contained information about Vanessa's gallery works, as well as information about Vanessa's personal connections and so on.

There is information about other art dealers, and there are also some works among them, all of which are valuable.

At the same time, there is information about Vanessa's date with Fisk last night, which didn't go well because while they were dining, the Russian gang suddenly arrived looking for Fisk.

Coulson reminded Link to pay attention to a masked vigilante in Hell's Kitchen. Link knew that this was Daredevil!

It seems that he has already appeared, or Matthew Murdock has appeared a long time ago, but he has not been a vigilante before. After receiving training from Stickman, he still chose to go to school and study law.

SHIELD's resources are indeed huge. So much information was collected so quickly. Link deleted it all after reading it.

He is not planning to go to the gallery today. Too frequent and intensive visits are not good. Anyway, he knows the specific situation and it is not impossible to report it directly to Colson when the time comes.

However, something still needs to be done, such as starting with United Construction Company. There is a problem with their accounts, which was discovered by a woman named Karen Page.

The accounts of this company are handled by an accountant named Langley. This person has been responsible for laundering money. His level is very good, but he knows his situation and will be killed at any time to keep it secret.

There must be a lot of evidence in his hand. Link thought about it and decided to check this person.

Langley has his own accounting firm, and they will do a very good job on the public accounts. Link easily found this person's accounting firm and drove to work there.

Link did not contact Jessica today, but kept an eye on Langley Owsley. His company and home were the first places to investigate.

Then use your sixth-level authority to investigate whether this person has any safes in the bank. There is no need to open it. Use X-ray vision to see if there is some evidence first.

The most important thing is not these, but the real purpose of the Hand Conference. Mrs. Gao is the best one to investigate. Link also needs recording or eavesdropping equipment.

Jessica and Trish went to the LaPerla boutique, which is an Italian underwear brand. Trish served as a consultant and chose sexy ones for Jessica.

Jessica was a little absent-minded, and Trish asked curiously: "What are you thinking about?"

"He never called." Jessica confessed.

Trish rolled her eyes and said, "You really were seduced by him."

"Should I give him one?" Jessica asked.

"No, you can't do this, it will look like you are inquiring about his whereabouts." Trish reminded: "But you can ask if you want to have dinner together in the evening, and tell him that you are buying underwear."

Jessica's eyes lit up, she immediately took out the phone and dialed directly.

Link was on his way to the New York branch of SHIELD to pick up some equipment. After answering the phone, he asked, "Did you miss me?"

"You can guess, but I'm in LaPerla right now, choosing underwear and pajamas." The corners of Jessica's mouth turned up slightly.

Link's eyes lit up and he immediately said: "Let's have dinner together tonight. Do you want to officially check in at my house today?"

"Okay, where will we have dinner?" Jessica glanced at Trish, "Is it the same restaurant as last night?"

"Okay, I... you come and make an appointment!" Link suddenly changed his mind, "You still have a lot to learn. In the future, I may take you to attend some card games and chat with those rich ladies. In order to avoid you It’s boring, I still need to know more.”

"Are you driving?" Jessica asked suddenly.

"Yes, I have some things to be busy with today. Professional gamblers don't just need skills. They even have a lot to learn and have a wide network of contacts." Link said.

"I know, if you're busy, I'll make the reservation at six o'clock." Jessica stopped pestering, and the two hung up the phone.

Trish immediately asked: "How's it going?"

"He asked me to move in officially. After we buy, we will go back and clean up. We will have dinner together in the evening, at the restaurant we had yesterday." Jessica then called to make an appointment, and the two of them stepped up their shopping.

However, Jessica also understood that she should not buy too much at a time. She should just buy enough for the time being, and then let the store notify her next quarter.

The two of them went home directly afterwards. Jessica packed up her things and packed most of them to donate.

It's not that she doesn't like it, but it's not suitable to bring it to Link's house. She has realized that there is a huge gap between her and Link. Of course, many women don't care about this, and even flock to it, but she can't.

Jessica has been thinking about what she can do, even if it's to narrow the gap. Of course, she also needs to consider what to do if the two break up later!

She is special. Can Link accept it?

She didn't dare to think about this. After all, men may not accept that their women are extremely strong, or what if she accidentally hurts Link?

This is what Jessica is most worried about, and she doesn't want to rely on Link financially all the time, but what can she do?

Link arrived at the branch at this time, received the equipment from the equipment department, and learned how to use and install it before leaving.

After returning home, he temporarily put the things in the secret weapons warehouse, where he received some weapons and ammunition.

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