Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 30 Meeting Nick Fury

Chapter 30 Meeting Nick Fury

Ziren was watching the TV at this time, holding a glass of wine in his hand and a cigar in his mouth, while the host and hostess of the family, who had no children, were cooking.

Otherwise, Link would have taken action yesterday. Although he is not a Holy Mother, he still has some sympathy for the children.

After dinner was ready, Ziren got up and walked towards the dining table nearby. Link was waiting for this opportunity and directly pulled the trigger. Even such a large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle did not make his body move at all.

"Bang~" The glass and Zi Ren's head shattered almost at the same time, but the host and hostess of the house were controlled and did not scream at this. They still stood at the dining table, waiting for the next order.

The purple man's body fell to the ground, but Link didn't stop, "Bang bang..."

Continuous sniping aimed at the corpse of the purple man. After all the bullets were empty, Link threw the sniper rifle to the ground, then jumped directly, turned around and left after landing.

The remaining problems are not his, and the unusual behavior of the host and hostess of the house should attract some attention.

Link changed his clothes, threw the clothes he took off into the trash can, poured some gasoline into it, lit it on fire, and then left.

I got back to the car, drove away, and made a long circle before returning home.

The anti-equipment gunfire was loud, but Link was standing on the rooftop, and the loud sound was not noticed by others. However, the glass of the luxury apartment shattered, and some of the glass fell below. Someone called the police.

When the police opened the door, they were so shocked by what they saw that some young police officers turned around and went out to vomit.

The most bizarre thing was that a man and a woman stood still and ignored the arrival of the police.

Link returned home and took a shower first to get rid of the smell of gunpowder smoke from his body, but Jessica still smelled it.

However, she did not ask, but made two sandwiches for Link and heated the milk.

After eating, Link told Jessica about the law firm. Jessica became interested and asked a lot of questions. Link answered them one by one, and then the two of them took an early rest.

The next day, Link sent Jessica to school. He turned around and suddenly realized that there was nothing to do, but Coulson's phone call came in time.

"Link, you did a good job this time, you don't need to take care of the rest." Coulson said: "The director wants to see you and go to the headquarters tomorrow. There will be a helicopter waiting for you at the branch. "

"Okay, I just happened to go to the headquarters to have a look." Link said.

Link spent the day leisurely. As for who would take over, Link didn't care. After all, he was alone, which made him feel less like an agent and more like an intelligence dealer working part-time.

In the evening, Jessica and I went out to eat and then watch a movie. In the evening, we tried on the quality of the underwear Jessica bought. The next day, we sent Jessica to study, while he went to the branch.

He arrived at the headquarters by helicopter. After getting off the plane, someone took him to Nick Fury's office. Nick Fury was easy to recognize.

"Agent Lin, welcome to the headquarters." Nick Fury was very polite and stood up to shake hands with him.

"Mr. Director, I have been curious about the headquarters for a long time." Link said with a smile.

"I understand this. After all, you don't know enough about us, but you did a good job in this mission. Only one person discovered such important information." Nick Fury has a resurrection plan, but it is from Kremlin The material is extracted from the human body, and the process of resurrection is extremely cruel.

The keel incident made him see another possibility, so Nick Fury brought back Hawkeye and Black Widow to cooperate with Coulson to complete the mission secretly.

Link is not on this trust list yet, but he must be appeased.

"But your qualifications are not enough. Because you performed the mission alone, you were promoted to a sixth-level agent."

"You need to keep up your efforts and continue to collect intelligence among the upper class in New York as a professional gambler, especially the so-called upper class elites. Some of them may have 084. You don't know what they will do. "

"Yes, I understand, but the circle I come into contact with is limited." Link said, "It's usually poker games that are for money, or for technology."

"We have also done your analysis, but our organization is like this. We cannot wait until something bad happens before we work hard. Many agents are working hard in what they are good at." Nick Fury said: "We To prevent problems before they happen.”

"This time I have a task for you!"

"Yes, Director!" Link was very cooperative.

"The military has been conducting experiments, hoping to reproduce the super soldier serum, which is the one used by Captain America." Nick Fury said: "There was an accident in a previous experiment, and the laboratory was caused huge damage, but they Completely blocked the news.”

"However, we did get some information. They have been looking for a person, and this is his information."

Nick Fury handed over a piece of information. After Link opened it, he took a look and knew the details.

Dr. Bruce Banner, a super genius with seven doctorates.

"This man was once the person in charge of the experiment, but he disappeared after the accident. The military has been looking for him." Nick Fury said, "But there was no news. Finally, a team of them went to Brazil and caused quite a stir there."

"But because it was at night and the infrastructure there was not good, we didn't get any valuable intelligence."

"However, our people found the trace of Dr. Bruce Banner. He has returned secretly in New York."

"I hope you can get close to him and find out the specific situation."

"After all, the scene of the experimental accident was too destructive, but it was not caused by the explosion."

"I understand. I will start the action immediately after I go back." Link is not afraid of Hulk, but he doesn't want to expose his ability because of Hulk. The best way is to contact the other party in advance.

"Very good, go visit the headquarters!" Nick Fury was very satisfied.

Link turned and left with the information. Someone was waiting for him outside, a woman, very tall.

"Hello, I'm Maria Hill, the director's adjutant." The other party introduced me.

"I don't think I need to be introduced. Hello, Agent Hill." Link shook hands with the other party, who took him on a tour and introduced some of the various departments, but the confidential parts were not involved in this tour.

Link had lunch here at noon, then took a helicopter back to the New York branch in the afternoon and drove home in his own car.

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