Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 41 Just for a title

All hit, either in the throat or in the heart. Regardless of whether they were wearing bulletproof suits or not, all those hit were killed.

Link's body also moved at the same time. He jumped to the right and hid directly behind a pillar. He reached behind him with both hands and grabbed a throwing knife again.

Did he use a throwing knife?

No, but Link can still hit accurately, relying on the biological force field.

Superman has a biological stance and can wrap up anything, such as large vehicles such as airplanes and ships, as well as small flying knives.

The temporary extension distance was not far, because he didn't use it much, but when he returned home today and checked the weapons arsenal, he found that he didn't want to use these weapons.

They were all brought back from the SHIELD branch and were recorded in SHIELD. Link thought about it and finally gave up.

Then he needed new weapons, either to go to Hell's Kitchen to find a batch, or to use other weapons. At this time, he thought of the biological stance.

He tried it at home. The kitchen utensils at home were already fully equipped by Jessica. He randomly found a fruit knife and tried it. Sure enough, it worked, so he went to customize a batch of willow leaf flying knives.

He is not telekinetic, so he cannot use the biological force field to recover the flying knives. He can only consume them continuously and use the biological force field to maintain accuracy, and he is not lacking in strength.

The only trouble is that the throwing knives are consumed too quickly, and more will need to be crafted in the future, as well as special equipment designed to be loaded.

After Link hid in the bunker, he did not stop. He instantly ran out from the other side of the pillar and kept moving. The position of the killer could not escape his eyes. He waved his hands continuously, and each flying knife began to harvest. got up.

In the terrace garden, Winston looked at the time. Five minutes had passed and the sound of gunfire seemed to have disappeared.

At this time, Charon's phone rang, and he hurriedly picked it up. Then a surprised expression appeared on his face, and he turned around and said, "Sir, all the killers on the first floor have been killed."

"That man is coming up!"

Winston was equally surprised, while Santino was horrified and shouted: "This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible!" Winston said a little calmer, "Do any of our guests want to participate?"

"No sir, the guests who booked the room didn't care about three hundred thousand dollars, so they planned to watch the show from the beginning." Charon said.

Saintino immediately said, "I can strengthen it to one million."

"It's too late!" Winston shook his head, looked at Santino and said, "Now it depends on your manpower."

"Bang bang..." At this moment, fierce gunshots were heard at the entrance to the terrace, and then after just ten seconds, it became quiet again, and a figure appeared at the entrance.

Link walked in leisurely, holding two throwing knives in his right hand. He smiled and said: "There are not many people!"

"This little power is so weak that it couldn't even stop him for ten minutes."

Link looked dissatisfied, "This makes my road to fame not so dazzling!"

Winston said gently: "Mr. Lin is already dazzling enough, but now the problem has arisen. You are not only offending the Continental Hotel in New York, but the entire high table. Maybe you don't quite understand the meaning of this." What are you wearing?”

"We'll talk about who I offended later. Now I need to talk to Mr. Santino Antonio." Link turned to look at the culprit.

"Is it because you have lost face?"

Saintino understood what Link said, and he immediately said: "I can give you money, I can cancel the reward..."

"No, no, no, you don't understand. You broke the rules. Matters at the gambling table should be resolved at the gambling table, but you actually hired a killer."

"You know how troubled I am?"

"You think you are so powerful that you can harvest other people's lives without restraint, but now your life is in my hands."

"Of course, you can try to pull out the gun!"

Link smiled, but Saint Dino looked very frightened. That smile was like a devil, tempting this mortal to hand over his soul.

"It seems you don't dare anymore." Link's tone was filled with disappointment, "Hey~"

A flying knife was shot out directly and then inserted into Santino's throat. Link walked over and found a mobile phone. After checking the phone book, he found old Antonio's number and dialed it directly.

"Hey..." Old Antonio was ready to rest at this time. When he saw that the caller was his son, he thought he wanted to show off.

"Mr. Antonio, your son has paid the price, and now you need to pay the price." Link said.

"What?" Old Antonio was stunned, "Where is my son?"

"There is a throwing knife stuck in the throat, with a frightened expression on his face, not so peaceful." Link gave a brief introduction.

"..." No matter it was Old Antonio or Winston and Charon, they did not expect that this Link would be so rampant.

"Since you have killed him, can't the matter end here?" Old Antonio was terminally ill at this time, and he did not have much time. For his disappointed son, he cared more about his daughter.

In addition, it seems that the Continental Hotel in New York has failed, otherwise his son would not have died. The next problem is the high table, which he does not need to face himself.

"Of course, things on the gambling table should have been solved on the gambling table. You broke the rules." Link said: "Now I ask you to gamble with me again in Las Vegas. This time I ask for 100 million yuan."

"You can disagree, then the entire Antonio family will be on my hunting list."

"Don't count on your so-called high table. I know you are composed of twelve criminal groups around the world. There is an elder above you, and there are more than a dozen Continental Hotels around the world."

"Your strength is just like this. If you make me feel angry, then I will eradicate all of you."

Old Antonio was stunned. Is the other party arrogant?

At least, what the other party said now has come true, such as the Continental Hotel in New York.

"Who are you?" Old Antonio asked.

Link said softly: "I am who I am!"

"I am just a professional gambler. You don't need to be afraid of anything because I am enough by myself. If I can kill all twelve directors of the high table and eliminate the forces behind you, do you think I will have a resounding title?"

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