Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 43 Beginning and End

"Let's start!" Link looked at the cards. According to the order in which the dealer dealt the cards, he had a big hand in this round, and Old Antonio couldn't cheat.

It was good to end it in the first round. Old Antonio used 100 million US dollars in cash, while Link used Stark Industries' stocks, which are now worth more than 90 million US dollars. Together with his own cash, it was exactly 100 million.

Both parties paid real money, so it was good to end it in one round and put it in the pocket.

Link didn't turn over the cards. It seemed that everyone was betting on luck. The final win or loss depended on luck. This bet involved 200 million funds, which was really unimaginable.

Sure enough, Link won. He had two pairs, while Old Antonio had nothing.

Link laughed and said, "It seems that luck is on my side, so tonight I am destined to be the last one."

He turned to look at Gramont and asked, "How is it?"

"Okay, if you come out alive, then everything will end, and we will compensate you 1 billion US dollars." Gramont's words made the twelve directors stunned. Why so much?

Link nodded slightly and said, "Yes, your elders are wise. After all, if I win, you will lose at least 300 elite soldiers. I guess these are your most powerful and well-equipped direct gunmen."

"Once you fail, the high table will be very weak. You need to be on guard against your opponents. If I make another move, you might really be finished."

"But I don't like trouble. It's not bad to have such a result. You can give me 1 billion US dollars through the casino as the funds won today, a total of 1.1 billion US dollars."

Link turned to look at the manager of the casino, who immediately said, "No problem at all. We are happy to serve you."

"Okay, wait!" Link leaned back, holding a bottle of wine, smoking a cigar, with his feet on the table, and swung leisurely.

Time seemed to pass very slowly, but Gramont had sent helicopters and personnel to search the surrounding desert, and there was no trace of people at all.

Gramont left the VIP box and waited outside for the search team's call. No one found anything in all directions, so he felt relieved. But then he felt incredible. How could this man win?


At midnight, Link got up, picked up his backpack and walked out, "Please prepare a fully fueled off-road vehicle for me!"

"Okay, Mr. Lin!" An off-road vehicle of the hotel soon stopped outside the main entrance. When Link walked out, someone handed him the key.

Link got in the car, put his backpack on the passenger seat, checked the vehicle, and then started it.

He opened the window, stretched out his left hand, raised it and shook it, then stepped on the accelerator and set off.

He drove along the road to the outside of the city. After leaving the city, he immediately turned on the double flash and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

Behind him, there was a long convoy with more than a hundred cars and a helicopter following.

As Link drove, he suddenly turned the steering wheel and the car rushed directly into the desert on one side of the road and drove deep into it.

All the vehicles followed closely behind, forming a long dragon of lights. The helicopter did not rise too high, because it was pitch black in the desert. Once Link turned off the lights, they would lose each other's trace in an instant.

Link looked at the distance and drove the off-road vehicle up and down in the desert. The distance of ten kilometers was not so easy to reach.

But it still had to be reached. The team behind had already notified everyone with the walkie-talkie to prepare for the battle.

And Link looked ahead, the highest sand dune was his goal. He continued to step on the accelerator and rushed directly to the sand dune.

When he passed the highest point, he turned off the double flash and all the lights. Suddenly, he seemed to disappear. At the same time, Link opened the door and jumped down with a backpack.

After landing, he turned around and took a deep breath towards the sand dune, and then blew suddenly, "Hu..."

Suddenly, a strong wind blew the sand dune, and the yellow sand rushed towards the team behind. The helicopter suddenly encountered a strong airflow and had no time to react, and fell headfirst.

Link started the top speed and rushed over with the yellow sand. He put the big bag on his back and took out a submachine gun. He got these weapons from SHIELD.

After Link killed everyone, he still had time to return to his SUV. He held the steering wheel with both hands again. The car did not lose control. He drove slowly and began to circle.

It was too shocking to return now. He blew the yellow sand just now to cover up his superpowers. No matter what equipment the other party brought or the satellite in the sky, they could not see anything.

Link was very careful, and now he drove to a place with no wind, then lay down and slowly fell asleep.

Until the biological clock woke him up, he started the car again and returned to the way he came. When he appeared outside Las Vegas, the city was boiling.

In line with the principle that everything can be gambled, the Las Vegas market opened last night, with hundreds of people betting, which aroused the interest of many people. Of course, no one believed that Link could come back alive, so his odds were extremely high, to an absurd degree.

However, most people bet that Link would die, after all, this was free money.

When Link came back, people were dumbfounded, especially the directors of the high table. They didn't expect that Gramont had been calling last night. The last news was that they were about to reach a distance of ten kilometers.

Then, no more news came back. Gramont didn't send anyone to find them because the casino didn't allow it.

To prevent them from cheating, even the high table must abide by the rules here.

Link returned to the hotel, but he saw too many people at the door, so he turned around and went to the underground parking lot. The hotel staff immediately understood, and the security guards in the underground parking lot took action immediately to prevent anyone from harassing Link.


The next day, Link returned to New York. When he came back, he was a real billionaire. This time there was a risk of being exposed, but it was not a big problem. The strong wind he created and the yellow sand in the sky blocked everything.

As soon as Link came back, he received a call from Phil Coulson, "Lin, you are really surprising!"

"Nothing is surprising, it's just a small conflict." Link's mouth couldn't help but curl up, "By the way, can I have my own title?"

"Of course, now people outside call you the God of Death!" Coulson said, "Why didn't you ask me for this matter?"

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