Jessica has been a little worried recently. With continuous training, she found that her strength and speed have improved. Of course, the speed has not improved much, so there is no need to worry about it, but the strength has increased again.

Although the control has improved, the increase in strength again makes her worried.

"Tracy, my strength has increased again." She made an appointment with Tracy to have lunch that day, hoping to help her think of a solution.

Tracy noticed Jessica's anxiety, so she said, "You should be honest."

"But I dare not, I don't know what Lin will think." Jessica said irritably: "Will he be afraid of me, do you understand?"

"Of course I understand, but this will be discovered sooner or later." Tracy said: "Instead of being irritable here, it is better to say it directly, otherwise the longer the time, the worse things may be."

"And he may not care, after all, he likes you so much, love can tolerate everything."

Jessica frowned, and she couldn't make up her mind. She was worried that Link would look at her with strange eyes, which was something she couldn't accept.


Link also felt that Jessica had some emotional problems recently. She was trying her best to control her emotions. However, the two of them were together day and night, and Link was the most sensitive to Jessica's emotions.

That night, after the two finished dinner, they hugged each other and fell on the sofa watching TV. Link asked, "Honey, what's wrong with you recently?"

"I feel that you are very irritable. Are you in trouble?"

"..."Jessica's body was obviously stiff, and she began to struggle in her heart, "Lin, if I am a little different from you, what would you think?"

Finally, she asked it out.

"Different?" Link laughed in his heart, but it was time to confess to Jessica, otherwise if it went on like this, Link was worried that she would suffer from depression, which would be the worst case.

"Yes, I may be a little different from you." Jessica's voice was very low, and most people might not hear it.

"Tell me!" Link asked.

"I have great power!" Jessica said.

"Really?" Link looked curious, "I don't believe it!"

Jessica sat up from Link's arms, then reached out and grabbed one leg of the coffee table, and lifted it up with one hand, very steadily, and the things on it did not fall down.

Then she put it down steadily, then looked at Link and asked, "Did you see it?"

She was very nervous, but what Link did next shocked her.

Link also reached out and grabbed one leg of the coffee table, and lifted it up steadily, and the things on it also did not fall down. Finally, he put it down again, and Jessica stared with her eyes open and her mouth open.

Link said, "Isn't it the same?"

"This is impossible..." Jessica looked unbelievable, "This is wooden, and there is a marble tabletop on top..."

Link laughed, "Haha~ Jessica, you are not the only special one in this world."

"Every time I see you restrained during exercise, I think it's cute."

"You..." Jessica blushed and rushed over and kissed Link's mouth. It took a long time before they separated, "Today I want to be on top!"

The two of them entangled endlessly, and finally went to the bedroom. Jessica acted very wild, and her suppressed mood was released.

Fortunately, the building of the apartment was strong enough, and the bed was strong enough, otherwise it would be easy to get into trouble.

In the past, the two usually had to exercise for more than an hour, but today it only took half an hour, but it was more enjoyable.

"Huh..." Jessica was sweating all over, lying on Link's chest, and then she asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm Superman!" Link said.

"I'm asking you seriously." Jessica said a little unhappy.

"I'm serious too!" Link hugged Jessica with both hands, then floated up and flew towards the bathroom. Jessica didn't recover for a long time.

Entering the bathroom, Link landed, stood under the shower, and turned on the shower.

"It's true?" Jessica came back to her senses after being showered by hot water, "Is that you in the comics?"

"No, I'm not a Kryptonian." Link turned around and filled the bathtub with water, "Don't be surprised, you don't know the reality of the world, I will train you in the future!"

"Your control of power is too poor. Although you don't need to fight, you still need to protect yourself."

"Okay!" Jessica was finally relieved, her hands around Link's neck, her legs directly clamped Link's waist, and she started a war again.

Link hurriedly took insurance measures. He didn't want to be a father yet!


The next day, after the two got up, they went to the foundation first to arrange the foundation's affairs. Now because of the joint action with the Vanessa Charity Foundation, there are still a lot of things to do.

Afterwards, Link took Jessica to find a factory. They needed an abandoned factory and then renovated it.

This would be the place where Link trained Jessica. Although she had found a coach before, she couldn't fight with the opponent or hit the sandbag by herself, which could not control her fist and strength.

In Link's opinion, it was best to use firearms. This was for the time being. Jessica only needed to protect herself.

However, after looking at some places, Link found that it was not ideal, that is, the walls were too thin, so it was better to buy land and rebuild it.

He needed thick walls so that when the two of them fought, the house would not collapse.

And strict confidentiality measures were needed to prevent anyone from prying into their secrets, so Link directly bought a warehouse near the apartment, which was not very large, and demolished it and rebuilt it.

It was rebuilt in the name of a private gym, with one underground floor and one above ground floor, but the height of the ground floor was designed to be very high, ten meters high.

There was no window, and central air conditioning would be installed here. The whole was poured with reinforced concrete, with only one entrance.

The underground floor was a shooting range, which needed to be soundproofed and safety measures must be taken, after all, guns would be placed here in the future.

The responsible construction company did not doubt anything, after all, there was a shooting range, so such a request was reasonable. Isn't it reasonable for a rich man to build a shooting range for himself in the city?

Jessica also cancelled her personal trainer, after all, personal trainers were not safe and could easily discover her secrets.

The reason why this place was built relatively high was to allow Jessica to practice jumping and control the height and distance of her jumps.

There were also various high-altitude movements to increase her flexibility.

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