Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 59 Billy Russell

No. 5 Russell

Billy Russell let Frank into his home. When he closed the door, his face changed several times, and he was in doubt.

Why did the other party suddenly come to his house? This made him suspicious no matter what.

Then he turned around and prepared to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Frank pointing a gun at his head. Billy Russell was sure that the other party knew something.

"Frank..." He was about to speak when he saw an Asian man walking from behind Frank, obviously entering from the back door.

One against two, his chances of winning are not great!

In Billy Russell's mind, he kept calculating, trying to get out of the predicament at hand.

At this time, Link said: "Frank, interrogate him in his bathroom!"

"Then burn this place and destroy all evidence."

Frank nodded and said: "Okay!"

Billy Russell panicked, stepped back, and immediately said: "Frank, we are friends."

"Yes, friends!" Frank said hoarsely: "Because we are friends, I only beat William Rollins at the beginning, of course I blinded one of his eyes, but I left."

"But you are not going to let me go, my wife, son, and daughter are all dead, just because I care about brotherhood."

"Bang..." Frank went up and punched Billy Russell directly in the face, but the other party did not fall down. There was a door behind him, and he leaned against it directly, then kicked his legs and rushed directly to Frank.

This was his only chance. The strange Asian did not hold a weapon, so Frank's pistol was his chance.

However, although he was fast, Link was even faster, "Swish~"

At some point, a willow leaf flying knife appeared in Link's right hand and stabbed directly into Billy Russell's ankle, "Ah..."

Frank paused in his forward movement, and became even more angry. He hit the opponent's head again with the handle of the pistol.

Then he grabbed his collar and dragged him away. Link followed behind, carefully looking at his feet, avoiding the bloodstains, and took back the flying knife.

Coming to the bathroom, Frank turned on the violent mode, and soon he asked a lot of information.

Billy Russell had been begging Frank to let him go, but the hatred of the whole family, Frank turned into a punisher, but in fact he was an avenger.

When Frank came out covered in blood, he glanced at Link and said, "Thank you!"

His voice was extremely hoarse and his eyes were red.

Link looked at Frank and said, "There is a bathroom upstairs. Go wash and change clothes. I'll go get ready. This place needs to be blown up."

"Okay!" Frank went upstairs without delay, while Link came to the kitchen, turned on the gas here, then turned on the microwave, took out one of his spare magazines, took out a few bullets from it and threw them in.

After waiting for a while, Frank came down and nodded to Link.

Link started the microwave, and the two separated and walked out of the front and back doors again, got in the car and left.

Link set the microwave to start on time, and it started heating after an hour. Then the bullet detonated, and the house, which had been filled with gas, exploded instantly.


Most of the houses in the United States are made of wood. The explosion directly tore the house apart, followed by a fire, burning at a high speed. You must know that the gas was turned on before.

The fire instantly grew bigger and directly engulfed the house, and everything inside was ignited.

Link and Frank have been gone for a long time. Their next target is William Roslin. In the whole criminal process, William Roslin is the leader, while Billy Russell is relatively just a minor character.

So what about William Roslin?

How much does he know?

The two temporarily returned to Link's home. Frank will live here today. After all, he has no place to stay now, and he doesn't want to go back to his own home.

"Do you want to kill all these people, or just William Roslin?" Link poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Frank.

Frank said, "William Roslin, I only need him. As for the people and things behind... we don't seem to be able to deal with them."

Link smiled and said, "You are very rational, so it's not bad. Maybe the CIA is behind. They can allow you to take revenge, but they won't allow you to destroy their business."

"CIA needs a lot of money overseas. They make counterfeit money, sell drugs, etc. The profit chain of these guys is very huge."

"Even if SHIELD wants to deal with them, it's not easy. These people are more terrifying than gangsters. If there is a sin value, they must be higher than Wilson Fisk."

Frank laughed at himself and said, "When I joined the army, I thought I was fighting for my country, but now it seems not. Aren't those comrades who died very unfair?"

"No!" Link shook his head and said, "At least from the packaging point of view, they died for their country."

Link didn't want to continue complaining. This is the nature of the Americans. No matter how much you say, it's useless and can't change anything.

"Okay, I'll be responsible for tracking William Roslin, and you go find yourself a nice apartment nearby." Link said, "Buy yourself some suits and stuff, after all, the charity foundation is my face."

"The driver's name is Robert McCall. You know where the car is parked. Just come here before nine o'clock every morning."

Link took out a checkbook and wrote a check to Frank. This was his resettlement fee. "As for weapons, I will apply for a legal Glock 17 and a bulletproof vest for you."

"Okay, I'm leaving first!" Frank didn't plan to stay here overnight, so he got up and said goodbye.

Link didn't keep him. He sent him to the door and asked him to take the elevator directly to the underground parking lot.

After Jessica came back at night, Link told her about Frank. Jessica had no objection. The bodyguard Link found for her should be quite capable.

They both needed to conceal their abilities, so it was best to have a bodyguard who could handle the problem.

Jessica easily accepted Link's arrangement. After all, it was all for her good. Such a boyfriend made her sister Tracy very jealous. Even when she was staying at Tracy's place a few days ago, she claimed that she wanted to compete with her.

Link used a laptop to search for William Roslin's whereabouts. He used the SHIELD system, which made it easy to find the other party.

This guy is actually in New York, and he just arrived to investigate the death of Billy Russell.

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