Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 68 Captain America

Just to let Link know the situation, there are many aliens facing the earth, and the aliens are very powerful, and it is difficult for ordinary weapons to harm them.

Coulson did not put on the armor when he was in New Mexico, because the armor was not there, and when the Destroyer appeared, there was no time to transport it.

Later, it was estimated that Iron Overlord was not enough to cause damage to alien weapons, especially since Thor could control lightning, which was even more worrying.

Coulson told Link that he would go on a secret mission and would no longer be responsible for communicating with Link, and asked Link to go to the New York branch tomorrow.

Link hung up the phone and didn't think too much. He knew all this and didn't care. He needed time now. The plot of Avengers 1 is probably still a year or two away, right?

Going to the New York branch really interested him!

After seeing Jessica off the next day, he drove off and came to the New York branch.

Maria Hill is here, "Lin, I asked you to come because I have a task for you!"

"What mission?" Link asked.

"You'll find out later." Maria Hill took Link to a medical room. Through the transparent glass, she saw that most of the people inside were wearing protective clothing, and they were surrounding one person.

Only then did Link realize that this was Captain America Steve Rogers!

Was he just brought back?

"Steve Rogers, Captain America!" Maria Hill said: "He we just discovered needs to be extremely careful when thawing him."

"Why are you asking me to look at him?" Link asked.

"After all, he has been sleeping for decades. We are worried that he cannot accept the reality, so we are ready to let him adapt slowly." Maria Hill said: "Follow me."

Soon, they came to an open place. There was a huge space, and workers were building a room with background boards around it.

"This is a ward built in the style of World War II. We are going to revive him here and let them slowly accept the reality."

Link smiled and said, "He is a warrior, and he often goes deep behind enemy lines. Do you think his vigilance will be low?"

"I reckon he'll figure it out soon."

"No, we have made very strict arrangements, but just in case, I hope you will be there when he wakes up." Maria Hill said.

"Yes, but there is a problem. He is a super soldier. I may not be able to stop him without hurting him!" Link vaccinated the opponent in advance.

"Don't worry, we have a lot of people." After Maria Hill said that, she turned and left, and Link followed her.

"I will notify you in a few days. You can go back now."

"Okay, I'll wait for your call." Link left.

Go home and continue studying. The thawing process will probably not be too short. After all, it will take a lot of time to thaw without injury.

Nick Fury is probably very excited now. Finding Captain America and having a superhero is a huge step forward for his Avengers plan.

Like Hawkeye, Black Widow, and even Link, the God of Death, Captain America is more valuable and even more trustworthy.

Link read the papers at home, constantly accumulating his knowledge reserves, and at the same time using the papers to test his knowledge reserves.

This is a good idea. There are many arguments in the paper. On the one hand, Link can verify whether it is true and effective, and on the other hand, he can broaden his own thinking.

What he studied was all from books, but the real knowledge and experience were in the hands of professors. He read papers to enrich his knowledge reserve and to exercise his flexible thinking ability.

Modern science is divided into subdivisions, and Link is preparing to study major subjects, such as physics, chemistry, biology, etc. The most important thing is mathematics.

To master all the knowledge of major subjects, there is a connection between subjects. Mathematics is the foundation and must be mastered.

Go ahead and buy the books, then read them quickly, then read the papers.

When the paper fails to achieve results, Link will go to the university to search for more knowledge. The bookshelf in the study room is already full of books. Link has read them all, and he feels that he needs a library.

Now, he finally has the consciousness of some wealthy people and directly purchased a library in Hell's Kitchen and renovated it to increase the space for collecting books. He plans to collect a large number of books.

In this place in Manhattan, where every inch of land is at a premium, even Hell's Kitchen is beginning to change.

Some libraries seem out of date because they cannot create much value. It is better to sell them and build them into high-rise buildings. Some libraries have already been sold.

After Link bought a library, he began to collect various books. However, the books he collected had nothing to do with humanities. They were all scientific, including some scientific journals.

Generally, library buildings are relatively large, with high shelves on each floor, but now there are two floors on one floor. Although it is a bit depressing, the book collection can be more than doubled.

Link hired a lot of employees to classify and register all books. Subsequent books purchased would avoid existing books in the collection.

"Lin, come to the branch immediately." Maria Hill called.

Link immediately left the library. Although it was still being renovated, it did not affect his reading. He had been reading here during the day recently.

He drove directly to the police station, and someone took him to the "small theater", which was renovated for Steve Rogers. Link jokingly called it the small theater.

Nick Fury was also there, but he was in the monitoring room. "Lin, keep quiet and go in. The doctors estimate that the captain will wake up in half an hour. You are just in case."

"Understood!" Link nodded, and then walked in quietly.

Nick Fury led people to watch in the monitoring room. The pinhole camera was installed very secretly. Everyone was waiting for Captain America to wake up.

After a while, Steve Rogers woke up. He looked at the surrounding environment in confusion. The white and clean ward, the open window with gauze curtains, and the wind blew in from outside.

There was a hint of noise outside, and the radio was playing a baseball game.

Link's super hearing allowed him to hear the voices inside clearly, as if everything was flawless.

A female agent wearing a World War II military uniform pushed the door and walked in!

As expected, an accident occurred. The baseball game was not broadcast correctly. Steve Rogers watched the game live. Is it reasonable for SHIELD to make such a mistake?

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