Link didn't have any mission, but Coulson still asked him to collect intelligence. Link estimated that Nick Fury's focus was on Captain America.

Under normal circumstances, he should have allowed himself to check the situation and provide psychological counseling to Captain America, but he didn't.

It's probably a matter of trust, and Nick Fury is probably worried that his psychological abilities are too strong.

Link had nothing to do and was doing experiments silently. He developed drugs very quickly, and they were all special drugs.

In addition, he is studying nanotechnology, and with constant supplements from various disciplines, his knowledge level is getting higher and higher, and Link is becoming more and more satisfied with the super brain.

Thinking is too fast, the cells themselves are powerful enough, and the speed is fast enough, whether it is learning or thinking, it is fast.

This makes him unfavorable in his studies. What limits him now is the basic knowledge of each subject. This is the most critical issue.

If he can go to extraterrestrials to study, then he will be stronger in science. This may not be a chance. Maybe he can go to Asgard in the future. They have accumulated a lot of knowledge.

It's just that Asgard seems to have grown muscles. It thinks that its troops are powerful, and its defense is almost useless. Its palace is only a shield, and it is very slow to hold up.

Although the defense was strong, the internal protection was not enough, and the dark elves directly broke through.

Find a chance to go there!

In Norman Osborne's expectation, representatives from the military finally came and first saw the test of the flying skateboard. General Socombe, who led the team, was not very interested in it.

Then he asked about the progress of the super soldier serum. During the experiment, the mice went berserk. Norman Osborn tried his best to explain, but General Socombe did not support these studies at all.

What he cares about is the space project. If the Osborne Group can't come up with something better today, then the military's R\u0026D funding will be cut off.

This is not only a matter of money, but also a major event that will affect the market value of the Osborne Group. Norman Osborne tried his best to fight for it, but it had no effect at all.

Link had told him before, and now it was confirmed that the military was now ready to invest in the Exploration Aerospace Company.

The matter then fermented, and all major media were reporting on it. Norman Osborne read the contents in the newspaper, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Will the board kick themselves out?

In fact, it is no longer important. The development of the super soldier serum was not successful and had to go back to the formula stage and start over. There was no point in researching it anymore.

There is no cure for his disease, so his last hope lies with Link.

He took the initiative to call Link, "Mr. Lin, I wonder if you have time to accept my invitation to have dinner together tonight?"

"Of course, I have been waiting for Mr. Osborne's invitation." Link smiled when he received the call, "I will bring my girlfriend to attend."

In the evening, Link and Jessica dressed up to attend Norman Osborn's invitation. They kept a low profile and tried to avoid reporters.

"Welcome!" Norman Osborne took the initiative, and then Link introduced him and Jessica, and the three of them sat down.

Link took out a sealed tube, handed it to Norman Osborne, and said, "This is to treat the noble master. Just put it on when you go back. A low fever will appear."

"This process will last for twenty-four hours and requires simple physical cooling."

"Thank you!" Norman Osborne took it, looked at the metal seal, but did not open it, and then said: "The military's investment has been withdrawn, and they are not interested in the Osborne Group's research."

"I heard that there are a lot of reports in the media now, and they are indeed well-informed." Link smiled, "So, what are Mr. Osborne's plans for the future?"

"Call me Norman!" Norman said, "I believe we will cooperate happily in the future."

"Of course, Norman, you can call me Lin." Link understood that the other party agreed.

"Lin, what are your plans for the Osborne Group in the future?" Norman asked.

Link began to explain his plan, "First of all, the shares. We have to get the shares back. Of course, I will give you a batch of medicines later, including the formula of gene therapy injections, as well as a batch of special drugs."

"I will then bring in Stark Industries, whose weapons division is closed, and I hope to convince them to take a stake in the Osborn Corporation."

"Of course, if it doesn't work then we can buy it."

"Medicine and weapons will become the two pillar industries of the Osborne Group, and then some departments, such as the energy department, will be sold directly."

"Because Tony Stark will develop new energy sources next, and we can't compete in this area."

Norman Osborne nodded slightly, this idea is good.

Link continued: "I believe you have heard of the subsequent investment in the United Construction Company. By combining Rand Group and Stark Industries, our strength will be even stronger."

"Especially for the stock price, it's not a big problem if the market value exceeds 200 billion."

Norman Osborne laughed and said, "Lin, you should take control of the Osborne Group."

"No, I don't like to do too many things. What I care about is the status that the Osborn Group brings me." Link said: "I have other things to do, and I need to be like Tony Stark." status."

"This makes it easier for me to do things."

Norman Osborne was stunned. He had never thought of this.

Link smiled and said, "Money is not important to me. I am not a capitalist. I don't need to pursue profits endlessly. This is not necessary."

"As long as there is enough money, I don't have any pursuit in this regard, so you can easily control the group and don't need to worry about being responsible to the board of directors."

Norman Osborn nodded and said, "Okay, it seems that I have to continue to work hard."

After a dinner, the two sides went their separate ways, trying to conceal their tracks, and also talked about the follow-up plans during the period.

It is not difficult to suppress the stock price of the Os Group, because many secrets are in the hands of Norman Osborn, so it is not difficult for him.

Especially at this time!

Back home, Norman Osborn called his son, then took out some medical supplies and gave him an injection.

"Dad, what is this?" Harry Osborn asked after the injection.

"This is medicine." Norman Osborn sighed, and then talked about the family's genetic disease, "Child, there is finally a medicine to treat it, and I dare to tell you now."

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