Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 81 Battle Suit Design Completed

Link made the final integration of technology and ideas. He positioned himself as an agent killer. Of course, he was quite special and was a latecomer.

Although he was a level 6 agent, this level was neither high nor low. He could not get the real core secrets of SHIELD, and he had to go to the real work when something happened.

Like dealing with Iron Monger, meeting Bruce Banner, and guarding Captain America, etc.

From this point of view, Nick Fury did not arrange any good work for him, that is, he did not let him participate in the problem of Thor's hammer.

This director is not only black, but also black in heart. If Link did not have enough psychological ability, he would not be able to handle these problems!

Therefore, he would not prepare an iron armor for himself. That thing is actually not suitable for him. The suit designed by Link is no longer limited to the tight version.

Finally, Link thought of a skin of a hero in League of Legends, Lucian of the Source Project, and Hyperion Team Z01-Orion Lucian.

The two skins gave Link a lot of inspiration. He had a lot of skins in his previous life, including the Project series, but he didn't have the Hyperion team series, but this team had wings behind them.

So, Link thought of the problem of flying. The newly modified flying skateboard can be spliced ​​to the back of the battle suit, which is equivalent to having flying wings.

This is considered the second flying form. With the help of artificial intelligence and nanotechnology, this flying skateboard can carry and connect two flight modes, and can also help transport ammunition.

And Lucian's Project skin is designed to carry weapons and medicine, but he uses energy weapons.

This is not shown, just a little bit, just say that it is reasonable to hang a circle of pistol magazines on the belt?

And the position of the waist can carry your own throwing knife box, but the pistol alone is not enough, you also need to thank the assault rifle, the magazine can be placed on the flying skateboard.

The position of the missile can also hang an ammunition box to supply yourself. There are many accessories in this regard, and Link's thinking has been completely opened up.

He is not Superman now, he is just a shooter, so he should be regarded as making up for the lack of firepower of the Avengers.

That's right, no matter how you look at the Avengers, they are lacking in firepower!

Many people have complained about it, especially Wakanda. With such advanced technology, they still use spears?

Facing a large number of enemies, they can only fight hand-to-hand. Is this still forcibly narrowing the gap?

Of course, if they are all alien fleets, the earth is not a match at all, and the special effects may be more expensive.

Link made a little joke, and then continued his design. The idea has been completely determined, and now it is just a little bit of thinking.

It doesn't need to be too powerful, this is the key point. Link is doing research and development at his own level, and he is also forcibly suppressing his strength.

After all, he joined the Avengers just to play a supporting role, just for the infinite gems, not to act as the main force and attract attention.

Aliens are not scary, but the scary earthlings are. Link doesn't want to expose the fact that he is Superman.

Getting one Infinity Stone can stop Thanos from snapping his fingers. Getting two will make Thanos weaker. Maybe Captain Marvel or Thor will kill him directly.

Taking the skin of Project Lucian as a template, the belt, shoulder pads, arm guards, knee pads, and leg guards are all enhanced. Although it is just for show, it still needs to be strong and durable enough. It is best to use vibranium, and this skin has a helmet.

It is convenient for him to communicate with artificial intelligence. There is a tuxedo-like decoration on the back, which is also like a swallow's tail.

Because nanotechnology is used, there is no need to leave an interface on the back. The interface can be installed on the upper part of the flying skateboard, which can be directly docked.

In this way, a set of variable flying suits is designed, with some weapons on the waist and a Glock 17 pistol on the thigh.

Energy weapons are not needed for the time being, but Link is also ready to design a pair of energy pistols using Tony Stark's new elements. He has scanned them before. The Calm Accelerator is also in the automatic factory below, and he can manufacture them.

However, he couldn't use Tony Stark's reactor. He needed to design a reaction device inside the energy pistol.

He perfected the design, but didn't build it because he didn't have vibranium. If he had vibranium, he could immediately build nano parts. The automatic processing plant has nano processing capabilities.

Link designed another set for Jessica. This time he used Ashe's Project skin, which also has a helmet.

Her design fits the body, highlighting her figure. She can also connect a flying skateboard on the back, and the color scheme is the same as the battle suit.

But for her weapon, Link designed a large-caliber long-range energy weapon, and she can usually use an assault rifle.

The two sets of armor themselves do not need energy. On the one hand, both of them have strong strength and endurance. On the other hand, Jessica is not for fighting. The key is defense and escape.

And Link's energy pistol is enough. When there is no one else, his own attack power is enough.


"Colson, I need to go to Africa. I need to carry weapons this time. Is there a plane?" Link asked.

"Lin, you really surprised me. Do you have any information?" Coulson asked.

"No, it's my personal matter!" Link said, "How about it? If not, then I can charter a plane to go there!"

"Yes, I will arrange it for you right away. You are a level 6 agent, so you still have some authority." Coulson did not refuse. Although Link's identity has changed greatly now, Link has not left SHIELD and is still a level 6 agent.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news, but there is no mission for so long?" Link asked again.

"No, after all, you are a high-end combat force, there is no mission that requires you to go out in person, and your current identity is very good, the director hopes you can keep it up." Coulson's words made Link roll his eyes.

There is no dangerous mission, otherwise Nick Fury would probably let him do it, that guy's style of doing things is like this.

Link did not get entangled, just like Bruce Banner, Link can't see him now, and he doesn't know how Nick Fury arranges it.

This time Link will go by himself, and he won't take Frank with him, because his target is Ulysses Klaue, who has a lot of vibranium in his hands.

Ultron can use it to build a huge body for himself, so it is no problem to build two sets of battle suits.

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