Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 89 Battle of New York 1

"Shua~" Link used the scepter in his hand as a weapon. When it crossed the Chitauri aircraft, he smashed it directly and knocked down the Chitauri soldier in the driver's seat.

Behind him stood two soldiers who were also taken down, but they were chained to the aircraft. When their bodies flew out, they were pulled by the chains.

Link didn't have time to turn around and deal with it, because there were more aircraft in front of him, so he could only charge.

But he also had his own plan, diving directly to the sea surface, and occasionally rotating 360 times to avoid the enemy's attack.

He couldn't see behind him, but the continuous explosions made him know how fierce the battle behind him was.

Those stealth fighters could not carry out beyond visual range attacks, so they could only dive with Link, otherwise they would let these aliens get close to the aerospace mothership. It must be said that these pilots were still very brave.

Link rushed all the way to a position close to the sea surface, and suddenly made a right angle turn, flying towards New York along the sea surface.

With more than a dozen aircraft following behind him, he became the main target of the Chitauri. Link's plan was to lead some of them away, no matter how many, he could fly to New York.

The scepter was already in his hand. Even if the Cosmic Cube was activated, he could shut it down. Dr. Eric Selvig should have left a backdoor.

Even if he didn't leave it, Link would still smash it, after all, there should be no one there.


Above the aerospace carrier, Hawkeye took a team to approach the aerospace carrier in a Quinjet, but several Quinjet fighters surrounded them.

The onboard machine guns were aimed at them, and then the aerospace carrier sent a communication, "Hawkeye, land immediately, otherwise I can only order you to be shot down."

This was Maria Hill's voice. She was in charge of the command at this time. Hawkeye was very surprised, but now he had no choice, just like he knew S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. also knew him.

If he opened the rear hatch, he would be attacked. He could only order, "Land."

The Quinjet landed, and under Maria Hill's order, the rear hatch opened, and Captain America and Black Widow greeted him.

Stark, Thor, and Coulson could all fly. Coulson put on the improved Iron Overlord and flew under the aircraft carrier.

Colson's armor was too big and slow, and with his firepower equipment, his speed was even slower.

So, he did not rush into the enemy's camp, but came to the flank, just in time to see Link leading the Chitauri away.

This gave him a chance, and Coulson opened fire directly, with two machine guns firing from a high position.

"Boom boom..." Link was stunned, turned his head and saw that the dozen aircraft following behind him were destroyed.

"Lin, are you okay?" Coulson's voice came.

Link looked up and then said, "It's okay."

"Excellent cooperation!" Coulson gave Link a thumbs up, and Link was speechless.

The plan was interrupted at the beginning. He couldn't leave directly like this, so he could only respond, "Beautiful fight!"

After that, he started again and went straight up again.

The depression is imaginable. The conditions are complete, but it was interrupted in the middle. This feeling is so uncomfortable!

After a round of exchange of fire, most of those stealth fighters were shot down, and Stark and Thor came to kill and intercepted the remaining Chitauri.

After all, there were not many, only more than a hundred. Link fought back at the beginning and only shot down a few aircraft. Then the flying forces of both sides confronted each other.

The stealth fighters were too large, and they suffered losses in this kind of confrontation, so most of them were shot down, and the rest were also injured, but they also shot down dozens of aircraft.

Link led away more than a dozen aircraft, but was caught off guard by Coulson from the side and was directly annihilated.

It seems that SHIELD's technology is also good, and Stark and Thor are just crushing the remaining ones, shooting down all the remaining ones, and the small Chitauri force is completely annihilated.

When Link rushed up again, there was no enemy. He flew back to the aerospace carrier depressed, collected his battle suit and skateboard, and then returned to the command room.

Nick Fury was still relieved at this time. If Link hadn't reacted quickly enough, they would have been wiped out in one go. Let hundreds of alien aircraft approach, and the aerospace carrier would not have much counterattack power.

Hawkeye did know the weakness of the aerospace carrier. He was going to land directly from the sky and guide the location of the Chitauri aerospace carrier, and then these aliens would attack from below.

"Agent Romanov, how is Barton?" Nick Fury asked.

Hawkeye's real name is Clint Barton, and most people call him Barton.

"After being hit by the captain, it seems that his brain has been restarted now." Natasha Romanov said humorously.

"That's good. Ask him about Loki's plan." Nick Fury turned around and said, "Agent Hill, send the Quinjet down to the sea immediately to pick up our brave pilots."

"Also, see what's floating on the sea and bring some back for research."

"Yes, sir!" Hill immediately began to execute the order.

Nick Fury looked at Link and the others and said, "Thank you, Lin~ If it weren't for you, we would be in trouble."

Link was still depressed, but still said, "This is my duty. Now Loki's plan has failed, but the Cosmic Cube has not been found."

"He used the Cosmic Cube, why didn't Dr. Banner find it?"

He looked at Banner, and Banner said: "Dr. Sevger should know how to hide. After all, they can only open a small space channel, and there are no large space battleships among the attacking enemies."

"Some air-raid shelters will do, but if you want to open a large channel, it won't work there."

Link nodded, then looked at Thor and asked: "Loki is still in our control, so will the Chitauri attack without his orders?"

Thor said: "Yes, their target should be the Cosmic Cube, not the Earth. The Earth is Loki's 's goal, they are considered to be cooperating. "

"Even without Loki, they will attack. Once the channel is opened, it will be a war."

Link looked at Banner again and said, "Now we can only fight. The key is where they will open the portal and what conditions are required to open it?"

Banner said, "Stable energy, heated to a high temperature of 100 million degrees, any nuclear power plant..."

"No!" Link interrupted Banner, "No nuclear power plant is needed, Stark Building and Osborn Building can be used, Loki's personality is similar to Stark, he hopes to stand in a more dazzling place."

"Just like he hopes to be recognized by the God King!"

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