Link had to remind him: "Tony, do you have a satellite?"

"Yes!" Stark then remembered that they had a satellite in Stark Industries.

"Jarvis, adjust the satellite angle immediately and lock the position of the other spaceship according to the tractor beam just now."

"Yes, sir." Jarvis started to act, and soon Tony Stark got a face-changing.

A ring-shaped spaceship, which was very large in size, was accelerating at this time, slowly moving away from the earth, and then disappeared with a whoosh.

"They left!" Stark said: "This is a strange shape, a ring-shaped spaceship."

"Why don't they attack directly?"

Thor said: "It should be a small spaceship carried by Thanos's mothership."

"Who is Thanos?" Steve Rogers asked.

"A powerful existence in the universe, the Chitauri surrender to him, first of all, he has a large number of troops." Thor said: "He often looks for some planets and then slaughters half of the intelligent life on them." "All civilizations in the universe call him Thanos, even some advanced civilizations dare not provoke him." "This time it is more like his test, testing whether the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard has been repaired. Loki must have told him that the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed." "So he dared to come!" Link was also thinking at this time. The Ancient One was still there. Was Thanos also testing the Ancient One? If it was to test the Ancient One, then sending Ebony Maw over would be a matter of course. After all, the wizards would not care about the invasion of the general alien army. Therefore, only by sending Ebony Maw over can the attitude of the Ancient One be truly tested. Thanos knew the Ancient One, which was inevitable. After all, Kamar-Taj had existed for a long time, and many people in the universe knew about her. "Buzz..." In the sky, a large number of Quinjet fighters landed, Coulson walked down wearing Iron Monger, and Nick Fury walked behind. Sure enough, something seemed to be missing just now, and now it turns out to be Coulson, who didn't follow directly just now.

Nick Fury still had some reservations, and Link didn't care, just watched them rush to the machine developed by Dr. Sevger.

"Report to the director, the Cosmic Cube is missing." The SHIELD agent saw the empty machine and reported immediately.

"Search for it immediately." Nick Fury's expression became serious.

Stark landed with Hawkeye and asked Thor, "Everyone, have you seen the Cosmic Cube?"

Link said, "After losing stability, I wanted to rush over, but suddenly there was an energy explosion and my flying skateboard had problems, so I had to land."

"But the space channel was directly closed at that time, so I didn't look at it again."

Stark said, "Yes, after destroying my building, I rushed over to deal with the alien."

Nick Fury turned to look at Hawkeye, who shook his head and said, "I was supporting Thor at the time."

"Director~" Suddenly someone shouted, "Some fragments were found."

Nick Fury hurried over and looked at the fragments in a daze, "What fragments are these?"

"Maybe it's from the Cosmic Cube, there are gamma rays involved on it, and the energy value is very high." This is a technician from SHIELD, "Maybe it's broken."

"Thor, do you understand?" Nick Fury turned to look at Thor.

Thor was stunned and said, "I don't know much about this. The Cosmic Cube was originally in Asgard, and was later placed on Earth by my father."

"I don't know the specific reason, and I haven't used it. I don't know whether this thing will break or not."

Nick Fury was a little unbelievable. After all, they had mastered the Cosmic Cube for many years and had been preparing to develop weapons, but now everything is over.


"Continue to look for more fragments, block the entire server around, and piece together a shape for me." Nick Fury said unwillingly.

"Yes, Director!" The technicians began to search with the equipment in their hands. It shouldn't be too troublesome, after all, there are strong gamma ray residues.

Link said at this time: "Director Fury, if there is nothing else, then I will go back first. I also want to see how my girlfriend is."

"Okay, those in New York will go back first." Nick Fury nodded.

Link turned around and left, returned to the car, and drove the car out of Stark Building directly, then said to Stark: "Tony, remember to exchange technology, you can come to Osborn Building tomorrow night."

"Damn, your building is far away from here, there must be no damage." Stark only remembered at this time.

Link waved goodbye to everyone, then drove away, and soon met the NYPD on the defense line. He showed his ID and was then released.

All the way to the "gym", after opening the door, I found that Jessica and the others were here, including Osborn and his son.

"Okay, it's over, Norman, you can go back, our building should have no damage." Link said.

"That's good, but Link~you are really not simple." Norman Osborn said, then smiled, and took his son and the driver away from here.

Link then said: "Frank, McCall, take us back to the building!"

"Okay, sir!" Link took out the flying skateboard from the trunk and put it in the trunk of the Rolls-Royce. Now it can't turn back into a ring, and can only be nano-ized.

As for the car, there was no damage, but the weapons were consumed a lot, but there was also a problem, that is, the bullets were not powerful enough.

And there were too few ammunitions, which was not suitable for long-term combat, or even for fighting aliens.

Link considered taking out the energy pistol to use it. After all, the bullets were too troublesome. Of course, there was no rush now, and it was estimated that there would be no problems for a long time.

Back to the Osborne Building, the two took the elevator back to the top floor. Sure enough, there was no impact here. Link took the skateboard down to the studio and asked Alfred to repair it.

"Alfred, close the studio and prepare for energy testing." Link said.

"Okay, sir!" Alfred directly closed the studio.

Link took off his suit at this time, and the nano suit receded like a tide, but a ring with a blue gem on the middle finger of Link's left hand was formed.

"Buzz..." A stream of energy entered Link's body, but Link didn't react to it, because this energy was not much for him.

At this time, he also understood how to use the Infinity Stones and the general principles of the Infinity Gauntlet.

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