Warring States hesitated in his heart, and finally reduced the reward order to 4 billion, his eyes solemn.

“Borusalino, do you understand what the bounty for this number means?!”

Karp also had a solemn look in his eyes: “The last pirate who exceeded five billion Baileys was none other than Whitebeard Edward Newgate!” ”

“Once this bounty order is issued, it will have an incalculable devastating impact!”

Since the announcement of the One Piece bounty system.

From ancient times to the present, there are only three pirates with more than five billion bounties.

The overlord of the sea, Locks· D. Gibel.

One Piece Gore · D. Roger.

The strongest man in the world, Whitebeard Edward Newgate!

The first two naturally need not be said again.

Rocks and Roger are dead.

And Whitebeard is still alive.

Veget’s $5.5 billion bounty once announced.

That means that two strong people who are enough to dominate the sea have appeared on the sea at the same time!

In this way, civilians must think that the navy’s control of the sea has once again declined.

This, the impact on the Navy is very bad.

To know.

After the emergence of the Qiwu Sea system, the credibility of the navy fell by a lot.

This time it is falling, and it is about to fall to the bottom.

The yellow ape shrugged his shoulders casually: “You are the marshal, you have the final say.” ”

He just wants to be a jerk quietly.

As long as you don’t fight Veget, you can play the rest.


New World Whitebeard Pirate Ship.

White-bearded Edward Newgate sits in the middle of the deck.

The shoulders and chest were densely packed with needles.

In this era, it is still called Whitebeard!


Even if he is known as the strongest man in the world, he still cannot resist the erosion of time.

To this day, I am riddled with illness.

Although its own strength does not weaken with age.

But its own endurance has fallen several layers.

The immortal Marko reports the intelligence recently gathered to Whitebeard:

“Daddy, something unusual has happened in Chambord Land.

It seems that someone killed the Draco nobles! ”

At the mention of this, even the immortal bird Marko couldn’t help but be terrified.

That was the Draco aristocracy, the ruler of the world.

Someone dared to kill the Draco?

The white beard, who closed his eyes and raised his mind, suddenly opened his bright eyes.

“Oh? Say it and listen. ”

“The amusement park incident seems to be the killing of St. Rozwald.

The auction house incident, Charros San was deposed.

The Navy headquarters sent three major generals to arrest the murderer, but finally returned without success. ”

Whitebeard couldn’t help but tighten the big knife in his hand.

The three major generals came out together, even if it was him, he might not be able to deal with it.

“This is his bounty order, which is four billion Baileys, just one level weaker than you daddy.”

Whitebeard grabbed the bounty order and couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

As the Four Emperors, he is also the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Ship.

He naturally knows a lot about the circles of the navy.

At this thought, he thought of a thought that made him unbelievable.

Could it be said that this bounty was deliberately squeezed a lot by the headquarters of the Navy?!

“Veget?! An interesting guy appeared on the sea. ”

Whitebeard continued to close his eyes and recuperate, after a while.

He still has a vicious battle to fight.

Isn’t the headquarters of the Navy just trying to eliminate the remnants of my old times?!

You can blatantly knock on the door!

But you dare to kill your husband’s son.

This is absolutely unforgivable!

“Daddy, aren’t you curious about who this guy really is? Unexpectedly, the three major generals joined forces?! ”

Marko questioned himself.

Hearing Marko’s inquiry, Whitebeard suddenly broke free from the infusion tube on his body.

Open your mouth and laugh maniacally:

“Goo la la la … Marko, my son. This sea is the most mysterious existence.

We are all adventurers trying to conquer the sea!

Others call me the conqueror of the world, the lord of the sea!

But in fact, it was the sea that conquered us. ”

“In an era when I was not yet the strongest in the world, only a few people reached my level.

And now, times have changed.

You young people should inherit the will of our old fellows and open up this sea.

Be a truly free sea thief! ”

Grabbing the bounty order in his hand, Whitebeard sharded his thoughts to pieces.

“Goo la la la … Maybe fast, maybe slow.

But I believe that day will come sooner or later. ”

“This era will eventually be called Veget!”

The white-bearded smile echoed around, and the sea even made waves.

Marko was shocked in his heart, and involuntarily looked at the bounty order.

It was the first time he had heard that someone could be so highly appreciated by his own father.

This era will eventually be called Veget!

Is this really the case?


The world government was furious.

The headquarters of the Navy is under great pressure.

They could not find Veget’s location and had to capture the rest of the pirates.

The three major generals personally attacked, and the nearby pirate group was almost crushed and destroyed.

The yellow ape still took the initiative to release water and let go of all supernovae.

With the crazy actions of the world government.

Long Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, smelled an unusual smell.

Perhaps, it’s time to rise up and resist!

For a while, the strength of the revolutionary army began to move.

As for Veget, he was still drinking in the dark at Xia Qi’s bar.

“Let’s go!”

Vegett waved goodbye to Chargie and Renly.

Before leaving, he also took a large warehouse of sake brewing.

This made Xia Qi’s face more and more ugly.

Because these accounts are all on Rayleigh’s head.

Is Renly rich?

He has a fart of money.

Isn’t it that she Xia Qi is tired of making money to support her family?

As soon as Veget’s front foot left, Renly was beaten by society.

“How about going to the New World next?!”

To the New World, there are two ways to go.

One of the roads is Mermaid Island.

The other path is the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Without too much hesitation.

Vegette flew in the air, flying rapidly over the sea and crossing the Red Earth Continent.


There was a huge sound of waves all around.



Keep your eyes peeled.

A giant creature suddenly appeared in front of him.

Similar to an elephant.

That huge body, even if it is far away, can see the whole leopard.

This shows how huge the body of this giant elephant is.

On his body, he carries a city on his back!

The visual senses are impressive.

That big guy is called — Elephant Lord.

Vegette clenched his fists eagerly, eager to give the elephant lord a punch to try the feeling.

The strength of the Elephant Lord is really not weak.

As an ancient and distant existence, the elephant lord can blast Drought Jack, one of Kaido’s three plagues, with a nose.

That terrifying body allows it to walk upright in the sea!

However, people did not provoke themselves, and suddenly punched the elephant, which seemed a little rude.

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