
A thousand thunder rays shot up into the sky, mixed with forces capable of destroying everything, and scattered all the five star-destroying cannons of the gluttonous main ship.


All the warships in the sky were shaken left and right by the impact of huge energy waves.

Even the gluttonous battleship was trembled by the huge energy impact.

All the shields failed at this moment.

Angels are all battle-hardened warriors, and naturally they will not give up such a good opportunity.

The angel chased after the angel Moy, nodded to each other, and then each rushed to a gluttonous main ship.



Two more gluttonous main ships were sunk.

The thunder light in the sky suddenly converged again, turning into two bucket versions of thick thunder and lightning bombarding down!

Without the gluttonous main ship of the light energy barrier, it naturally cannot stop Yan’s thunder and lightning.

The last gluttonous command ship, seeing that all the main ships were sunk, wanted to retreat as soon as possible, just reached the edge of the wormhole, but found that the wormhole seemed to be closed.

To this, Loki smiled embarrassedly.

Angel Yan aimed at the last gluttonous main ship and raised the Flaming Sword in his hand. Brilliant rays of light converged in Hiko’s palm.

Just an ordinary sweep with one blow.

A slash the size of a million zhang was emitted from Hiko’s blade. Carrying terrifying lightning energy that is enough to tear everything apart, he cuts towards the gluttonous main ship.

The gluttonous main ship, which could not be retreated, was divided into pieces under Hiko’s final blow.

“Long live the goddess!!!”

“Long live the angels!!!”

Countless people have already begun to stand up and cheer.

What’s more, he directly began to bow down to the angels in the sky.

Even the people of the Avengers couldn’t help but thank the angels from the bottom of their hearts.

Without angels, it would be almost impossible to stop the alien invasion with Earth alone.

Although the gluttonous main ship has been completely wiped out, there are still a lot of miscellaneous soldiers scattered around New York City.


A holy light ran through the earth.

Countless lightning bolts fell from the sky, and in a moment, all the gluttony was torn to shreds.

All warships, or sky carriers, were swallowed up by lightning.

In an instant, the whole city was cleansed. The sky has regained its light and the sun has re-illuminated the sky.

Angels, on the other hand, are goddesses of hope!

This moment also made the whole world realize the power of angels.

“If the nuclear bomb is also ineffective against the angels, I think that these three angels alone can take the entire earth.”

Rogers is just a veteran of the United States, and in his opinion, the technology of the Zitari people is already very advanced, but compared to the angels, it is nothing.

“Hmm!!” What Rogers didn’t expect was that almost everyone around nodded in agreement.

“It’s so strong! Is this the strength of angels? Thor said in disbelief. He felt that he and Angel Yan were not on the same magnitude at all.

“Is this an angel? Beautiful, powerful! Spread justice in this universe and help the weak. Natasha said wistfully.

Even Gwen yearns for the life of an angel. If it weren’t for Brother Veget, she would probably choose to become an angel without hesitation!

After solving all the gluttony, Angel Yan stood directly in the clouds. Moi followed closely behind Hiko.

“Hello humans on Earth! I am the right-wing angel guardian of the King of Angels, Holy Kesha, the thunderous god of war, Angel Yan! ”

“On behalf of the angels, I reach out to the earth as long as the earth is under and follows the just order. Then you will be guarded by angels! ”

Angel Yan’s voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the city of New York.

“Sister Angel! I adore you! ”

“Angels will be my faith in the future!”

“I will definitely believe in justice for the rest of my life!”

“Oh my God! Oh, God! Oh no! Angel! I love you! ”

“Angel Yan? You are my goddess for life! ”

Countless people shouted.

And among them, the craziest one turned out to be Tony Stark!

“Goddess Hiko!!!! Aaaaa!!!a I love you!! ”

Tony Stark shouted shamelessly. As a result, the teammates around him subconsciously took a step away from him. They all said they didn’t know him.

But Tony Stark didn’t care at all, after all, for the goddess Hiko! What if you are disliked.

However, since he was a child, others have licked his dog, and Tony Stark, who licked a dog for the first time, is still a little unaccustomed. But he soon fell in love with the feeling.

Licking the dog is cool for a while, licking the dog all the time!

As for licking the dog, it is not allowed to house. Does he Tony Stark seem like someone who lacks a house?

So, Tony Stark brazenly joined the ranks of angels’ licking dogs.

Even, Stark has already thought about using the financial resources of the Stark Group to build a huge statue for Angel Yan. It was built on the top floor of the Stark Group, so that the entire people of New York City could see the true face of the angel.

“Goddess! Goddess of my dreams!!! ”

Countless aftermath shouts, everyone fell into ecstasy. Unaware that an even bigger crisis is looming.

“In other words, do you know why that wormhole suddenly closed just now?” Finally, someone has realized this serious problem.

“I know this, it is also because the energy of the Cosmic Cube has run out!” Thor said casually, and then continued to fall into the.

“Broken!” Natasha suddenly shouted that she realized something.

“S.H.I.E.L.D. has done research on the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube and came to the conclusion that the energy of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube is endless and almost inexhaustible!” Natasha shouted anxiously to her teammates around her.

“What? So how could he suddenly shut down? ”

“Someone must be operating the Cosmic Cube!”


The whole thing is not difficult to solve. The Chitari who originally invaded the earth were fully swept by the Gluttony Legion because of the unexpected incident of the Cosmic Cube.

If Loki really has any cooperation with the Zitari people, he will naturally not give up easily.

Sure enough, I didn’t wait for everyone to finish.

A pillar of light rose up into the sky again. A wormhole door opened again over the city of New York.

“It’s over!” Tony Stark couldn’t help but think of the endless Zitari in the universe.

Such a dense army, even if you stand and let you kill, it can make you tired to doubt life!

“Don’t worry! The Zitarians are not strong, and besides, we have angels! Rogers once again unleashed his inspiring skills.

The superhero who originally swore to defend the earth by his own strength, but at this moment he thought of relying on angels.

Still, Rogers’ words were valid.

Oh, yes! Compared with the gluttonous legion, the army of the Chitari people is not strong, and even before the angels appeared, they were beaten by their Avengers, the only trouble is that the Zitari people are a little more, and now they have more angels, and it is natural to deal with the Chitari people!

All superheroes think with relief.

The wormhole opened again, but this time it was not like the last time, and as soon as the wormhole opened, countless Zitari people rushed out one after another.

This time, only one battleship came out. There are not even corvettes around.

Seeing the battleship slowly moving out, Loki, who opened the wormhole, couldn’t help but jump his eyelids.

I thought that I still wanted to be like that just now, but it was just cannon fodder for the Zitari people who came.

But unexpectedly, that person actually came in person!

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