Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 1 Became A Mutant At The Beginning Of The Game, The God-Level Pupil Technique Lottery System

New York, Manhattan.

This is the most prosperous place in New York, with many high-rise buildings. Even though it is only 1962 and there are still decades before the 21st century, it is still as prosperous as later generations.

Especially in the very center of Manhattan, where stands a majestic building, next to this building is the Empire State Building in Manhattan, but in front of this majestic building, the Empire State Building pales in comparison.

Stark Industrial Building.

A young and handsome Asian young man is standing in an extremely dirty street at the moment, looking up at the bustling city ahead.

The extremely dirty streets formed a stark contrast with the cosmopolitan city in front of us.

"Oh, Stark Building." Lancelot Lee looked at the Stark Industrial Building in front of him with complicated eyes, and couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"Is this a trip to Marvel?" Lancelot is not from this world. One second he was in his living room revisiting superhero movies, and the next second, he came here.

He also became a handsome Asian guy named Lancelot Lee, who is just 19 years old this year.

If it was just time travel, it would not make Lancelot fall into a sluggish state, but after seeing the Stark Industrial Building next to the Empire State Building, Lancelot knew that he had time travel to the Marvel world.

However, this is not something that confuses Lancelot. What really confuses him is the current time and his identity.

The time now is 1962, when the two superpowers are at the peak of the Cold War, and the third nuclear war may go off at any time.

If this is just the Marvel Movie Universe, then Lancelot doesn't have to worry about the immediate Cold War issue at all. After all, in 2008, it was the time for superheroes and super villains to debut. Before that, there was nothing in the Marvel Movie Universe. Danger.

If possible, this time the cold war will subside as quickly as a bubble, and then the whole world will usher in rapid development.

However, the existence of Lancelot now makes the above if become a fantasy.

because of him..

is a mutant.

Yes, Lancelot's current identity is a Mutant who has been Awakening for three years, which is why Lancelot judged from the beginning that this is not a pure MCU universe.

"Look, that freak with pink eyes is really disgusting."

"Do you think his pink eye disease will be transmitted to others?"

"Mommy Falk, let's stay away, who knows if this disease is contagious..."

There were waves of disgusted looks and voices around, but Lancelot was used to it.

According to the memory of his predecessor, he had a happy and happy family three years ago, but one night, his predecessor suddenly had a high fever, and it lasted for seven days from that day, and the fever did not subside.

The predecessor's parents tried everything, but it still didn't work. Just when they were about to give up, the predecessor's eyes suddenly changed. The originally black pupils turned blood red.

Like two rubies.

And his high fever subsided, but his predecessor's parents were not happy because he recovered.

Instead, because of his blood-red eyes, they fell into even greater worries. They were worried that their predecessor had some strange disease, and they were also worried about being discriminated against by the neighbors around them, so they strictly asked their predecessor to stay at home.

However, paper can't always contain the fire. A neighbor's Thanksgiving gift accidentally made the neighbor discover the abnormality of the predecessor.

After that, rumors about the former Red-Eyed Stranger began to quietly rise.

In this era, being an Asian originally is a target of discrimination, not to mention the pair of eyes that were identified as pink eye disease in the predecessor.

The predecessor family was discriminated against because of the pink eye disease of the predecessor, and even became difficult as time went by.

In just a few months, the former parents had to be forced to move out of their original place and live in the most chaotic West Midtown, which is the famous Hell's Kitchen in later generations.

The environment in Hell's Kitchen is even worse. There are all kinds of desperadoes, criminals, gangsters, and the most stinky drug addicts. It's even worse.

In just one year, the former parents were robbed by two white thugs because of an outing, and then shot dead on the spot.

Losing the protection of their parents, the predecessor was truly placed in hell, abused, discriminated against, and even bullied. These people treated the predecessor like a human being treats a monster.

Yes, the predecessor was regarded as a monster, a red-eyed monster.

Three years of living in hell has made the predecessor cautious and even forced to wander. However, even so, he will still be regarded as a monster.

Some people even regarded their predecessors as vampires and threatened to burn them to death in order to protect the peace of the world.

"It's too miserable, it's really too miserable." Lancelot couldn't help but sigh while empathizing with the previous experience.

The Mutant among the human race is really miserable.

Strictly speaking, even the predecessor didn't know that he was a Mutant, and it really let Lancelot know that he was a Mutant.

It was three days ago in the memory of the predecessor.

Three days ago, two equally young people suddenly came to the dump where the former lived, found the former, and introduced themselves as Charles Xavier and Eric Lehnsherr.

They told the predecessor that the predecessor was a Mutant, a human evolutionary at the genetic level, and they were the same kind of predecessor.

And showed his variant Ability to the predecessor, manipulating metal, and reading mind.

Immediately, the predecessor was extremely excited. He felt that in the past three years, he had finally found the same kind, and was finally no longer alone. When he was about to follow them and leave, they let the predecessor show his mutant ability.

And when they learned that the mutant Ability of the predecessor was this pair of blood-red eyes, the two left immediately disappointed, leaving the predecessor to fend for itself.

"So, am I rejected by the two giants of Mutant?" Lancelot smiled bitterly again. He didn't expect that the famous Professor X and Magneto would find him, and then he was disappointed because his mutant Ability was only blood-red eyes leave.

Lancelot really realized the difficulties of Mutants. Their own mutant genes make them incompatible with humans.

But the weak Mutant is not recognized by the fellow Mutant brothers.

It really is....

"Fack!" Lancelot couldn't help cursing, the start of his time travel was really bad.

'Ding, it is detected that the host has become a mutant, and the god-level pupil technique lottery system is starting...'

'It is detected that the host has a novice gift package, whether to receive it. '

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