Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 10 Variation And Glory

"My fellow mutants, I'm very disappointed in you." In the hall where the X-Men were, Lancelot looked at these Mutants with a pair of eyes and said disappointedly.

"Disappointed?" Raven frowned when he saw the undisguised disappointment in Lancelot's eyes.

The other Mutants, Alex, Sean Cassidy, Hank, and Darwin glared at Lancelot even more.

As young people, they think that they are very outstanding, even different, and they have even gotten used to the strange eyes of humans looking at monsters in the past month.

But at this moment, seeing Lancelot, who is also a Mutant, look so contemptuously at him, it makes them feel unacceptable.

If it wasn't for Sabretooth Victor, who stood behind Lancelot like an iron tower and exuded a bloody and fierce Beast aura, they would have retorted at Lancelot long ago.

"Aren't you convinced? What do you think is a mutant? A strange species that appeared among humans? A freak?" Lancelot glanced at a few people and couldn't help but sneered.

Compared with what happened to Lancelot three years after becoming a Mutant, these Mutants were still flowers in the greenhouse, and they didn't even realize how different Mutants were from humans.

"What is Mutant?" Mystique Raven fell into deep thought. Although she has been with Professor X and graduated from Oxford University, she is considered a top student, but she has never thought about this question.

Professor X has been teaching her to hide herself so that she can integrate into human society.

Professor X never taught her what a Mutant is.

"The one with the ability that is different from ordinary people is the Mutant." Although Alex Shockwave was taciturn, he was good at thinking. He looked at the young Asian-American who didn't look particularly tall in front of him, and said his answer.

"An ability that is different from ordinary people can only be called a super ability, but not a mutant." Lancelot looked at all the mutants here again in disappointment, and directly refuted Alex's statement.

"Mutant, the reason why it is called Mutant, is derived from the mutant gene Awakening in human genes.

From ancient times to the present, mutant genes have been buried in the depths of human genes. As time goes by, the mutant genes in human body gradually Awakening, and Mutant was born. Lancelot spoke directly to Mutant's answer.

"Strictly speaking, everyone has a mutant gene in their body, but most people will not be able to Awaken this gene in their entire lives, and a few lucky ones, by chance, Awakening the mutant gene in their body, so as to master the mutant gene. In the body of ordinary people or Ability.

This is the spontaneous mutation and evolution of human beings, which cannot be stopped. " Lancelot's voice was full of emotion, and his passionate voice echoed in the room, making several young Mutants feel their blood boil.

"Mutation and evolution!" Raven's eyes showed a hint of understanding. No wonder Professor X often talked about mutation and evolution. It turned out that the Mutant's Ability was mutated through a recessive mutant gene among humans.

"That's right, mutation and evolution." Lancelot walked in front of Raven, looking at Raven's graceful blue body, with a smile on his face.

"There is a difference between mediocrity and genius among human beings. Geniuses are like Einstein and Howard Stark. They are smart and intelligent, and there is no one in a million. The mediocrity is blind and ignorant, muddling along.

"And we, the evolutionary geniuses among human beings, Awakened Mutants with mutated genes.

We are the pioneers and revolutionaries of human evolution.

It is the natural selection of evolution, one in a million. The existence of Mutant demonstrates one of the genetic evolution paths in the future evolution path of human beings.

We are using life and our own existence to explore and open up the evolutionary path for human beings. Lancelot's words became passionate. Although he was not an orator, his understanding of Mutant gave him a high-level view, and his speech was even more enlightening.

"Are we the evolutionary pioneers of mankind? Explorers on the path of evolution?"

"We are born noble? Are we evolutionary geniuses different from humans?"

"Mutation and evolution?"

In the room, because of Lancelot's passionate speech, Alex, Sean Cassidy, Hank, and Darwin who were originally hostile to Lancelot also gave up their inner prejudices at this moment, and began to be mobilized by Lancelot.

And Salvador, who has always been engaged in such a humble job as a dancer, is even more excited at this moment, looking at Lancelot with fiery eyes.

For the first time, she was regarded as a genius, a great pioneer, and explorer, not a human freak, a lowly dancer.

And Raven looked at Lancelot adoringly like a little girl.

Whether it is Raven, Alex, Darwin or others, they all carefully hide their mutant Ability, fearing that they will be discovered by their human family and friends, and then be regarded as freaks, monsters and the like.

And now after hearing Lancelot's words, they were all proud of their status as Mutants.

Mutants are the pioneers and revolutionaries of human evolution. They are using their own lives, existence, and even their abilities to open up a broad road for the evolution of the human race and pioneer human evolution.

"My mutant compatriots, the identity of Mutant represents a kind of glory. We have embarked on the path of evolution, we are the leaders of the path of human evolution, and we are geniuses above billions of mediocre human beings.

We are unique, we carry evolution and glory.

Remember, my fellow mutants, are we monsters? Or freak? No no no, on the contrary, we are geniuses beyond human beings, the future of human evolution.

We are supposed to be born noble and admired by all people.

Variation and Glory. "

Lancelot delivered a heartfelt, passionate speech. Raven and others were all shocked by Lancelot's variant glory theory, followed by a sense of heartfelt recognition.

"So, Raven, do you still think your mutant Ability is a burden?" Lancelot walked up to Raven, gently stroked Raven's face, and asked with a smile on his face.

"Mutation and Glory." Raven looked at Lancelot excitedly, and couldn't help but read out Lancelot's words.

PS: Xiaochongchong begs for support, begs for collection, flowers, evaluation tickets, begs for comments, and begs for all the support QAQ of the big guys.

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