Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 106 The New Generation Of Mutant Protoss, The Plight Of Phoenix Qin Gray

In October 1980, all the new-generation Mutants of Evolution Glory Biotechnology Company completed their own metamorphosis under the action of biological strengthening stones.

Among them, especially Phoenix Jean Gray, Cyclops Scott, Colossus, Quicksilver, Storm Ororo. Blue Devil Kurt is the most.

After carrying out the mutant gene strengthening, Phoenix Jean Gray leapt to become a spiritual ability person second only to Professor X, because of the Phoenix force in her body, Jean Gray directly broke through the fifth-level mutant ability and reached the god level The degree of mutant ability, became the first Mutant to break through the fifth-level mutant ability.

Cyclops Scott, also after strengthening, the energy index of its Cyclops has reached the level of cosmic high-energy rays, and the laser light it releases can destroy a small spaceship even in the universe.

Moreover, not only has the laser energy been boosted by huge amounts of boost, Scott can freely turn on and off his own laser ability after completing the strengthening.

And Colossus, after carrying out the variant strengthening, his body became even bigger, and the organic steel cells in his body were improved geometrically, and the hardness of his organic steel was raised to a level second only to Vibranium, and this This kind of organic steel has become extremely light. In terms of defense, Colossus can even resist multiple bombings by missiles.

Peng Peng.

At this moment, Colossus touched his hands, making a dull metal impact sound. He felt that his strength and speed had become extremely terrifying with the improvement of the organic steel.

"I feel full of strength." Colossus couldn't be more excited. At the same time, his body instantly rose to six meters, his body was shining with silver, and his physique, strength, speed, etc. had been improved dozens of times again.

Next to Colossus, after Quicksilver Pietro undergoes biological strengthening, his variant Ability supersonic movement has been raised to the limit.

At this moment, as long as he runs, he seems to have entered a world where time is still. The super fast speed makes the time around him extremely slow.

Not only Quicksilver, Storm Ororo and Blue Devil Kurt's variant Ability, but also boosted to the fifth-level Mutant level by the biological strengthening stone.

Storm Ororo can easily control the storm, create thunder and lightning, and after strengthening, Ororo's hair turns silvery white.

The blue devil Kurt, after undergoing strengthening, can appear in almost any corner of the earth with his teleportation ability.

Compared to Cyclops Scott and other first-tier Mutants, the strengthening Ability of Bishop, Sunspot, etc. has only reached the peak of level 4 Mutants due to energy constraints.

Then there are other mutants, although they have obtained the strengthening of the biological strengthening stone, but they have only reached the level of 4th-level mutants.

However, just like this, this group of new generation mutants are already very satisfied, especially when the biological strengthening stone is strengthening, almost all the mutants have been injected with self-healing factors.

This allows them to gain the same recovery ability as Wolverine and Sabretooth, and become long-lived.

Theoretically, this group of new generation Mutants have the ability to live almost forever.

"Very good, next, come with me." Alex, the protoss in the hall who was in charge of receiving the new generation of Mutants, raised his right hand after seeing that all the Mutants had been strengthened, and the creature in the center of the hall The strengthening chamber quickly collapsed back into the shape of a diamond-shaped living stone, automatically floated into Alex's right hand, and then disappeared in a cloud of red mist.

"Sentry, open the portal to the Mutant Evolution House." Alex ordered, and the sweet staff in the hall suddenly turned into Sentinels one by one in the shapeshifting.

The group of Sentinels stretched out their hands, a huge amounts of blue portal opened, and Shockwave Alex brought hundreds of new generation Mutants into the portal.

"Wow, is this the future world?"

"It's so cool here."

"What is this place?"

"Are we in outer space?"

As soon as they walked out of the portal, this group of new-generation Mutants saw a scene that surprised them. They seemed to be in the void of the universe, and countless Sentinels were flying and circling here for vigilance.

One by one biological buildings full of futuristic sci-fi feel are located here, constantly changing their shapes.

This group of new-generation Mutants looked at the extremely futuristic super base in front of them, and they were inexplicably shocked for a while, and couldn't be more surprised.

"Welcome to the House of Mutant Evolution, this is the place where the glory of Mutant begins, and it is also the starting point for your metamorphosis to become a protoss." Alex was suspended in mid-air, proudly watching the Mutant evolution in front of him like a small space city s home.

As early as when the space city of the Kingdom of Gods was established, Lancelot had already issued an order to rebuild the Mutant Evolution Home on Earth.

And with the biotechnology of the Kingdom of God, it only took less than a week on the earth to completely transform the entire base of the Mutant Evolution House.

The current Mutant Evolution House is completely a miniature version of the space city of the Kingdom of God, with various future spiers dazzling, such as spiritual spiers, space spiers, energy spiers, ark reactors and other facilities.

At a glance, the entire base looks like a small future space city. The space city has complete facilities, and countless soul projections of the kingdom of gods are currently conducting scientific research activities in the center of the base.

Alex lightly clicked on his bracelet, and the original cosmic void suddenly turned into a tropical rainforest environment, and the buildings in the entire base were instantly shapeshifted to become forest buildings one by one.

And at the feet of all the Mutants, cool biological shapeshifting flight devices appeared one after another. These flight devices quickly lifted into the air, and then turned into meteors "and quickly walked towards the core experiment area of ​​the Mutant evolution home.

In the bio-directed evolution area, all the new-generation Mutants have arrived. They are looking at the huge pure white hall in front of them, and the thousands of soul projections in the pure white hall. At this moment, these soul projections are in a cool creature. Continuous debugging in front of the machine.

"Dr. Leonard, I will leave these children to you." Alex walked up to a handsome young mind projection, looked at the man in front of him respectfully, and then said with a light smile.

"Okay, Mr. Alex, leave it to me here. I will perform space membrane transplantation for them, and let these children completely metamorphosis into mutant protoss." Dr. Leonard looked at this group of young people The new-generation Mutant glanced at him, his eyes shining with excitement and glory.

"My future comrades of the God Race, I look forward to meeting you in the Kingdom of God." Alex glanced at the Mutants, and then a bright colorful space bridge descended from the sky, covering Alex within.

With the disappearance of Alex, Phoenix, Jean Gray and others also began to carry out evolutionary transplants one by one under the arrangement of Dr. Leonard.

Looking at the dazzling selection of directed evolution, this group of Mutants who had just been Awakened for a short time were once again shocked.

"I...Can I have a normal body?" The tracker Caliban, who was deformed like an albino, burst into tears at this moment. He was the first to enter the directed evolution device. When he reappeared , Caliban, who was originally extremely thin, turned into a burly, normal-skinned Caucasian youth.

And Cyclops Scott, after entering the directed evolution instrument, transplanted Angel wings and a strong body for himself according to his own ideas.

Even Phoenix Jean Gray created a perfect face and a hot figure for herself in the directed evolution device.

The entire directed evolution transplantation lasted for two full weeks before this group of mutant protoss of the new generation stopped adding some cool body settings for themselves.

For example, Bishop, the black bishop, created for himself the blue skin of an extremely cold warrior, and added the strong physique of the murloc Jack Yorkton...

It wasn't until two weeks later that all the new generation Mutants had undergone directional transplantation of space membranes, and completely became members of the mutant god race.

The space tower of the kingdom of gods lowered the colorful space bridge in an instant, leading all the new generation of mutant protoss to the kingdom of gods.

At this moment, in the kingdom of gods, in Lancelot's resplendent palace, hundreds of new-generation mutant gods gathered here.

Lancelot, on the other hand, solemnly and solemnly sits on the throne of the gods, overlooking the new generation of gods below with incomparable eyes.

Beside Lancelot, are White Queen Emma and Mystique Raven.

"Welcome, my mutant protoss comrades." The deep voice resounded over the palace, and all the mutants looked up at Lancelot at this moment.


Just seeing Lancelot's eyes, this group of new-generation mutant protoss felt in a trance. In their eyes, Lancelot's eyes were rapidly enlarged, becoming obscuring.

A pair of red reincarnation sharing eyes made this group of new generations feel as if they were struck by lightning, and their entire bodies began to crumble under the pressure of these eyes.

Just the coercion emanating from Lancelot's eyes was completely unbearable for this group of new-generation mutant protoss.

"Geass." Looking at this group of crumbling new generations, Lancelot directly launched the absolute command of Geass, and a bright and vast fiery red bird flooded into the eyes of all Mutants except Phoenix Jean Grey.

"My king Hail, my king Yongyao." This group of new generations only felt their spirits in a trance for a while, and then looked into Lancelot's eyes, full of fanaticism and longing.

At the same time, all the memories about the Kingdom of God and Lancelot appeared in their minds.

In an instant, they realized that the kingdom of gods was a mutant kingdom of gods established by the great king Lancelot.

"Azazuo." Lancelot whistled, and a cloud of red smoke suddenly appeared in the palace, and the red devil Asazo came out of the smoke.

"Settle down our Protoss comrades. Oh, by the way, Phoenix and Jean Gray stay." Lancelot looked at the red devil Asazo and ordered.

"Yes, my king." Asazo responded respectfully, and then billowing red mist bloomed from his body, and the red mist instantly enveloped the entire hall. When the red mist disappeared, only Phoenix Jean Gray was left in the entire hall.

"My... my king." Phoenix Jean Gray looked at Lancelot cautiously. The moment she saw the Geass in 2.6 Lancelot's eyes, she felt a kind of fear from the bottom of her heart.

And the Phoenix force that has been growing in the body is also crazily warning Qin Gray.

"Don't be nervous, Jane."

"As the first god-level Mutant, your body has the power to destroy the universe, and this power is constantly affecting your mind. Did you ever have the idea of ​​​​destroying the world when you dreamed back at midnight?" Lancelot raised his right hand, a mass of gravitational force enveloped Jean Gray's body, and brought Qin Gray to Lancelot

Following Lancelot's words, Jean Gray's pupils constricted violently. She never told anyone, not even Teacher X, about the emotion that destroyed everything.

Even the professor couldn't detect Qin's thoughts.

"My lord, please save me." Jean Gray's originally beautiful facial features were full of pain, and the Phoenix force was very powerful.

Under the subtle influence of the Phoenix force, Jean Gray would have the crazy idea of ​​destroying the world whenever the night was quiet.

And after Awakening her psychic power, this kind of thinking did not decrease but increased, and even whenever Qin fell asleep, she would dream that she was destroying the world.

She has been tortured unspeakably by the Phoenix force.

PS: Little Chongchong has the cheek to ask for a subscription. Xiaochongchong is looking for the first subscription, and I hope that the big guys can subscribe more and support more. Subscriptions are really important to Xiaochongchong. .

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