Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter Thirteen Mutant Information In Base X

X-Men base.

At the previous CIA high-level meeting, Councilor Francis overcame all opinions and agreed to Agent Mora's request to use Mutant to deal with Mutant. Therefore, he also became the top person in charge of the Mutant base as a matter of course.

However, he, the top person in charge, is not worthy of his name at this moment.

Because, regarding how to recruit Mutant, Professor Charles Xavier didn't allow himself to intervene at all.

What's even more hateful is that this Charles has a mutant ability to manipulate the brain, and he can't get rid of his Mind Control at all.

Every time he had a disagreement with him, he would use that terrifying mutant Ability to change his mind and make himself follow his.

"The terrifying Ability, the terrifying Mutant, are they really the future of mankind? Genetic mutation? What kind of genetic mutation will produce such an ability." Councilor Francis, who was sitting in the office, sighed helplessly, and then said worriedly.

This Member Francis is the only person in the entire CIA who doesn't have much prejudice against Mutant, but after witnessing Mutant's terrifying power again and again, he still inevitably falls into fear.

Even in the past few days, Councilor Francis has been having nightmares every night. In his dream, he is surrounded by all kinds of grotesque and ugly Mutants, and he is a human animal locked in a zoo.

"Even after I learned about Mutant, I am so afraid of it. Those high-level council members who are already afraid of Mutant are probably even more uneasy."

Councilor Francis smiled wryly, even he was so afraid of Mutant's power, the high-ranking members of the council were probably even more afraid and fearful of Mutant's attitude.


Just when Councilor Francis was full of confusion and began to feel fear of Mutant, the door of Francis' office was kicked open.

Then Francis saw in astonishment that a strong man like an iron tower walked into the office.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" Francis looked at the burly man in front of him in astonishment. After entering the room, the burly man stood aside, and a handsome young Asian man walked in, which made Francis frowned. wrinkle.

Although he was not a racist, he was still a little surprised to see that this young Asian man was the head of all the people who came in.

"Huh? Raven, Darwin?" Just as Francis was about to continue asking, he saw two familiar faces, Raven and Darwin from the X-Men, which made Francis even more puzzled.

Those who came in were Lancelot, Victor Sabretooth, Mystique Raven and Darwin.

"Cub, look straight at me." At this moment, Lancelot looked at Councilor Francis indifferently, and said with a cold tone and aloofness.

Contrary to the amiable expression when talking with Mutant before, Lancelot at this moment is like a king, with a pair of eyes exuding full majesty.

"Lancelot!" Raven and Darwin also saw Lancelot in such a posture for the first time, and were a little dazed for a while.

Councilor Francis subconsciously turned his head to look at Lancelot again, and then Francis saw a pair of ruby-like eyes.

In this pair of exquisite eyes, there is also a fiery red bird flying high.

"Follow my orders." Lancelot geassed directly at Francis.

"Of order." The light in Francis' eyes turned into frenzy in an instant, and he saluted Lancelot respectfully.

"Find out all the information that records Mutant." Lancelot looked down at the respectful Francis and ordered.

A red light flashed across Francis' eyes, and he quickly took out a document from the safe.

"My lord, what is this?" Sabretooth Victor looked down at the document in Lancelot's hand, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"Our comrades." Lancelot glanced at the document in his hand, with a smile on his face, and said meaningfully.

This time I came to the X-Men base, on the one hand to see these young X-Men, and on the other hand, to get a document in the base.

Mutant information file.

This document is all the Mutant information detected by Professor X using the brain wave strengthening device. Every time a Mutant is detected, Professor X will record it, and it is detailed, even its variant Ability is recorded. .

Among them is Lancelot's name, and the variant Ability.

Lancelot flipped through this document, seeing the introduction of the mutant Ability behind his name, and couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

‘ Name: Lancelot, Asian, both parents died, wandering in Lower Manhattan, New York for three years, mutant Ability: Red eyes, has a pair of beautiful ruby ​​eyes, no other effects, PASS. '

Looking at the big X behind his name, Lancelot was a little dazed for a moment. If he hadn't traveled through time and Awakened the god-level pupil technique lottery system, this record would probably have included everything about him.

Turning over the page that recorded himself, Lancelot's eyes suddenly lit up, and at the same time Sabretooth Victor's tiger body shook.

' Name: James Logan, Canadian, unknown date of birth, irritable personality, wolf-like, mutant Ability: Lone wolf, able to stretch out bone claws from his body, tried to recruit, failed. '

"Logan!" Sabretooth Victor looked at a photo on the file, and his emotions suddenly became agitated. His hands couldn't help stretching out sharp claws, his gaze became extremely complicated, and his voice became murderous. steaming.

"Victor." Lancelot turned to glance at Sabretooth Victor, and after hearing Lancelot's words, Victor calmed down for a moment.

"My lord, I'm really sorry. After seeing my mutant brother, I got a little emotional." Sabretooth Victor smiled wryly and bowed to apologize, and the sharp claws that had been stretched out slowly disappeared.

Lancelot just glanced at Victor, and then looked down at the document in his hand again.

' Name: Matthew Harlan, mutant Ability: Toad, mutant Effect: Deformed head, able to release a long tongue, low self-esteem, expelled by his family as a freak after Awakening, full of hatred for humans. '

Looking at the picture of Mutant above, Lancelot can tell at a glance that he is a Toad who appeared in Reversal of the Future. His deformed and huge head and Toad-like eyes make him incompatible with normal people, and he is even attracted by himself. abandoned by his family.

"Charles has not yet grown into the future Professor X." Looking at Pass behind the Toad man, he shook his head slightly. This Toad man was abandoned by Professor X because of his deformed appearance.

Lancelot flipped through several documents in a row, and they were all deformed mutants. Most of these mutants had a very bad life.

However, Lancelot also spotted some familiar faces, members of the Mutant squad formed by the future Wilhelm Stryker.

Zero agent David North, Phantom John, Bradley who can control electronic devices with his mind, future Wolverine's lover Silverfox Karla, Gambit Remy LeBeau.

It is a pity that these people are all scattered in various countries, too far away from the X-Men base, so Professor X and Magneto just recorded it and did not go to recruit it.

This gave Lancelot a chance.

"Let's go, we've got what we need." Lancelot glanced down at the documents in his hand, and then led Sabretooth Victor, Raven and Darwin out of X Base.

PS: Thank you guys for your monthly tickets and evaluation tickets, Xiao Chongchong is very grateful. Xiaochongchong begs for support, begs for collections, flowers, evaluation tickets, begs for comments, and begs for all the support QAQ of the big guys.

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